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Age: 59
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Read above first ^^

Blessings from the One Whose hands control the kingdom, and He is, over everything, Capable.

67:1 تبارك الذي بيده الملك وهو علي كل شئ قدير

-> Similar example to the last verse is this one: تبارك الذي , TABARAAK Allazy, blessings from the One The following list can also be arguably considered as blessings from Him: Whose hands control the kingdom, and He is, over everything, Capable.

And finally the last verse where the word TABARAAK appeared:

Blessings from the name of your Lord, Owner of majesty and honour.

55:78 تبارك اسم ربك ذي الجلال والاكرام

-> This is a tough one actually, see what came after Tabaraak: تبارك اسم ربك , TABARAAK Ism Rabuk, Blessings from the name of your Lord. Obviously some will say, see blessings cannot be sent from a name. I say, quite the contrary it can be, because the name should be explicitly referring to such entity sending the blessings, if you replace the words the name of your Lord with thr real name Allah then the words will become Blessings from Allah, consequently it should mean blessings from the entity itself, and if others continue to argue then it should be equally hard for them to understand it the other way, how come a name is blessed?

See, it is similar to when we say: In the name of Allah.

From all the above, I found it far accurate to translate the verb TABARAAK as Blessings (sent) from Allah, for the following reasons:

1) The literal meaning stays the same.

2) The verb status stays the same.

3) It complies with the identical style used with the word Ta?????????????????????¢??alaa many times in the Quran.

4) It does not conflict with other words that are used to praise Allah, like the following verse for example:

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

1:2 الحمد لله رب العالمين

-> As you can see the words used to say: Praise be to Allah are: الحمد لله , Alhamd Li Allah

5) The context of translating it as blessings (sent) from Allah still imply indirectly praise to Allah, by stating the fact that all blessings are sent from Him and can only be done by Him.

Finally, as I have shown the goons of FFI that they should also argue the fact that the Bible said so at least 5 times,of which I showed them 4 times, let me bring one passage again:

Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;
[2 Corinthians 1:3]

If you ask the Christians how God is blessed, the will quickly tell you that it does not mean blessed in such sense rather praised, which is the same excuse used by many Muslims.

Now for the translators who preferred to stick to its meaning of bless, they cannot just say blessed be God, it makes no sense unless we accept that God is doing it upon Himself, which is fine with me to accept, as God can do anything to Himself as long as it is neither demeaning nor degrading. And certainly blessing Himself cannot be a demeaning act to Himself nor will it make Him lose another superior attribute of His.

However, to leave no room of argument for the ignorant kafirs (who are only interested in disputing the words of Allah), I must do it the way I thoroughly explained above, and I repeat, it should be the most accurate way to do it considering the verb status of the word and all other arguments that I presented.

Finally, this comment above is not debatable with kafirs, only Muslims are welcome to debate it, however if no Muslim come with compelling Quran logic and it ends up that me alone from among all Muslims is the one understanding it this way, I will not be motivated to make my understanding as theirs.


Post Posted:
Sun 19 Jul, 2009 11:07 pm
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Site Admin
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Age: 59
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Location: Australia

Post subject: Reply with quote  

Salam all

Let me show you a perfect example of the clear cut ignorance of the FFI goons

A criminal in there who is currently serving time in my Cyber Jail somehow is hooked on the issue of the moon, the earth and the rest of the heaven as talked about in the Quran, I used to reply to that inmate but since he was charged, convicted and jailed, I stopped replying to him, he is indeed a clear cut dumb bum with masses of stupidity pouring of him. So he said his usual crap:

bin lyin wrote:
And this gives us a look into just how desperate their mentality is and just how willing they are to blatantly lie if need be. When it comes to religion, nobody has less integrity than Muslims. Nobody. And somehow, lying and cheating are completely acceptable as long as it furthers the cause of Islam. This is the kind of people the rest of the world has to deal with. Liars and cheaters and they can't even do THAT right.

Nothing much but his typical rants against the Muslims, but forget his crap above, what I want you to read is what the following jerk said in reply to the above crap:

Islamic_Science2 wrote:
This is what I wrote in another forum.

Simply he is promting his ignorance, let's see what he had to say on the other forum:

Islamic_Science wrote:
088.020 And at the Earth, how it is spread out?
This verse should be translated as
And at the Earth, how it has been flattened.

