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Post subject: Reply with quote  

AhmedBahgat wrote:
Salam mate

The link does not show the the thread, can you check it please

If you go to the Board Index, look at the top thread, which is:

Comments on the Main Site and Forum

If you click that, you will get:

Comments on the Articles Posted in the Main Site

If you click that, it will be the 4th post from top.


The Greatest Poet of East ? Allama Iqbal on Islam by yeezevee

Salaams, mate
Post Posted:
Sat 01 May, 2010 12:48 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Hello, Ahmed

I read a silly post by skynightblaze on FFI at the following link:


We will be the same when it comes to quran. You will publicly admit that you have understood the true meaning of quran and were a kafir all your life and you will hence return to the deen by accepting hadiths.

I wish you become hadith only muslim.

Could you please tell the young goon, His Master's Voice, that his master Ali Sina does not agree with him.

Even the clown Ali Sina agrees that if there is a contradiction between the Quran and a hadith, the Quran would be taken as valid and that hadith would be false.

And Ali Sina goes on further to confirm also "as per Quran we know that any hadith that attributes miracles to Muhammad is false."

So, please tell the clown not to wish for you to become a hadith only Muslim. Poor boy does not know that there is nothing such as a Hadith only Muslim.

The stupidity and insanity of FFI clown and goons know no bounds.

Post Posted:
Mon 03 May, 2010 6:12 am
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Post subject: Verses 24:32-33 Surah Al-Noor Reply with quote  

Remark from a Christian poster on 24:33

Got it! Sex with slave is ok if "unforced".

BMZ wrote:


That is absurd and nonsense. That is not what the verses say.

Ibn Ishaq, the poster, quoted correctly to show that people were told not to force slave girls or maid servants against their will, into prostitution.

Verse 24:33 is connected to 24:32 in that section and both must be read together.

Only then one will get the right message. Let me do a simple translation:

24:32 Get the bachelors among you married and also your righteous male and female slaves.

If they cannot afford, Allah will enrich them out of His grace as Allah is bountiful and knows all.

24:33 Those, who cannot afford, should exercise continence till Allah enriches them out of His grace.

And if those under you, ask for a deed of emancipation, give it to them, if you find goodness in them and give them a part of your wealth that Allah has given you.

Do not force your slave-girls into prostitution for your own material gain, if they wish to remain chaste.

If anyone compels them into it, then later Allah will be forgiving and merciful to them.

So, the message is that those who cannot afford to marry should exercise self-restraint and control their desires.

They should not go forcing the poor girls and fuck them against their will or lead them into prostitution. This verse forbids forcing girls into prostitution.

And if one forces a defenseless girl, who wishes to remain noble and chaste, into prostitution against her will, then Allah will be merciful and forgiving to her but Allah will never forgive the man who forced her into prostitution. That man will be eternally damned! Let pimps beware! lol!

You will note that Jesus and Christianity neither addressed nor tackled such issues.

Now, if one can read and understand all articles, one must be able to understand what I explained in English. lol!

Good night

Post Posted:
Thu 06 May, 2010 1:22 pm
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Post subject: Debunking another Crap Reply with quote  

A poster wrote on another site:

Today the Islamic Qur'an (Koran) is made up of only 114 chapters called Suras and then sub-divided into verses. In the days of Muhammad's wife A'isha, one chapter of the Koran (the Sura) had about 200 verses. Shortly after her death, this Surah had only 73 verses. Muslims say that 127 verses of the original text were lost and never found. Also, After the sudden death of Muhammad, Zaid-ibn-Thabith was ordered to compile and write down the Qur'an (Mishkat'ul Masabih). It is attested that at least three revelations were left out. One of these, according to Muhammad's wife, A'isha, with whom he resided at this death, was kept under their bed at the time of Muhammad's death, but was eaten by a domestic animal (a goat). When Uthman compiled the Qur'an, the missing verses could not be found. One of them was called the verse of Stoning, and is said to have contained the order to stone a man or woman who had committed adultery....This verse is said to have been part of the original Qur'an. Many early authorities say so, and what is very significant is that the first Caliphs punished adulterers by stoning; this is still the penalty prescribed in Muslim law-books, whereas the Qur'an (Surah 24:2) prescribed a hundred stripes." ("Islam" by A. Guillaume, p. 191). References: Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal. vol. 6. page 269; Sunan Ibn Majah, page 626; Ibn Qutbah, Tawil Mukhtalafi 'l-Hadith (Cairo: Maktaba al-Kulliyat al-Azhariyya. 1966) page 310; As-Suyuti, ad-Durru 'l-Manthur, vol. 2. page 13:

Another tradition states (Sahih Muslim, page 912, Mishkat II, page 534 and others):

"Umar said:'Verily Allah sent Muhammad with truth and revealed the Book to him. Out of the verses, the Almighty Allah revealed. there was the verse of stoning to death. The Messenger of Allah
stoned to death (Sahih Muslim, page 920) and after him we also stoned to death: And in the BOOK OF GOD stoning to death is a truth against one, who commits adultery. The verse was thus:'The old man and the old woman, if they have committed adultery, they stoned them both assuredly.' "

This passage too, is not in the Qur'an. See other corruptions of the Qur'an here.

