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Age: 76
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

AhmedBahgat wrote:
BMZ wrote:
Hello, Ahmed

I refer to your post of Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:38 am, addressed to Khalil at FFI regarding debates, discussions, etc.

It appears to me as if Khalil is hesitant to write and discuss on Ixolite's site and I see him putting in conditions.

I believe you and I were the first ones who introduced and brought civility to Khalil, before he was civil.

Tell him, he can discuss Qur'aan on Ixolite's site by way of topics, if he is so hesitant about having a debate with Mastablaster.

Mastablaster, you and me should be enough to handle a multitude of FFIers anywhere.

I just hope Ixolite and her team enforce the rules of the Forum set up by them and make sure they are strictly followed. If Ixolite and her moderators are going to have it FFI style, then it would be a total waste of our time.


Sure mate, I am still waiting for a reply, they want it civil and we will give it civily to them

Here is my last comment on FFI mate:

Salam all

I am sure everyone by now should have recognized the resident FFI traitor debunker, or debonked as I like to call him, or de_punk_er as M Blaster like to call him

A freak who is portraying his filthy arse as a Muslim, yet he is telling us that the Quran condones raping the slaves.

The freak also promotes Jehovah Witness crap, let�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s see an example of such:

de_punk_er wrote:
I BEG you dear Fathom... I just realized that the case for my faith is extremely weak, but the case for JW is strong, could we now discuss JW which is free of all these arguments you brought up against my faith?

See what the filthy traitor is saying regarding Islam, which suppose to be his religion as the liar claimed on FFI: I just realized that the case for my faith (Islam) is extremely weak., see how he promotes JW crap afterward: but the case for JW is strong

Let me explain to you, why the filthy traitor said the above,

There is a new member on FFI named DrZaid, he sound like an atheist or an ex Muslim, or whatever, it does not really matter, what matters that he wants to discuss religions, so the filthy Muslim traitor on FFI debunker, is recommending for him JW, because JW faith have no concept of Hell, while Islam has such concept.

Sort of those kafirs reject Islam because of such concept of Hell as a reward for them. So it will be better to be JW follower because they have no hell

This is how the filthy Muslim traitor is justifying his crap:

debunker wrote:
JW faith doesn't suffer from any of the drawbacks you brought up against Islam in my discussion with you, then why shouldn't we recommend it to him, rather than atheism?

See, it is like being an atheist is very bad thing according to such filthy and confused traitor, however he did not explain why it is bad?

I guess the only answer is because if God exists then all atheists will be barbecued in hell

What a nice guy of a freak debunker turned to be, he is very keen to save a stranger (DrZaid) from atheism and consequently save him from hell. Hahahah so instead he is sending him to another hell according to the freak own belief, let�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s have a look:

And whoever seeks a religion but (the religion of) Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be among the losers.

ومن يبتغ غير الاسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو في الاخره من الخاسرين

[The Quran ; 3:85]

How clear, see above, according to debunker own belief: And whoever seeks a religion but (the religion of) Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be among the losers.

Here is the facts again:

1- Debunker claims to be a Muslim
2- Debunker agrees that the case of Islam is weak
3- Debunker recommends JW for a stranger instead of being an atheist, simply to save him from hell
4- Debunker claimed religion (Islam) says that anyone who seeks a religion other than Islam, will be a loser in the hereafter, i.e must go to hell.

This must prove to you how stupid, ignorant, freak, confused and dumb such traitor debunker is

His stupidity does not stop there, let me show you another clear example:

There is a kafir on FFI named Winston, looks like a young guy in his early twenties, or late teens, while I agree that guy seems nice, he is actually another malice enemy of Islam who consistently attack Allah, Mohammed, Islam and the Quran.

Let�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s see what the Quran tells us in relation to dealing with such clear enemy of our religion, I will use Shakir translation for now:

O you who believe! do not take My enemy and your enemy for friends: would you offer them love while they deny what has come to you of the truth, driving out the Messenger and yourselves because you believe in Allah, your Lord? If you go forth struggling hard in My path and seeking My pleasure, would you manifest love to them? And I know what you conceal and what you manifest; and whoever of you does this, he indeed has gone astray from the straight path.