In effect, what he is saying that verse 88:20 states that the earth has been flattened, i.e. the earth is flat. i.e. the Quran is wrong, i.e. the Quran cannot be the word of God

Well, well, well, the story is going to be interesting, just be patient with me please. Now, I have replied to this Barbie allegation at least 10 times on FFI, but as you can see, the goons are adamant in continuously exposing their ignorance BY THEIR OWN HANDS, let me show you how it happened

So, the goon Islamic_Science brought in some crap from the man made books of Tafsir by Tabari, simply he brought in what is alleged to be said by Tabari as an explanation to verse 88:20

Islamic_Science wrote:
Tafsir Al Tabari interpretation of verse 88:20
وَقَوْله : { وَإِلَى الْأَرْض كَيْف سُطِحَتْ } يَقُول : وَإِلَى الْأَرْض كَيْف بُسِطَتْ , يُقَال : جَبَل مُسَطَّح : إِذَا كَانَ فِي أَعْلَاهُ اِسْتِوَاء . وَبِنَحْوِ الَّذِي قُلْنَا فِي ذَلِكَ قَالَ أَهْل التَّأْوِيل . ذِكْر مَنْ قَالَ ذَلِكَ : 28703 - حَدَّثَنَا بِشْر , قَالَ : ثَنَا يَزِيد , قَالَ : ثَنَا سَعِيد , عَنْ قَتَادَة { وَإِلَى الْأَرْض كَيْف سُطِحَتْ } : أَيْ بُسِطَتْ , يَقُول : أَلَيْسَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ هَذَا بِقَادِرٍ عَلَى أَنْ يَخْلُق مَا أَرَادَ فِي الْجَنَّة .

Then the goon admitted his ognorance that he cannot translate the above, so what he did, he intrprted according to his low desire, see:

Islamic_Science2 wrote:
It is difficult to translate but it says that the earth was a mountain placed on top of the equator and then flattened.

Hahahahaha, clearly he admitted his ignorance, then injected his crap to fulfill his low desire, what he does not know that the above Arabic text never mentioned THE EQUATOR

The kafir then insulted Allah, I replaced his crime with *****:

Islamic_Science2 wrote:
Is it any wonder that Muslims will not translate Tabari's Qur'anic interpretation? Would it expose Allah being *****? Liars and cheaters and they can't do it right.

What a clear cut stupid piece of shit bound to hell you are, the above Arabic text is indeed very simple to translate, let me tell you, ignorant, what Tabari said just in one sentence:

يُقَال : جَبَل مُسَطَّح : إِذَا كَانَ فِي أَعْلَاهُ اِسْتِوَاء, i.e. It is like when it is said: FLAT MOUNTAIN: when the mountain has a flat summit

See how ignorant that dumb bum goon Islamic_Science is, what Tabarai said is 100% compatible with the 3 dimension shape of the earth, this is because a mountain is 3 dimensions, all he said that the mountain has a flat summit, and indeed if we consider the earth as a mountain, IT MUST HAS A FLAT SUMMIT which is what we live on.

In effect, that stupid goon slam dunked his own kafir arse with his own hands.

But that was not my pick on it, I never discuss the books of Tafsir, Fiqh, Sirah and Sunnah with the kafirs, so I asked him:

AhmedBahgat wrote:
Tell me dumb bum, what the Arabic word سُطِحَتْ means?

Simply, I asked him to tell me the meaning of the word: سُطِحَتْ , Suttihat as appeared in 88:20 { وَإِلَى الْأَرْض كَيْف سُطِحَتْ }

However, I knew that he will be a clear cut coward and not respond because he knew that I am setting him up, so another goon volunteered to reply on his behalf, see below:

manfred of FFI replied to Ahmed on behalf of the Tard Islamic_Science:

I think pretty well most people here know that one, even me...

is feminine for سَطَّحَ

The root
can mean spread out , unfold , level , range , pave , pervade ,grade , reach , even , level off , spread out , prostrate , plane , outstretch, flat , flatten , even , smoothen, circulate (pass around)

Have I missed any? It seems the common theme of all of these is an evening out action, rather what an iron does on top of a sheet...

Ahmed says in reply to manfred:

manfred wrote:
I think pretty well most people here know that one, even me...

And I am sure most goons in here are dumb ignronat bums

manfred wrote:
سطحت is feminine for سَطَّحَ

How fukin funny, lol

is a verb, mister dumb

However this is not what I asked

manfred wrote:
The root
سَطَّحَ can mean spread out , unfold , level , range , pave , pervade ,grade , reach , even , level off , spread out , prostrate , plane , outstretch, flat , flatten , even , smoothen, circulate (pass around)

All the above crap from your Tom and Jerry dictionary is wrong with the exception of pave

i.e. the earth was PAVED, i.e. the earth was SURFACED, i. fukin e. a surface was added to the earth

Ahmed adds:

Can you see that some words in the Tom and Jerry list above are the opposite to each other, or at least cannot be compatible, for example, Flat & circulate, certainly cannot be the same, and they suppose to be the meaning for the same Arabic word, how bloody funny

manfred wrote:
Have I missed any? It seems the common theme of all of these is an evening out action, rather what an iron does on top of a sheet...

