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Information Ahmed, Your posts on FFI

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Post subject: Reply with quote  

And if you put dummah over the M and dummah over the R and sikoon at the end, she becomes Moron
Post Posted:
Mon 13 Sep, 2010 7:46 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

AhmedBahgat wrote:
And if you put dummah over the M and dummah over the R and sikoon at the end, she becomes Moron

You cracked me up, mate. Bounce Laugh
Post Posted:
Mon 13 Sep, 2010 8:54 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

AhmedBahgat wrote:
And if you put dummah over the M and dummah over the R and sikoon at the end, she becomes Moron

Actually, you should tell Marie to introduce diacritical marks in English, which requires it most.

For example, the diacritical marks are badly required not only by the natives but also by foreigners:

But, Put

Cow, Low

Brow, Crow

Post Posted:
Thu 16 Sep, 2010 12:51 pm
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Post subject: yeezevee of Ali Sina's FFI Cesspool Reply with quote  

I was reading the following page and saw this from yeezevee:

Can any one tell me what exactly is the role of the clown and weasel yeezevee of FFI?

I know he is an idiot and an ignorant fool but what does he/she contribute? Roll
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Thu 16 Sep, 2010 6:32 pm
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Post subject: ANOTHER FFI GOON Reply with quote  

Hello, Ahmed

Who the fak is fakknows at FFI? Another goon pretending to be an ex-Muslim?

Thanks for handling the ignorant fool here:

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Mon 27 Sep, 2010 9:43 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Hello, Ahmed

I read the thread at FFI and noted that KhaliL Fariel wrote the following in two of his idiotic posts:

KaliL Fariel wrote: " Can you read? Read carefully what Ibn Ishaq says on the raid of Waddan:

Then he (Muhammad) went forth raiding in Safar at the beginning of the twelfth month from his coming to Medina until he reached Waddan, which is the raid of al-Abawa.

But See what Ibn Ishaq says: At the beginning of the twelfth month of Muhammad arriving in Medina. That happened to be in Safar. Do you understand?

As I have shown in my previous posts there were no Meccan hostilities at the time of Muhammad making his first raid on Waddan. And it was in this raid he remarked "the endangering of women and children does not matter".

I am not making this claim, but the most authentic biography of Muhammad is with me to prove this. Case closed; "

Can you open the case by letting KhaliL know the following:

What he calls the most authentic biography of Muhammad is no biography at all. Ibn Ishaq had already been declared a LIAR by scholars of his time.

Imam Malik called Ibn Ishaq a liar and an imposter for writing false stories about Prophet Muhammad. Imam Malik has said that Ibn Ishaq "reports traditions on the authority of the Jews"

All the stories coming from the bastard Ibn Ishaq, regarding the assassination of Asma, Abu Afak, Kinana, etc., are false stories and rubbish.

The biggest joke that laughs in the face of these FFI goons and clowns is that not a single Hadith or story by Ibn Ishaq was accepted by the Hadith lovers' Bukhari, Muslim, etc.

Tell the clowns to show anything of Ibn Ishaq from the available books of Hadith collections. Zilsch!

Ibn Ishaq used reports of traditions gathered from Jewish sources.

So, please tell KhaliL that Ibn Ishaq was a Liar and an asshole!

Thanks, mate and Salaams
Post Posted:
Mon 27 Sep, 2010 10:14 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Salam mate

where I can find to be said by Malik about Ibn Ishaq?


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Mon 27 Sep, 2010 10:50 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

AhmedBahgat wrote:
Salam mate

where I can find to be said by Malik about Ibn Ishaq?


Salaams, Ahmed

You cannot find it on the internet and other books. The information is available only through the sahaif or pages written by various Imams in the libraries at in Al-Azhar, Medinah, Pakistan, India.

The library at Lucknow, India has the largest collection of scripts.

You will find the following very interesting, coming from the Christian bigot and evangelist Sir William Muir:

"No copy of Ibn Ishac's biography, in the form of its original composition, is now available. But the materials have been so extensively adopted by Ibn Hisham, and wrought into his history in so complete and unaltered a form, that we have probably not lost much by the absence of the work itself.