يأيها الذين امنوا لا تتخذوا عدوي وعدوكم اولياء تلقون اليهم بالمودة وقد كفروا بما جاءكم من الحق يخرجون الرسول واياكم ان تؤمنوا بالله ربكم ان كنتم خرجتم جهادا في سبيلي وابتغاء مرضاتي تسرون اليهم بالمودة وانا اعلم بما اخفيتم وما اعلنتم ومن يفعله منكم فقد ضل سواء السبيل

[The Quran ; 60:1]
-> See how clear according to the faith of traitor debunker: O you who believe! do not take My enemy and your enemy for friends: would you offer them love while they deny what has come to you of the truth , that he should never take the enemy of Allah and the enemy of Islam as guardians, see how the verse raised a valid argument: would you manifest love to them?

This fact was stressed more clearly in another verse, saying the opposite that the true believers will never take the enemy of Islam as friends:

You shall not find a people who believe in Allah and the latter day befriending those who act in opposition to Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their (own) fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their kinsfolk; these are they into whose hearts He has impressed faith, and whom He has strengthened with an inspiration from Him: and He will cause them to enter gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein; Allah is well-pleased with them and they are well-pleased with Him these are Allah�??????�?????�????�???�??�?�´s party: now surely the party of Allah are the successful ones.

لا تجد قوما يؤمنون بالله واليوم الاخر يوادون من حاد الله ورسوله ولو كانوا اباءهم او ابناءهم او اخوانهم او عشيرتهم اولئك كتب في قلوبهم الايمان وايدهم بروح منه ويدخلهم جنات تجري من تحتها الانهار خالدين فيها رضي الله عنهم ورضوا عنه اولئك حزب الله الا ان حزب الله هم المفلحون

[The Quran ; 58:22]
-> See how clear it is: You shall not find a people who believe in Allah and the latter day befriending those who act in opposition to Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their (own) fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their kinsfolk

Therefore, if we find one claiming to be a Muslim (debunker), while befriending those who act in opposition (Winston) to Allah and His Messenger, HE MUST NOT BE A BELIEVER

Now let me show you how that filthy traitor dealt with his suppose to be enemy of his religion and the enemy of Allah

It was a thread raised by the traitor, attacking the religion of Christianity, so Winston joined the discussion, and here is what the traitor said to him:

debunker wrote:

Your very presence here is an HONOR bestowed upon me!

Here you have it all, the filthy tard of a freak debunker aka de_punk_er, is a clear cut kafir


Hello, Ahmed

FFI has urgently cooked up some 'Muslim' posters. Debunker and other guys are fakes. Period.

FFI was full of fake ex-Muslims and what do we have now? Fake 'Muslims'.

Mate, this is getting really hilarious and FFI is making a total fool of itself in front of the silent international readers.

I am glad that ixolite has started the forum, where FFI goons cannot do multi-nicking.

Credit goes to you for exposing the fraud and the fakes. FFI is now in the Self-loathing Mode.


Last edited by BMZ on Mon 04 May, 2009 12:30 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Posted:
Thu 30 Apr, 2009 9:03 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Hello, Ahmed

Thanks, mate for posting for teh attention of Aksel Ankersen but I could not make out anything from the lousy gibberish by this girl yeezevee.

The goon wrote:

Re: A challenge to FFIers from BMZ

Postby yeezevee �??????�?????�????�???�??�?�» Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:46 am
That Buffoon Muslim Zombie comments

How can you read it as WA-YA-SSIM? How do you get the YA sound? lol!

Well dear A_B tell that ZOMBIE and take this message to BMZ..

It makes no difference whether one makes sounds from Arabic Language, African Languages, Asian Languages or American Languages or a Just from an Ass fart. Proof of of Islam is in its pudding. 1400 years of history that is based upon Mr. Muhammad + his followers + his life style and that copy/pasted silly book Q'uran

.............."Islam is a religion of Warlords to start with
....................................and now is a religion of Fools following Brutes
.........................Feudal ruling the Brutes and Fools."

That is the bottom line of Islam. The political Cult of Mr. Muhammad and his followers.


Mate, the bottom line is that FFI is now in a pickle and does not know how to handle their own silly and incoherent goons.