Many Hadith, including Sahih Bukhari give proof that Stoning was ordered and practiced by Muhammed, for example:

Volume 2, Book 23, Number 413:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar :
The Jew brought to the Prophet a man and a woman from amongst them who have committed (adultery) illegal sexual intercourse. He ordered both of them to be stoned (to death), near the place of offering the funeral prayers beside the mosque."

My response:

BMZ wrote:
Another Ignorant Fool! Looks like an FFI goon. lol!

That must have been some very intelligent, learned and scholarly Jewish goat, who chewed only a line to save the Jews from being stoned. LMAO

It looks like the goat entered the room, looked for the book under the bed, picked it up, opened the page and chewed out only one particular line. How silly and idiotic is that!

If the goat had eaten or chewed up, what then about the reciters and many others, who had memorized the entire Qur'an?

You wrote: "In the days of Muhammad's wife A'isha, one chapter of the Koran (the Sura) had about 200 verses. Shortly after her death, this Surah had only 73 verses. Muslims say that 127 verses of the original text were lost and never found."

Which Surah? You did not mention at all.

Read another Hadith on the subject, where the Jews would bring the accused and asked the prophet for punishment and prophet asked them what was the punishment according to Torah? He asked them to follow what was prescribed for the adultery, etc.

Since you talk about Hadith, go and read this:

"When a question was asked if Allah's Apostle carried out the penalty of Rajam,(stoning to death) before or after the revelation of Sura An-Nur, the answer given by 'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa was:

"I don't know".
(See Sahih Al-Bukhari 8:804 and 8:824).

So, this Hadith confirms that the Prophet never carried out Rajam.

So, there goes the story of the goat and rajam, debunked and dismissed.

That is why I recommend that Muslims should check a Hadith under the light and shade of Qur'aan. Also, instead of being a Hadith freak, they should read and understand Qur'aan, which is the authority Supreme.

Surah 24 Noor confirms the punishment by 100 stripes. That is all.

Post Posted:
Fri 07 May, 2010 5:47 pm
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Post subject: A Christian Poster on Surah 10 Reply with quote  

Poster wrote:

You mean he (Muhammad) made up his own versions of the stories which totally contradict the earlier versions?

BMZ wrote:

Poster wrote:

According to this verse the old stories are true.

BMZ wrote:

Poster wrote:

YUSUFALI: If thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the Book from before thee: the Truth hath indeed come to thee from thy Lord: so be in no wise of those in doubt.

BMZ wrote:
The key point in above is: "as to what We have revealed unto thee,".

So, whatever was not revealed, was not true.

The verse 10:94 is part of three sections of verses starting from 10:71 to 10:102 and in these sections, stories of Noah, Moses, Pharoah and Yonah, were being told.

And he was told that if he had any doubts, he could go and check with the people who knew these stories as they did have them in their book.

Thus he was to believe only what was revealed about the past. He was not supposed to believe anything that wasn't revealed to him.

Another interesting point is in verse 10:68, which I will translate to make the message easy to understand:

"They say: "Allah has taken a son. Glory be to Him. He does not need anything. All in the heavens and the earth belong to Him. Do you have any proof to support this? And you talk about Allah what you do not know?"

So, 10:94 is not applicable to the biblical story of Jesus as that story was not at revealed because it was not true. Only true stories and events were revealed to Muhammad.

Thus, we will never check with Christians, "Hey, is Jesus really the son of God?" For we know that is not true.

We will also never check with the Christians, "Hey, was Jesus the son of Mary?", because it was revealed to the Prophet that Jesus was the son of Mary.

Post Posted:
Sat 08 May, 2010 1:09 am
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Post subject: 21:91 and 66:12 Reply with quote  

A Christian poster, possibly an FFier, wrote and quoted from the stupid Wikiislam of the Charlatan Ali Sina's cesspool FFI, on another site:


In Qur'anic verses 21:91 & 66:12, Allah says that he breathed into Maryam's (Mary's) vagina in order to conceive Isa (the Islamic Jesus). When looking at the tafsir's we find that Allah did this by sending the Angel Jibreel (Gabriel) to complete this task.