What you missed is the fact that the word only means ONE THING, PAVED OR SURFACED, now dismiss your Tom and Jerry menu above that suits your low desires, bad luck you will not be able to choose from it.

Ahmed adds:

Certainly I was rude to him, but there is a long story behind that, just know well that I am never rude to anyone without merit, and there is a lot of merit behind my rudeness to him but there is not need to go through the story as it goes back to July last year

So, manfred replied back:

manfred said to Ahmed:

why on earth are you always so rude? I KNOW that is not the real you... dispense with the "dumb this and that" and the f - word, it's better without it.

Of course it's a verb, a verbs they relate to nouns, right...

Now, the real question is this: How can you be sure that the meaning you give is the ONLY correct one? I don't need to tell YOU that translating from Arabic is tricky, as the language is very different from, say, English.

I have no problem at all with you telling me that the verse is saying "the earth was surfaced" (see: participium perfectum, femininum). Who am I to argue about that with a native speaker?

There is, however, the simple fact that most other translators did not render the verse like that. So, are they all wrong, or would you agree with me that the verse is richer than that and can have several meanings?

The other problem is that saying that God gave he earth a surface really says very little at all... all solid objects have surfaces, after all. So the surface was already there since the instant of creation, it's intgral to the earth. Therefore the verse must mean that God DID something to the surface... well, as you say, he paved it, made it easier to walk on, flattened it out... so the other translations seem to have a point, too...[/quote]

Ahmed says in reply to manfred:

manfred wrote:
why on earth are you always so rude? I KNOW that is not the real you... dispense with the "dumb this and that" and the f - word, it's better without it.

You forced me to be rude to you, so the game is fair.

manfred wrote:
Of course it's a verb, a verbs they relate to nouns, right...

Again, that was not my question, I didn't ask if it is verb or not, neither I asked if it is feminine verb or not.

manfred wrote:
Now, the real question is this: How can you be sure that the meaning you give is the ONLY correct one? I don't need to tell YOU that translating from Arabic is tricky, as the language is very different from, say, English.

This is what you wrote:

سطحت is feminine for سَطَّحَ

See the underlined word that you wrote, here is what Google translate tells you what it means:

Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

Another slam dunk, hey

manfred wrote:
I have no problem at all with you telling me that the verse is saying "the earth was surfaced" (see: participium perfectum, femininum). Who am I to argue about that with a native speaker?

Didn't I slam dunk this crap many times before?

It seems that you ran out of crap so you need to parrot what I have already slam dunked

Not to worry, you earned another slam dunk from Google

manfred wrote:
There is, however, the simple fact that most other translators did not render the verse like that. So, are they all wrong, or would you agree with me that the verse is richer than that and can have several meanings?

Fuk most other translators, they are certainly dumb and ignorant, that is why I am doing mine

manfred wrote:
The other problem is that saying that God gave he earth a surface really says very little at all... all solid objects have surfaces, after all. So the surface was already there since the instant of creation, it's intgral to the earth. Therefore the verse must mean that God DID something to the surface... well, as you say, he paved it, made it easier to walk on, flattened it out... so the other translations seem to have a point, too...

Haha, the surface of the earth is its crust, mister

Ahmed adds:

What a slam dunk that is, two FFI goons slam dunking themselves with their own hands.

# 57


Last edited by AhmedBahgat on Wed 26 Jun, 2019 10:27 pm; edited 4 times in total
Post Posted:
Tue 21 Jul, 2009 8:04 pm
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Age: 76
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

AhmedBahgat wrote:
Salam all

Let me show you a perfect example of the clear cut ignorance of the FFI goons

A criminal in there who is currently serving time in my Cyber Jail somehow is hooked on the issue of the moon, the earth and the rest of the heaven as talked about in the Quran, I used to reply to that inmate but since he was charged, convicted and jailed, I stopped replying to him, he is indeed a clear cut dumb bum with masses of stupidity pouring of him. So he said his usual crap:

bin lyin wrote:
And this gives us a look into just how desperate their mentality is and just how willing they are to blatantly lie if need be. When it comes to religion, nobody has less integrity than Muslims. Nobody. And somehow, lying and cheating are completely acceptable as long as it furthers the cause of Islam. This is the kind of people the rest of the world has to deal with. Liars and cheaters and they can't even do THAT right.