Post Posted:
Thu 30 Apr, 2009 9:20 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

shindeiru wrote:
bros, you know what really made me puke with this dee-punk-er? i gave him a lengthy response with quran verses full of wisdom that he should take heed from them and at the end of my post, i included a very short sentence telling him not to hang out with sons of b*tches.
the guy did not even say one single word on all the verses from the noble quran and instead made a big drama not once, or twice but 3 posts about my last sentence because it might hurt the other FFI members' feelings, his fellow enemies of islam.

his case is amply described in 60:1 brought by ahmed, and dee-punk-er is unmasked so obviously that im sure many non-muslims at FFI will agree with us.

and about the debate with khalil, let him bring it and call his best elements.

Hello, Shindeiru

Most of the FFI posters fall in the category of Alad-dul-khisaam. The guy debunker is definitely not a Muslim. He is a fake.

Please do not entertain him or Khalil at FFI and I shall be delighted if you can register at Ixolite's site and the three of us can handle all the FFI goons, who will be rushing there.

Most of the FFI guys only know how to copy and paste. They talk through translations and have no real good knowledge of Arabic.

They do not even know the alphabets. lol! I wish if you could inform Fudgy via PM to join ixolite's site.

Debunker initially tried to bulldoze Fudgy but he has also realised that debunker is a fake.

Salaams, bro
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Thu 30 Apr, 2009 9:29 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

shindeiru wrote:
bros, you know what really made me puke with this dee-punk-er? i gave him a lengthy response with quran verses full of wisdom that he should take heed from them and at the end of my post, i included a very short sentence telling him not to hang out with sons of b*tches.
the guy did not even say one single word on all the verses from the noble quran and instead made a big drama not once, or twice but 3 posts about my last sentence because it might hurt the other FFI members' feelings, his fellow enemies of islam.

Excellent note man, exposing such freak,

Apparently he replied to my Quran comment above, however I yet to read it, when I have time for his filthy arse


Post Posted:
Thu 30 Apr, 2009 9:44 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

AhmedBahgat wrote:
shindeiru wrote:
bros, you know what really made me puke with this dee-punk-er? i gave him a lengthy response with quran verses full of wisdom that he should take heed from them and at the end of my post, i included a very short sentence telling him not to hang out with sons of b*tches.
the guy did not even say one single word on all the verses from the noble quran and instead made a big drama not once, or twice but 3 posts about my last sentence because it might hurt the other FFI members' feelings, his fellow enemies of islam.

Excellent note man, exposing such freak,

Apparently he replied to my Quran comment above, however I yet to read it, when I have time for his filthy arse


Salaams, Ahmed

Just read the following from Debunker, who is actually debunking and making fun of himself:

@ Bahgat

Now, here is something for you to look at:

Can you see the name Weesam written with a Ya?

therefore Weesam with a Ya or without a Ya is 100% right in Arabic, because it is a human name, do you get it?


You are too much! Have you no shame whatsoever?! There is a big fucking difference between alphabet and vocalization marks! Only half-illiterates don't know the difference, and so-called Arabs from Tunisia making laughable spelling mistakes on online forums, does NOT mean that Wessam can be written ويسام... Have some integrity you lying freak!

I think you should not explain to FFI goons too much. Can you please ask this goon to write "Wissam" and "Visam" in Arabic and post it.
He tries to talk a lot but does not appear to have any substance.

This way, he will dimiss himself. lol!

Remember, once I wrote Alad-dul-Khisaam in Arabic on FFI and not a single goon could understand it? Rofl


Last edited by BMZ on Fri 01 May, 2009 4:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Posted:
Thu 30 Apr, 2009 10:24 pm
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Post subject: Ixolite's Forum Reply with quote  

Hello, Ahmed and shindeiru

skynightblaze, the piece of shit is trying to spoil the atmosphere there.

I suggest all of us ignore this piece of shit and a fucked up mind at that site.

Salaams & Good night
Post Posted:
Fri 01 May, 2009 12:46 am
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Great Slam Dunk, mate

FFI's KKKGoons must have really learnt something which neither of the goons ever knew.

AhmedBahgat wrote:Here is another one for you Aksel:

الملف الشخصي لـ ويسام

so, you got to admit, that I taught you something new, that Wessam as an Arabic name can be written with a Ya or without a Ya, as I have numerously showed.

you should thank BMZ for teaching you so


The goons will be slowly learning more from you and me.