The word "Farj" is used in this verse to indicate where Allah/Jibreel blew, and Farj means "vagina." The verse uses "Farjaha" which means "her vagina."

Qur'an 21:91
* Literal: "her genital parts , so We blew into her"[1]

* Malik: "who guarded her chastity, We breathed into her of Our Spirit"'[1]

* George Sale: "who preserved her virginity, and into whom We breathed of our spirit" [1]

* JM Rodwell: "who kept her maidenhood, and into whom we breathed of our spirit" [1]

* Asad: "AND [remember] her who guarded her chastity, whereupon We breathed into her of Our spirit" [1]

* Tafsir Ibn Kathir: "And Maryam, the daughter of `Imran who guarded her chastity. And We breathed into it [her garment] through Our Ruh)[66:12]." [2]

Qur'an 66:12
* Literal: "her genital parts between her legs, so We blew in it" [3]
* Malik: "and into whose womb We breathed of Our spirit" [3]
* George Sale: "and into whose womb we breathed of our spirit" [3]
* JM Rodwell: "and into whose womb we breathed of our spirit" [3]
* Asad: "whereupon We breathed of Our spirit into that [which was in her womb]" [3]

* Tafsir, Ibn Kathir: "(And We breathed into it (private part) through Our Ruh,) " [4]

Many translators of these verses were likely embarassed to translate the word into its real meaning so they used alternate and sometimes widely varying meanings that appeared more 'holy' such as seen in the following versions:

* Yusuf Ali: "who guarded her chastity; and We breathed into (her body) of Our spirit" [3]

* Pickthall: "therefor We breathed therein something of Our Spirit" [3]

* Hilali/Khan: "the daughter of Imran who guarded her chastity; and We breathed into (the sleeve of her shirt or her garment) through Our Rooh" [3]

My Response:

All right, I will do this now.

Wikiislam belongs to the Charlatan Ali Sina's cesspool FFI, where FFI goons like Sanitarium, Pedipheddis, Khalil Fariel, Aksel Ankersen and other idiots, contribute to that Wiki. They are all dishonest folks.

Wikiislam is totally a junk site site, which just distorts verses, using English translations and their writers have no clue about the Arabic of Qur'aan.

I will do this post in 2-3 bites as I wish to show how Wikiislam has distorted.

To be continued......
Post Posted:
Wed 12 May, 2010 4:24 am
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Post subject: 21:91 and 66:12 Reply with quote  

I have tidied up the quotes. Sorry for the mix up.

Poster wrote:

In Qur'anic verses 21:91 & 66:12, Allah says that he breathed into Maryam's (Mary's) vagina in order to conceive Isa (the Islamic Jesus).

When looking at the tafsir's we find that Allah did this by sending the Angel Jibreel (Gabriel) to complete this task. The word "Farj" is used in this verse to indicate where Allah/Jibreel blew, and Farj means "vagina."

The verse uses "Farjaha" which means "her vagina."

Let me now show you and the readers how idiotic are the writers of Ali Sina's WikiiIslam under FFI.

Let us take the verse 21:91, which reads in Arabic as, transliterated by me in a simple manner and allow me to break it up, showing translation:

21:91 "Wal-latee ahsanat farjaha, fa-nafakhna feeha mir-roohina, waja-alnaha wa ibnaha ayatal-lil-aalameen"

If you look at all translations, all have written to show that she was the woman, who guarded here chastity or who preserved her chastity or who maintained her chastity or who kept her maidenhood, even though the word 'farjaha' is there in the verse.

The woman's private part in Arabic is Furj, pronounced as Foorj, not farj.

No translator used the words vagina or cunt because "ahsanat farjaha" describes a woman or a girl who never allowed any man to touch her.

That is where Wikiislam writers are clueless about Arabic.

Now we come to the breakdown for translation:

"Wal-latee ahsanat farjaha,"

"The one who was chaste"

"fa-nafakhna feeha mir-roohina,"

"We breathed into her of our spirit"

And this simply means a life was breathed into her or given to her.

(Note: It does not say, "We blew Our Spirit into her".)

"waja-alnaha wa ibnaha ayatal-lil-aalameen"

"and we made her and her son a sign for all the world."

21:91 shows that Mary had conceived.