IBN HISHAM, who died A.H. 213 118, made the labours of ibn Ishac the basis of his biography of Mahomet. Copies of this work are extant in its original form, and are known to the European historians of the Prophet. "

Mark the words which I have emboldened. Roflmao
Post Posted:
Sun 03 Oct, 2010 3:49 pm
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Post subject: Dolly Binte Bani Al-Mustaliq Reply with quote  

Dolly is an FFI B****, who stalks me on another site.

Being a descendant of Bani Al-Mustaliq, she keeps on talking about the Bani Mustaliq Hoax. I wrote the following to her:

Hello, Dolly Binte Banu Al-Mustaliq LMAO!

(I am not sure if you would be able to understand how I addressed you)

If you like, I can make it easier by calling you, Dolly Binte Abu Said Al-Khudry. lol!

What you wrote is wrong, asshole.

The Banu Al-Mustaliq story is a hoax. And there is no such stupid hadith under the reference number you quoted, Jesus Freak!

And I added:

Dolly Binte Ali Sina,

Ignorant Fool! You quote me that lying megalomaniac filthy bastard Ali Sina's site, where idiots like Sanitarium, KhaliL Fariel aka Haik Monsieur, Pedipheddis, Aksel Ankersen and other bastards, clowns and goons write.

All of them are Idiots and assholes!

Ya Dolly Binte Bani Mustaliq, When you visit Ali Sina's cesspool FFI, do not forget to write and tell the goons the following:

"Regarding the treatment of the women of Bani Mustaliq in particular, there is the clearest historical evidence in all Hadith books that they were all set free without ransom. One of them, Juwairiyah, was also set free and married by the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him."

Put your head back in your arse, oh Binte Bani Mustaliq! lol!

Salaams, all
Post Posted:
Mon 04 Oct, 2010 9:24 pm
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Post subject: KhaliL Fariel's Hilarious Post on FFI Reply with quote  

I reed KhaliL Fariel's hilarious post to Muslim-Egyptian:

KhaliL wrote:

Muhammad wrote letters to the kings of other lands and those letters were started with Salamun ala manil-tabaa al-huda which essentially means peace be upon those who are truly guided.

Might I ask you what it means truly guided Who are these truly guided people? It does mean Muslims only.

So even to the kings, Muhammad did not initiate the greeting peace be upon you. He meant his greeting is only intended to the guided people (Muslims).

Muhammad said to his Muslim followers to say salam to those you know and do not know. All Muslims were NOT known each other in Medina. But the Jews and polytheists among the Medinites were well known to Muslims. Do you get the point? Does not it make sense now?

Our ignorant fool friend has never read the following verse 55 from Surah 28:

وَإِذَا سَمِعُوا اللَّغْوَ أَعْرَضُوا عَنْهُ وَقَالُوا لَنَا أَعْمَالُنَا وَلَكُمْ أَعْمَالُكُمْ سَلَامٌ عَلَيْكُمْ لَا نَبْتَغِي الْجَاهِلِينَ

Post Posted:
Tue 05 Oct, 2010 4:14 pm
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Post subject: GREETING FFI CLOWNS AND GOONS Reply with quote  

Hello, all

Please greet FFI goons and clowns in the following manner.

No hadith is required to support this, as this has been extracted from Qur'aan:

سَلَامٌ عَلَيْكُمْ جَاهِلِينَ

Which simply means: "Peace to you, Ignorant Fools" Rofl

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Tue 05 Oct, 2010 8:43 pm
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Post subject: Just for information and knowledge, Reply with quote  

when dealing with polemic Christians and Christian apologists:

The doctors and specialists engaged by Christian apologists, come up with silly explanations. There was a Specialist, who justified the silly 'blood and water gushed out'.

May be Jesus had 'varicose veins' all over.

Anyway, my point is that blood had not really flowed at all.

Motor-mouth Luke made that up.