Please ignore the comments made by two assholes/nosehairs who write under the nick skynightblaze and sunshine and appear to be homos from the sub-Continent. Rofl

Post Posted:
Fri 01 May, 2009 4:57 pm
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Just read some comments from the self-loathing deceivers Debunker, skynight blaze and sunshine.


The FFI goons are now just doing their routine diversion nonsense. You and I have told them that Arabic name can be written in various scripts.

The best joke is that there is not a single comment by Wissam, himself and he did not say a word at all.

Let us write the nicknames of FFI goons and Homos in closest possible Arabic and see if they can come up with their own equivalents in Arabic.

Asshole No:1 Debunker ديبَنكَر

Asshole No:2 Skynightblaze سكينايتبلَيز

Asshole No:3 Sunshine سَنشاين

Asshole No:4 yeezevee يَيزَڤي
For some reasons, instead of vee he/she becomes a pee. lol!

Aksel Ankersen will come out as: اكسَل انكَرسَن

ب م ز
Post Posted:
Fri 01 May, 2009 5:36 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

I read the following excellent response from fudgy to sum
and enjoyed it.


Re: Does Quran Sanction Rape?

Postby fudgy �??????�?????�????�???�??�?�» Sat May 02, 2009 7:24 am

Sum, I will assume that you have some brain. Can't you find the answer to your question from our posts?

But since you are still in your diapers I will lay this out for you: NO! I would never want to force my wife into me, however I would want her to be all over me lol.

Beside why won't your wife want to have sex with you unless something is really wrong. Happy now?

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Sat 02 May, 2009 5:42 pm
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Look bro BMZ how stupid Khalil Fariel of FFI can be:

A low kafir (Winston) was mocking Mohammed while talking to a Muslim (Hamid), by calling him a profit, so Hamid asked him politely:

hamid wrote:
He was a prophet. Call him a prophet.

So Khalil Fareil joined such mocking as any low kafir is expected to behave, so here is what Khalil had to say to Hamid:

KhaliL FarieL wrote:
What does it mean Prophet? Is it a term you use for a lecherous mass-murderer? Then I am pretty cool with it. Oh stop.. I will call him ProFART Muhammad. Is it okay or?

So I replied to Khalil:

So you are resorting to your childish crap again?

Well, don't blame me then if I go hard at ya, and treat you the same

Remember, an eye for an eye

Also dear Khalil, tell me why I have to respect a kafir who is calling the prophet of Islam, ProFART Mohammed?


Post Posted:
Sun 03 May, 2009 8:20 am
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

AhmedBahgat wrote:
Hey goons

Let me totally demolish the confused and manipulated kafirs and their fellow traitor debonked

see what I wrote in my last comment to Khalil, for which I am certain he will dodge as he dodged so many tough arguments in the past

I asked him:

1) Why the right hand?
2) Why not the left hand?
3) Why not both hands?

Now if we think of the slaves as almost equivalent to the POWs, then the POWs should also be described as being possessed by the right hands. Let's have a look at the following verse which is talking about the POWs, and let's see if they are controlled by the right hand, or by the left hand or by both hands, obviously by both hands is the most logical:

O Prophet! Say to those who are in your hands from among the prisoners of war: If Allah knows good in your hearts, He will give you better than that which has been taken from you and will forgive you, and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

يأيها النبي قل لمن في ايديكم من الاسري ان يعلم الله في قلوبكم خيرا يؤتكم خيرا مما اخذ منكم ويغفر لكم والله غفور رحيم

[The Quran ; 8:70]

-> See you ignorant and confused FFI goons, Allah is telling us about the POWs: لمن في ايديكم من الاسري, Li Mn Fi AYDIKUM Min Al-Asra, i.e. who are in your hands from among the prisoners of war

I am sure the confused goons can see the slam coming

So if Ma Malakat Aymanikum means, what your right hands possess, how come the POWs were described as being controlled by both hands, let's see it again: لمن في ايديكم من الاسري, Li Mn Fi AYDIKUM Min Al-Asra, i.e. who are in your hands from among the prisoners of war

If the right hand is the expression to express owning, controlling, enslaving others, then shouldn't the verse above be saying:

لمن في ايمانكم من الاسري, Li Mn Fi AYMANIKUM Min Al-Asra, i.e. who are in your right hands from among the prisoners of war

Therefore, Ma Malakat Aymanikum MUST mean, What your oaths possess, which means that a capable human took an oath before Allah that he/she will care for and support any weak human.