Now we come to 66:12 transliteration:

"Wa-maryamab-nata Imran-al-latee, ahsanat farjaha, fa-nafakhna feehi mir-roohina; wa-sad-daqat bi-kalimati rabbiha wa-kutubihi; wa-kanat minal-qaniteen"

Note that in 21:91 it was the same combination: "ahsanat farjaha" and another important word was FEEHA, which means IN HER.

And in 66:12, we do not have FEEHA.

Instead, the word is FEEHAY, which means IN IT or IN HIM.

So here, Allah breathed life into IT or HIM, which was the foetus of Jesus, whom God gave life.

So, we do not really need any tafsir or hadith on this. There is no talk about Gabriel blowing anything at all.

In 66:12, it shows God gave life to Jesus in his mother's womb.

Hilali and Khan's translation is extremely poor. And please do not trust Wikiislam as their job is to misreport, distort and misinform. They are our enemies.

You can see that I did not need any tafsir or any other scholar's help. I gave it to you from Qur'aan.

Hope this helped.
Good night

Post Posted:
Wed 12 May, 2010 4:31 am
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Post subject: Just for knowledge: Reply with quote  

An ex-Muslim poster wrote on another site, accusing Qur'aan of plagiarizing from the Bible, I explained and in return, the poster wrote:

"The charges I have brought against the Koran has nothing to do with OT & NT but material plagiarized, edited, & pasted from other apocryphal sources outside of previous scriptures."

My Response:


Qur'aan clarifies and only tells what really happened. You can see the difference between the two stories, one of the Bible and the other of Qur'aan.

So, if there is a story falsely told and another story corrects it, you cannot say that the correcting story has plagiarized.

The Christian Bible says that God is the father of Jesus, Jesus is the son of God and there is a third known as 'The Holy Spirit' roaming and floating on its own.

A book can be said to have been plagiarized ONLY if the other book talks about the same thing, with a different composition and nods in agreement to it.

Qur'aan does not do that. It blasts and refutes most of the Bible stories.

Now, does Qur'aan agree with the above from the Bible? Obviously, the answer is a NO!

God and the prophets or messengers are not a Jewish or Christian PATENT.

Post Posted:
Wed 16 Jun, 2010 8:45 pm
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Addendum to include other responses:

Qur'aan does not deny. It refutes the misinformation and the misreports written by men who wrote the Bible.

Just look at what the biblical Jacob said in the Bible about Joseph's dream and look at what Jacob said beautifully in Surah 12, according to Qur'aan.

So, Qur'aan refuted what was passed on wrongly, corrected it and gave the true message showing what had actually happened.

Also, Qur'aan does not address any filthy topic:

Qur'aan has not at all re-written the Jewish Tanakh, the Christians' OT and the NT. Not at all.

Qur'aan ignores most of the junk and stuff in the Bible as it considers it not worth addressing.

It only refutes all misinformation, wrong claims and other false reports in both the Bibles.

Also, you will not find any obscenities like Lot and his daughters, Genesis 38, Killings carried out by God, Moses and Joshua, etc.
Post Posted:
Wed 16 Jun, 2010 8:49 pm
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Post subject: A Christian poster on Jizya Reply with quote  

They say every one must convert to Islam or pay a tax or be killed. Is that not claiming to be GOD?


This was said about those pagans and idolaters of Mecca, who were oppressing, torturing, persecuting the new Muslims during Islam's infancy and included those Jews and Christians, who were on their side, instead of being along with Muslims.

According to all ancient customs, the tax was known as a TRIBUTE and a losing or surrendering party paid it.

In modern times, it is known as war reparation.

In order to get a correct idea about this 'tax' or 'repute' or war reparation, read this from Psalms 89:20-24 and it will open your mind.
I have marked 89:22 with 5 stars:

"20 I have found David my servant;
with my sacred oil I have anointed him.

21 My hand will sustain him; surely my arm will strengthen him.

*****22 No enemy will subject him to tribute; no wicked man will oppress him.*****

23 I will crush his foes before him
and strike down his adversaries.

24 My faithful love will be with him,
and through my name his horn will be exalted."

Post Posted:
Wed 16 Jun, 2010 8:55 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

An ex-Muslim poster wrote:

And once again I will ask this question, and I need to know from you as to how fables & fairytales woven by men inserted into the Koran when this same anecdote can be found in the Jewish Midrash?

Here is the verse:
21:68-69 - They said, "Burn him and protect your gods, If ye do (anything at all)!" We said, "O Fire! be thou cool, and (a means of) safety for Abraham!"

I will not leave you alone until you come up with a sensible rebuttal. In fact I will begin showing you other examples of plagiarism by the authors of the Koran.