Nothing much but his typical rants against the Muslims, but forget his crap above, what I want you to read is what the following jerk said in reply to the above crap:

Islamic_Science2 wrote:
This is what I wrote in another forum.

Simply he is promting his ignorance, let?????????????????????¢??s see what he had to say on the other forum:

Islamic_Science wrote:
088.020 And at the Earth, how it is spread out?
This verse should be translated as
And at the Earth, how it has been flattened.

In effect, what he is saying that verse 88:20 states that the earth has been flattened, i.e. the earth is flat. i.e. the Quran is wrong, i.e. the Quran cannot be the word of God

Well, well, well, the story is going to be interesting, just be patient with me please. Now, I have replied to this Barbie allegation at least 10 times on FFI, but as you can see, the goons are adamant in continuously exposing their ignorance BY THEIR OWN HANDS, let me show you how it happened

So, the goon Islamic_Science brought in some crap from the man made books of Tafsir by Tabari, simply he brought in what is alleged to be said by Tabari as an explanation to verse 88:20

Islamic_Science wrote:
Tafsir Al Tabari interpretation of verse 88:20
وَقَوْله : { وَإِلَى الْأَرْض كَيْف سُطِحَتْ } يَقُول : وَإِلَى الْأَرْض كَيْف بُسِطَتْ , يُقَال : جَبَل مُسَطَّح : إِذَا كَانَ فِي أَعْلَاهُ اِسْتِوَاء . وَبِنَحْوِ الَّذِي قُلْنَا فِي ذَلِكَ قَالَ أَهْل التَّأْوِيل . ذِكْر مَنْ قَالَ ذَلِكَ : 28703 - حَدَّثَنَا بِشْر , قَالَ : ثَنَا يَزِيد , قَالَ : ثَنَا سَعِيد , عَنْ قَتَادَة { وَإِلَى الْأَرْض كَيْف سُطِحَتْ } : أَيْ بُسِطَتْ , يَقُول : أَلَيْسَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ هَذَا بِقَادِرٍ عَلَى أَنْ يَخْلُق مَا أَرَادَ فِي الْجَنَّة .

Then the goon admitted his ognorance that he cannot translate the above, so what he did, he intrprted according to his low desire, see:

Islamic_Science2 wrote:
It is difficult to translate but it says that the earth was a mountain placed on top of the equator and then flattened.

Hahahahaha, clearly he admitted his ignorance, then injected his crap to fulfill his low desire, what he does not know that the above Arabic text never mentioned THE EQUATOR

The kafir then insulted Allah, I replaced his crime with *****:

Islamic_Science2 wrote:
Is it any wonder that Muslims will not translate Tabari's Qur'anic interpretation? Would it expose Allah being *****? Liars and cheaters and they can't do it right.

What a clear cut stupid piece of shit bound to hell you are, the above Arabic text is indeed very simple to translate, let me tell you, ignorant, what Tabari said just in one sentence:

يُقَال : جَبَل مُسَطَّح : إِذَا كَانَ فِي أَعْلَاهُ اِسْتِوَاء, i.e. It is like when it is said: FLAT MOUNTAIN: when the mountain has a flat summit

See how ignorant that dumb bum goon Islamic_Science is, what Tabarai said is 100% compatible with the 3 dimension shape of the earth, this is because a mountain is 3 dimensions, all he said that the mountain has a flat summit, and indeed if we consider the earth as a mountain, IT MUST HAS A FLAT SUMMIT which is what we live on.

In effect, that stupid goon slam dunked his own kafir arse with his own hands.

But that was not my pick on it, I never discuss the books of Tafsir, Fiqh, Sirah and Sunnah with the kafirs, so I asked him:

AhmedBahgat wrote:
Tell me dumb bum, what the Arabic word سُطِحَتْ means?

Simply, I asked him to tell me the meaning of the word: سُطِحَتْ , Suttihat as appeared in 88:20 { وَإِلَى الْأَرْض كَيْف سُطِحَتْ }

However, I knew that he will be a clear cut coward and not respond because he knew that I am setting him up, so another goon volunteered to reply on his behalf, see below:

manfred of FFI replied to Ahmed on behalf of the Tard Islamic_Science:

I think pretty well most people here know that one, even me...

is feminine for سَطَّحَ

The root
can mean spread out , unfold , level , range , pave , pervade ,grade , reach , even , level off , spread out , prostrate , plane , outstretch, flat , flatten , even , smoothen, circulate (pass around)

Have I missed any? It seems the common theme of all of these is an evening out action, rather what an iron does on top of a sheet...