What a mother of all slams

I don't know how come I missed reading this Gem of a Grand Slam, the Mother of all Slams, Ahmed.

Excellent, mate.

Post Posted:
Sun 03 May, 2009 5:12 pm
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Hello, all

This is one of the most hilarious false testimonies, written by FFI gang members.

Moza (former Muslim)
From WikiIslam

The following is a testimony of someone leaving Islam. The testimony was originally posted at the FFI Forum.


Testimony of Leaving Islam

Dear friends, Kindly bear with my bad English coz English is not my first language, I am an Arabic gilr from middle east I want to share my experience here as a muslim, first being a muslim is so shameful for me after being here for the past few months, Now I am not a muslim & I am a free girl. Second iam so thankful to this FFI and its masters
( Ali Sina, Haik Monsieur, Sum, Yazwee, apricot and a lot of fantastic eye openers, I will never knew about stupid islam without their fruitful posts. I have seen a lot of stupid posts of Ahmed, reletomb, muslim to death and other islamic goons.
( I got this name from them only )

I left islam coz once we went to Haji & I had a lot of bad experience there, the idiost coming to Haji was very much interested to touch myself & my cousin�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s back instead of touching the stone. Iwas so shocedk to see all this, I cried a lot there. I was so involved in islamic prayers & its bloody stuff when I was a muslim

Through our house maid I came to know about Christianity, I used to watch when she prayed the way she prayed really touched my heart, when she prays to god she always prayes as though some one very close by is hearing her prayers, so many days I was thinking about this & I asked my mother about this and even she stared asking about christianity to our maid, she told us about the God Jehovah & his son Jesus Christ, from her point of view we started seeing Jesus Christ, it was a real wonderful feeling we both got and slowly I started reading bible & pray with her. I started reading bible a lot and I found so many good things there.

I compare Jesus with mo MAD. Jesus never kill any one, never hurt any one�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s feelings, when people try to kill him he just went away from that place & he never asked his people to kill them, the judgment he gave to a prostitute when people try to stone her was a real eye opening thing of me. I cried when I read that chapter. I prayed & really I got a feeling that someone is hearing my prayers, I can�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t understand Trinity but my maid also told me that even she is not believing Trinity but she believes God Jehovah & his Son Jesus Christ. She told me she is some Witness.. any way its not a problem for me now. I have wonderful God Jehovah & his son Jesus. Each and every day I am happy now & I never be so happy liken how I am now. Dear Muslim friends please please try to read bible once & ask yourself a question & compare Jesus with Momad. Sure you will understand the difference. How come God sent a good prophet like Jesus to this earth to Love one another and the same time how he sent an idiot after words to kill the same people. Funny right? Read New Testament bible again and again you will get the answers.


How hilarious can that be when this fake FFI goon wrote this? Looks like written by some Jesus freak at FFI. Rotflmao!

This was written by some FFI goon, who learnt the word goon from Ahmed and me. We were the first to introduce the word goon to FFI goons. I laughed my ass off when I read this fake Moza wrote that Ali Sina, Haik Monsieur, Sum, Yazwee, apricot and other goons opened her eyes. Rotflmao.

Here at my home, our Filipino maid is about to give up Christianity.

We allowed her to go to church on Sundays but she refused. Looking at the family members praying at home, she was fascinated.

In fact she is pushing us to speed up her Shahada but we have asked her to read and learn more first. Being a born and practising Christian, she now tells us, "I do not believe that a man like Jesus can be a son of God and how can he be God? Why should God have a son? "


Link for the bullshit: [url=] CLICK[/url]
Post Posted:
Mon 04 May, 2009 12:02 am
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

BMZ wrote:
The best joke is that there is not a single comment by Wissam, himself and he did not say a word at all.

WiSsAm's not a member of forum09.

BMZ wrote:
Let us write the nicknames of FFI goons and Homos in closest possible Arabic and see if they can come up with their own equivalents in Arabic.

Aksel Ankersen will come out as: اكسَل انكَرسَن

ب م ز

I would be inclined to spell my last name with an Ayn as the first letter and Kha instead of Kaf (like "Anchorson"), but I'm not here to discuss Arabic. I've come here because you keep fleeing when I try to engage you on any forum... Seems you don't dare to engage with a hostile poster unless you're the moderator. Very slippery behaviour and it doesn't do you any credit, but I'm here now.