If you read the passage Luke 22:39-46, it was 'like' blood. It means he was drenched in his own perspiration. The language is figurative.

If the disciples, who were sleeping through and through, had seen real blood, at least Peter, Philip, Judas and Thomas would have said, "Rabbi! Your blood is oozing all over. What happened?"

That is why I say that either Luke made it up or somebody else added that in.

If one goes through the comments given by Bible-Gateway, one would be shocked to find the following comments in footnotes:

Some manuscripts and translations
omit verses 43 and 44.

NU-Text brackets verses 43 and 44 as not in the original text.

Verses 43,44 are not in some manuscripts.

Verses 43 and 44 are not included in many ancient manuscripts.

Some early manuscripts do not have verses 43 and 44.

Post Posted:
Wed 06 Oct, 2010 2:48 pm
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Post subject: A Response To A Hardcore Filthy Jesus Freak From FFI Reply with quote  

This Jesus Freak writes rubbish on another site. Here is what I told him how Qur'aan was compiled. Just for the knowledge of readers here:

"Hello, Jesus Freak

I believe this would be the best way to explain to a B**** like you:

In those days, when Jesus walked Israel, story-telling was a hobby and a past time. People were fond of gossip, back-biting and telling tales.

Later, some men started writing stories about Jesus. Each man wrote the tales he had heard. Some men wrote a page or two, some wrote a score or two scores of pages and some wrote scores of pages just to beat others.

After the Church became powerful, it had to look for scripture but there was none left by Jesus, his disciples and Paul. So they cherry-picked four books and threw everything else into a BIN known as apocrypha.

But those who had the apocrypha, kept on telling their stories and sold well and this resulted in 300 plus Quarreling Bishops. Finally, it was ordered that all gospels, excluding the cherry-picked four, be burned!

Now, in our case, Qur'aan had not been compiled as a book.

So, Uthman, Ali, Ali's sons, prophet's scribes and companions of the prophet compiled the Qur'aan in the form of a book. All of them knew Qur'aan by heart, prior to the compilation of Qur'aan.

Once that was done, people were told to burn all parchments, scrolls and papers and follow the Compiled Qur'aan.

If that had not been done, then we would have "Qur'aan, According to....", just like the Christians have their "Gospels, According to Toms, Dicks and Harries". Rofl

You may now put your head back into your arse, Dolly. "
Post Posted:
Wed 06 Oct, 2010 11:40 pm
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Post subject: Ahmed, Your Response to The Cat's Post Reply with quote

The Cat wrote:

The Cat wrote:My personal opinion is that the former prophet lived in the al-Ula (thalmudic Dedan)/Mada'in Saleh region and that he was Salman The Persian, whom has a shrine over there. But he's most probably not the same as the warring Medina one. We have testimonies that he was alive and feared at least still by 640. It's noteworthy that we have no inscription mentioning this Mhmd before around Marwan, just to spread like wildfire right after.

Mada'in Saleh was then rather known as Hegra or Hijir, names strangely recalling that of the Hegira (departing, splitting).

It looks like the Medina Charter, dated 622, is the true beginning of what we now call Islam. Mecca is nowhere in sight until 710.

What stuck me was a dumb remark: "Mada'in Saleh was then rather known as Hegra or Hijir, names strangely recalling that of the Hegira (departing, splitting)."

Hijr refers to a place of rocks and stones.

It has nothing to do with the Hijrah (the migration).

Post Posted:
Sat 16 Oct, 2010 4:36 pm
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Post subject: The Jews Name of God: El Reply with quote  

Hi all,

Just for knowledge.

Polemic Christians and other freaks keep on saying that Allah is not El.

The freaks do not know that El sounds real close to Allah.

El, when pronounced, will not sound like El in the 'el' of "Tell, Bell, Sell", etc.

El will be pronounced as Ellah, with a softer "ah" and that is very close to Allah. Instead of denying what I wrote, hear it out here:

Click the audio for first heading for God, El. You will be pleasantly surprised.

Post Posted:
Thu 21 Oct, 2010 6:44 pm
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