Ahmed says in reply to manfred:

manfred wrote:
I think pretty well most people here know that one, even me...

And I am sure most goons in here are dumb ignronat bums

manfred wrote:
سطحت is feminine for سَطَّحَ

How fukin funny, lol

is a verb, mister dumb

However this is not what I asked

manfred wrote:
The root
سَطَّحَ can mean spread out , unfold , level , range , pave , pervade ,grade , reach , even , level off , spread out , prostrate , plane , outstretch, flat , flatten , even , smoothen, circulate (pass around)

All the above crap from your Tom and Jerry dictionary is wrong with the exception of pave

i.e. the earth was PAVED, i.e. the earth was SURFACED, i. fukin e. a surface was added to the earth

Ahmed adds:

Can you see that some words in the Tom and Jerry list above are the opposite to each other, or at least cannot be compatible, for example, Flat & circulate, certainly cannot be the same, and they suppose to be the meaning for the same Arabic word, how bloody funny

manfred wrote:
Have I missed any? It seems the common theme of all of these is an evening out action, rather what an iron does on top of a sheet...

What you missed is the fact that the word only means ONE THING, PAVED OR SURFACED, now dismiss your Tom and Jerry menu above that suits your low desires, bad luck you will not be able to choose from it.

Ahmed adds:

Certainly I was rude to him, but there is a long story behind that, just know well that I am never rude to anyone without merit, and there is a lot of merit behind my rudeness to him but there is not need to go through the story as it goes back to July last year

So, manfred replied back:

manfred said to Ahmed:

why on earth are you always so rude? I KNOW that is not the real you... dispense with the "dumb this and that" and the f - word, it's better without it.

Of course it's a verb, a verbs they relate to nouns, right...

Now, the real question is this: How can you be sure that the meaning you give is the ONLY correct one? I don't need to tell YOU that translating from Arabic is tricky, as the language is very different from, say, English.

I have no problem at all with you telling me that the verse is saying "the earth was surfaced" (see: participium perfectum, femininum). Who am I to argue about that with a native speaker?

There is, however, the simple fact that most other translators did not render the verse like that. So, are they all wrong, or would you agree with me that the verse is richer than that and can have several meanings?

The other problem is that saying that God gave he earth a surface really says very little at all... all solid objects have surfaces, after all. So the surface was already there since the instant of creation, it's intgral to the earth. Therefore the verse must mean that God DID something to the surface... well, as you say, he paved it, made it easier to walk on, flattened it out... so the other translations seem to have a point, too...

Ahmed says in reply to manfred:

manfred wrote:
why on earth are you always so rude? I KNOW that is not the real you... dispense with the "dumb this and that" and the f - word, it's better without it.

You forced me to be rude to you, so the game is fair.

manfred wrote:
Of course it's a verb, a verbs they relate to nouns, right...

Again, that was not my question, I didn't ask if it is verb or not, neither I asked if it is feminine verb or not.

manfred wrote:
Now, the real question is this: How can you be sure that the meaning you give is the ONLY correct one? I don't need to tell YOU that translating from Arabic is tricky, as the language is very different from, say, English.

This is what you wrote:

سطحت is feminine for سَطَّحَ

See the underlined word that you wrote, here is what Google translate tells you what it means:

Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

Another slam dunk, hey

manfred wrote:
I have no problem at all with you telling me that the verse is saying "the earth was surfaced" (see: participium perfectum, femininum). Who am I to argue about that with a native speaker?

Didn't I slam dunk this crap many times before?

It seems that you ran out of crap so you need to parrot what I have already slam dunked

Not to worry, you earned another slam dunk from Google

manfred wrote:
There is, however, the simple fact that most other translators did not render the verse like that. So, are they all wrong, or would you agree with me that the verse is richer than that and can have several meanings?

Fuk most other translators, they are certainly dumb and ignorant, that is why I am doing mine

manfred wrote:
The other problem is that saying that God gave he earth a surface really says very little at all... all solid objects have surfaces, after all. So the surface was already there since the instant of creation, it's intgral to the earth. Therefore the verse must mean that God DID something to the surface... well, as you say, he paved it, made it easier to walk on, flattened it out... so the other translations seem to have a point, too...

Haha, the surface of the earth is its crust, mister

Ahmed adds:

What a slam dunk that is, two FFI goons slam dunking themselves with their own hands.