I have already written earlier that Qur'aan recites some of the stories to clarify and verifies only those stories which were true.

For example, Qur'aan does not talk about any rotten stories of the Bible.

Qur'aan connects us with Noah, Abraham and all other prophets of the Jewish Tanakh aka Jewish Bible.

You have said earlier that you have read Qur'aan cover to cover. Right?

Did you read any stories about slaughter of others by Moses, Joshua and others?

Did you read anything dirty about Lot's daughter screwing their own father, taking turns?

Did you read anything dirty about Judah getting laid by his own daughter-in-law, who took her revenge by screwing him?

The answer is obviously a big NO!

Some stories were not told even in the Jewish Bible and also some cannot be found in the Christian Bible.

The Jews had Torah. If you check with them and their Rabbis, they will tell you that there were two Torahs.

One, written and the other, Oral. The Oral Torah was passed from generation of Rabbis to their generations and priests.

Midrash is just a Rabbinical commentary or an explanatory work or an exegesis of the Jewish Scriptures. It is not considered a Scripture.

The story of Abraham was not fully covered in the written Torah. It remained Oral.

How can one show the greatness and the righteousness of an upright man like Abraham, with an incomplete story in the written Torah? What is there in the Bible to show Abraham's greatness as a young lad in the Bible?

The event is described well in Qur'aan and is also present in the Oral Torah and that is why you can find it there.

Keep in mind that the Midrash was written very late.

Qur'aan narrated that very important event as it was left unmentioned in the written Torah.

That event of a great significance should have been written down in the Torah, as it shows Abraham as a believer in God Almighty, since he was a young boy.

According to the Oral Torah, Abraham's brother also jumped into the fire, built at the order of Nimrod but was not saved because he had other selfish reasons. Qur'aan does not talk about Haran and Nimrod at all.

So, how can you consider it plagiarized?

Hope this helped. It takes me time to write my thoughts out. So, please do not give me your 3-4 liner standard reply.

Address my post and show me what did you understand and what difference do you see now?

If you don't then you are not only wasting my time but also yours.

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Wed 16 Jun, 2010 9:00 pm
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Post subject: Absolutely Hilarious Reply with quote  

A poster on another site, who goes by the name Az Zaqqum, who calls herself "Scholar for the Infidels", tries to show that Muslims have been ordered to pray only three times.

When asked to show evidence, she produced 24:58 as a proof.

"O you who believe, let those whom your right hands possess and those of you who have not attained to puberty ask permission of you three times: Before the morning prayer, and when you putt off your clothes for the heat of noon, and after the prayer of night. These are three times of privacy for you; besides these it is no sin for you nor for them -- some of you go round about (waiting) upon others. Thus does Allah make clear to you the messages. And Allah is Knowing, Wise."

The Ignorant Fool does not know that the above verse talks about the times of privacy.


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Sun 18 Jul, 2010 1:31 pm
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Post subject: ANOTHER FFI GOON Reply with quote  

Hello, Ahmed

I saw this thread started by another Ignorant Fool at FFI, whose name is Marie. She is an editor of the most ridiculous Wiki, Wikiislam of FFI.

The Ignorant Fool wrote:

"The word for girl is bent. The word is composed of three letters which are Ba, noon and Ta. When these three letters are connected to each other without diacritical marks they will appear identical. They will look like three adjacent crescent facing upwards. The difference between them is nothing. Only the diacritical marks can differentiate between them. Here is how is works:

If you put one point below any one of them, it's "Ba"
If you put two points below any one of them, it's "ya"
If you put one point above any one of them, it's "non"
If you put two points above any one of them, it's "Ta"
If you put three points above any one of them, it's "Tha" "

Can you help her out with diacritical marks, please by putting one or two or three "points" Hysterical below and above the letters of her name?

This editor, who appears to be another ignorant fool, calls the marks 'points'. Roll

Now, this is how it works for her name MARIE.

Put one 'point' over A and she will become Moorie. Put one 'point' below A and she will become Maaarie. Put one 'point' above R and she will become Maroo-ie. Lol Above

Can you also tell her that we can read the Qur'aan even without the diacritical marks?

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Sun 12 Sep, 2010 4:26 am
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No worries mate:

Post Posted:
Mon 13 Sep, 2010 6:40 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

AhmedBahgat wrote:
No worries mate:

My hat off to you, mate. You handle the FFI goons sooooo well. Roll

It was good that you did not waste any further time.

Post Posted:
Mon 13 Sep, 2010 7:25 pm
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