First on the agenda:

BMZ wrote:
The link:

It seems fair to such dirty buggers and miserable souls to mock and ridicule Islam, Qur'aan, Prophet and Muslims but when they are sweetly fingered and screwed up nicely, they are unable to take even a finger, not to mention blows.

I am really sick of such parlaysed, sick and brainless kafir minds.

Well, where have I used the kind of language that you use about my people, to describe Muslims, Muhammad or Allah? Give a link please.

I'd like you to explain what problem you have with my people as well, or is it just that you don't like me and Rashna so you curse us all?

Last edited by Aksel_Ankersen on Tue 05 May, 2009 2:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Posted:
Tue 05 May, 2009 11:19 am
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Welcome Aksel

Let the fight begins, lol

anyway, you are free to express your thoughts in anyway you see, this is free speech forum with no banning or warning in place, if you violate the only rule which is mocking Allah or any of his prophets, no worries, and no warnings, I just edit the comment and move any mocking to Allah and His prophets

you can mock me, you can mock BMZ and you can mock all Muslims if you like, I have no problem with that


Post Posted:
Tue 05 May, 2009 11:23 am
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BMZ wrote:
Hello, all

This is one of the most hilarious false testimonies, written by FFI gang members.

Moza (former Muslim)
From WikiIslam

The following is a testimony of someone leaving Islam. The testimony was originally posted at the FFI Forum.


Testimony of Leaving Islam

Dear friends, Kindly bear with my bad English coz English is not my first language, I am an Arabic gilr from middle east I want to share my experience here as a muslim, first being a muslim is so shameful for me after being here for the past few months, Now I am not a muslim & I am a free girl. Second iam so thankful to this FFI and its masters
( Ali Sina, Haik Monsieur, Sum, Yazwee, apricot and a lot of fantastic eye openers, I will never knew about stupid islam without their fruitful posts. I have seen a lot of stupid posts of Ahmed, reletomb, muslim to death and other islamic goons.
( I got this name from them only )

I left islam coz once we went to Haji & I had a lot of bad experience there, the idiost coming to Haji was very much interested to touch myself & my cousin�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s back instead of touching the stone. Iwas so shocedk to see all this, I cried a lot there. I was so involved in islamic prayers & its bloody stuff when I was a muslim

Through our house maid I came to know about Christianity, I used to watch when she prayed the way she prayed really touched my heart, when she prays to god she always prayes as though some one very close by is hearing her prayers, so many days I was thinking about this & I asked my mother about this and even she stared asking about christianity to our maid, she told us about the God Jehovah & his son Jesus Christ, from her point of view we started seeing Jesus Christ, it was a real wonderful feeling we both got and slowly I started reading bible & pray with her. I started reading bible a lot and I found so many good things there.

I compare Jesus with mo MAD. Jesus never kill any one, never hurt any one�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s feelings, when people try to kill him he just went away from that place & he never asked his people to kill them, the judgment he gave to a prostitute when people try to stone her was a real eye opening thing of me. I cried when I read that chapter. I prayed & really I got a feeling that someone is hearing my prayers, I can�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t understand Trinity but my maid also told me that even she is not believing Trinity but she believes God Jehovah & his Son Jesus Christ. She told me she is some Witness.. any way its not a problem for me now. I have wonderful God Jehovah & his son Jesus. Each and every day I am happy now & I never be so happy liken how I am now. Dear Muslim friends please please try to read bible once & ask yourself a question & compare Jesus with Momad. Sure you will understand the difference. How come God sent a good prophet like Jesus to this earth to Love one another and the same time how he sent an idiot after words to kill the same people. Funny right? Read New Testament bible again and again you will get the answers.


How hilarious can that be when this fake FFI goon wrote this? Looks like written by some Jesus freak at FFI. Rotflmao!

This was written by some FFI goon, who learnt the word goon from Ahmed and me. We were the first to introduce the word goon to FFI goons.

The word "goon" has been in use since the nineteenth century. It's not your intellectual property.

Last edited by Aksel_Ankersen on Tue 05 May, 2009 2:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Posted:
Tue 05 May, 2009 11:23 am
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