Hello, Ahmed

That was an excellent Slam Dunk.

Sometimes, I wonder if any FFI goon can really even understand a short passage of English literature.

Looks like there aren't any more Muslims at FFI, so the FFI goons are now flooding Topix.

Looks like the Towel-Head has started this thread there:
Anti-Jihad asked me to write on this idiotic topic but I declined by posting a clear note.

I don't know how these FFI Clowns enjoy life and appreciate the beauty of nature, prose and poetry?

Thanks for this Slam Dunk and do that when you have time.

Salaams, mate
Post Posted:
Fri 21 Aug, 2009 2:24 am
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Age: 59
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Sanitarium wrote:
Hi Ahmed,

Thanks for your input. Did you see the '?' in my post there? sum asked for a verse saying something. I found a verse that I thought might fit, and because I wasn't sure if it was the right one, I put a '?' there.

I didn't say "yes this is definitely the verse you want - and it means exactly what you're asking for."


Hi Sani

I am sorry that you are totally wrong, Doccy bum asked the following question:

sum wrote:
Can anyone tell me which verse it is in the Koran that tells muslims not to stop fighting when they are winning?

Can you see it now? Here it is again:

tells muslims not to stop fighting when they are winning?

Now let?????????????????????¢??s walkthrough the verse you brought in and another verse that I will bring in to expose your Quran ignorance:

So do not show weakness by calling for peace and you are higher, and Allah is with you and will not deprive you of your deeds.

[Al Quran ; 47:35]

فَلَا تَهِنُوا وَتَدْعُوا إِلَى السَّلْمِ وَأَنْتُمُ الْأَعْلَوْنَ وَاللَّهُ مَعَكُمْ وَلَنْ يَتِرَكُمْ أَعْمَالَكُمْ (35)

-> See, the verse never talked about winning any fights, in fact the message implied that in case the Muslims are LOSING a fight or a war, THEY SHOULD CONTINUE to fight and not فَلَا تَهِنُوا , Fa La Tahnu, i.e. So do not show weakness by calling for peace and you are higher i.e. the Muslims are getting beaten, therefore even in such case, they should not show weakness by calling the unbelievers to peace (to escape being beaten), while (and) they are higher than the unbelievers because: and Allah is with you and will not deprive you of your deeds.

Now let?????????????????????¢??s read the following verse and your ignorance should become clear as light.

The following verse is telling us the same message with further info that the Muslims should not grieve while they are higher, and as you know grieve can not be the result of winning a war, the verse should also tell us why the believers are higher:

وَلاَ تَهِنُوا وَلاَ تَحْزَنُوا وَأَنتُمُ الأَعْلَوْنَ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ (139)

And do not show weakness nor grieve, and you are higher if you are believers.

[Al Quran ; 3:139]
-> See, how it is almost the same exact words as in verse 47:35, وَلاَ تَهِنُوا , Wa La Tahnu, i.e. And do not show weakness, then the same verse told the believers: وَلاَ تَحْزَنُوا , Wa La Tahzanu, i.e. nor grieve, i.e. they are getting beaten. Now why they should not show weakness nor greive while they are getting beaten? The same verse tells us: وَأَنتُمُ الأَعْلَوْنَ, Wa Antum Al-Aaloon, i.e. and you are higher , and when they should be classified as higher? Again the same verse tells us: إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ , In Kuntum Mumineen, i.e. if you are believers

Another slam dunk, hey

# 58



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Post subject: Reply with quote  

AhmedBahgat wrote:
Sanitarium wrote:
Hi Ahmed,

Thanks for your input. Did you see the '?' in my post there? sum asked for a verse saying something. I found a verse that I thought might fit, and because I wasn't sure if it was the right one, I put a '?' there.

I didn't say "yes this is definitely the verse you want - and it means exactly what you're asking for."


Hi Sani

I am sorry that you are totally wrong, Doccy bum asked the following question:

sum wrote:
Can anyone tell me which verse it is in the Koran that tells muslims not to stop fighting when they are winning?

Can you see it now? Here it is again:

tells muslims not to stop fighting when they are winning?

Now let?????????????????????¢??s walkthrough the verse you brought in and another verse that I will bring in to expose your Quran ignorance:

So do not show weakness by calling for peace and you are higher, and Allah is with you and will not deprive you of your deeds.

[Al Quran ; 47:35]

فَلَا تَهِنُوا وَتَدْعُوا إِلَى السَّلْمِ وَأَنْتُمُ الْأَعْلَوْنَ وَاللَّهُ مَعَكُمْ وَلَنْ يَتِرَكُمْ أَعْمَالَكُمْ (35)

-> See, the verse never talked about winning any fights, in fact the message implied that in case the Muslims are LOSING a fight or a war, THEY SHOULD CONTINUE to fight and not فَلَا تَهِنُوا , Fa La Tahnu, i.e. So do not show weakness by calling for peace and you are higher i.e. the Muslims are getting beaten, therefore even in such case, they should not show weakness by calling the unbelievers to peace (to escape being beaten), while (and) they are higher than the unbelievers because: and Allah is with you and will not deprive you of your deeds.

Now let?????????????????????¢??s read the following verse and your ignorance should become clear as light.

The following verse is telling us the same message with further info that the Muslims should not grieve while they are higher, and as you know grieve can not be the result of winning a war, the verse should also tell us why the believers are higher:

وَلاَ تَهِنُوا وَلاَ تَحْزَنُوا وَأَنتُمُ الأَعْلَوْنَ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ (139)

And do not show weakness nor grieve, and you are higher if you are believers.

[Al Quran ; 3:139]
-> See, how it is almost the same exact words as in verse 47:35, وَلاَ تَهِنُوا , Wa La Tahnu, i.e. And do not show weakness, then the same verse told the believers: وَلاَ تَحْزَنُوا , Wa La Tahzanu, i.e. nor grieve, i.e. they are getting beaten. Now why they should not show weakness nor greive while they are getting beaten? The same verse tells us: وَأَنتُمُ الأَعْلَوْنَ, Wa Antum Al-Aaloon, i.e. and you are higher , and when they should be classified as higher? Again the same verse tells us: إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ , In Kuntum Mumineen, i.e. if you are believers

Another slam dunk, hey



You need to do these Slam Dunks frequently, Ahmed.

I really hate it when the FFI goons and Jesus freaks, cherry-pick one verse and start talking.

They have no knowledge of sections, what is being discussed and how the verses are connected.

For example 3:139 is a part of the section containing verses 3:139-141 and once one reads the three verses, the message is quite clear.

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Sun 23 Aug, 2009 10:08 pm
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Salam all

A goon on FFI block is getting high on morphene, he is spamming FFI forum with his so called Quran contradictions, I was not aware of it actually, but I had a look today and saw all his crap in there, no surprise you won?????????????????????¢??t find any other goon cheering for his crap, so I decided to reply to two of his threads:

thunderbolt of FFI said:

Koran faults 5: The Cow (2):29
Which was created first: the heavens or the earth?

Every body knows now that the universe (heavens) came into being first and then within the solar system the earth developed to its present day state.
Of course this was not the common knowledge at the time of Mohammad.
The Koran in this verse; Cow 29, states the opposite.
This verse demolishes any idea that the Koran relates in the least way with present day scientific knowledge.

This verse is in contrast to two verses in The Soul-Snatchers (79): 27&30. In the later two verses the sequence is the heavens first then the earth.

In the following translations most authors (marked in red) used the word ?????????????????????¢??then?????????????????????¢?????????????????????? meaning after He created earth He created the heavens. Some authors used ?????????????????????¢??and?????????????????????¢?????????????????????? which is very different to ?????????????????????¢??then?????????????????????¢??????????????????????, another glaring example of twisting the meaning to suite the present day audience. The authors who used and are: Shakir, Malik, QXP, Maulana Ali and Asad. Yusuf Ali used the word ?????????????????????¢??moreover?????????????????????¢??????????????????????, another twisted translation.

It is of note also to recognise the expressions: ?????????????????????¢??lifted Himself to heaven?????????????????????¢?????????????????????? (Arberry) and ?????????????????????¢??(rose over) towards the heaven?????????????????????¢?????????????????????? (Hilali/Khan). Here Allah is being presented as a mere human finishing one job (creation of earth) and heading towards the next job.

I removed zillions of translations that he brought in, so this is how I replied briefly to him:

Mister ignorant, the Arabic word 'Thumma' also means 'Moreover', don't you know that I slamed your babie alegation many times before?

And he replied back:

thunderbolt of FFI said:
Even if you use the word "moreover":
More-over is composed of two words: "more" and "over" and both give the meaning of a sequence.
More-over = further = beside
You must have something first to say "more"
You must have something first to say "over"
You must have something first to say "further"
You must have something first to say "beside"
You must have something ?????????????????????¢??under?????????????????????¢?????????????????????? (the earth) to say ?????????????????????¢??over" (the heavens).

According to this verse in the Koran:
The earth was created first then/further/beside/moreover the heavens were created, the sequence is very clear.

Sorry friend, you bet on a loosing horse.

So I replied:

Good that you may agree that it means moreover

The bottom line is this, the word moreover may mean the following if we say: "I did A, moreover I did B"

the above means any of the following:

1) A is done before B
2) B is done before A
3) A & B are done together

cheers friend

On another thread, he posted more crap:

thunderbolt of FFI said:

Koran faults 7: The Cow (2):61
One or two? Rightful killing of prophets.

It is well known that the Israelites were sent the Manna and Quails from heaven by God during the years of wilderness in the Sinai desert.
However, here the Koran states ?????????????????????¢??one food?????????????????????¢??????????????????????, so which one it is and what about the other?

Also, we notice that at the end of the verse the Koran states that:
?????????????????????¢??and (they) kill the prophets without the right?????????????????????¢??????????????????????
?????????????????????¢??slaying His Messengers without just cause.?????????????????????¢??????????????????????
So, does this mean that God consider it isgument at times rightful/justifiable to kill the prophets whom He Himself has sent?

So I replied:

Looks like you are very desperate, friend

You keep coming with clear cut Barbie crap, well, let me slam dunk you in a hurry:

For the first childish argument, of course an ignorant like you who knows no Arabic, does not know that Mann is a sweet DRINK, therefore the Jews were indeed having ONE FOOD which is Salwa (Quails). This should constitute the first 50% of my slam dunk

For the other 50%, well, again it seems that you have not read the Quran at all, this is because if you have read it, you should realize that whenever the crime of killing the prophets by the jews is mentioned, we always read it as follow:

And their killing of the prophets without right

This statement was repeated at least 5 times, check the following verses:


What I want you to ponder upon, is another verse, verse 5:32. so let me bring it in here:

Because of that, We ordained upon the children of Israel that whoever kills a soul without a soul or without mischief in the land, it is as if he killed all the people; and whoever revives it, it is as if he revived all the people; and certainly Our messengers came to them with the signs, then many of them after that in the land are transgressors.

[Al Quran ; 5:32]

مِنْ أَجْلِ ذَلِكَ كَتَبْنَا عَلَى بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ أَنَّهُ مَن قَتَلَ نَفْسًا بِغَيْرِ نَفْسٍ أَوْ فَسَادٍ فِي الأَرْضِ فَكَأَنَّمَا قَتَلَ النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا وَمَنْ أَحْيَاهَا فَكَأَنَّمَا أَحْيَا النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا وَلَقَدْ جَاء تْهُمْ رُسُلُنَا بِالبَيِّنَاتِ ثُمَّ إِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِّنْهُم بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ فِي الأَرْضِ لَمُسْرِفُونَ (32)

-> See: Because of that, We ordained upon the children of Israel that whoever kills a soul without a soul or without mischief in the land, it is as if he killed all the people;

In simple words:

whoever kills a soul without RIGHT

As you should know by now that such right can be any of the following:

1- a person is killed. i.e. the jews may execute the murderer.

2- a person is causing mischief in the land, i.e. the jews may execute the mischief maker.

And certainly, any prophet was neither a murderer nor a mischief maker (for the incident of Musa when he killed an innocent man, it was a mistake, and for the companion of Musa who also killed a young man, it was a command of Allah to do so, the bottom line is this, under the Quran, there is no prophet who was an intentional murderer, unlike the bible which portrays some prophets, as alcoholic, drunk, intentional murderers, rapists and fukers of their blood daughters)

Consequently the jews had no right to kill any of them unless they believed in their crap OT, therefore if a prophet killed a soul or caused mischief in the land as they portrayed their own prophets in their own corrupt scriptures, then they would have had the right to kill him, under the command of Allah that was ordained on them

SO what is your stupid point exactly?

Yeh I know, you were eager to be slam dunked, here it is so I keep you happy:

# 59


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Salam all

Let me get my slam dunk show going with the next slam dunk.

Here is what an FFI dumb bum had to say:

thunderbolt of FFI wrote:

Koran faults 23: The Women (4):171: Does the Koran preaches/condones polytheism?

The massage in this verse is clear: do not say that God is three.
Implication of this is it is fine to say God is one, two, four, five, extra; as long as you do not say three.
This urge for polytheism can be found throughout the Koran as in 21:22.

but the Messiah, Jesus, Mary's son (is) God's messenger and His word/expression He threw it away to Mary, and a Soul/Spirit (could be Gabriel) from Him; so believe with God, and His messengers, and do not say: "Three."

The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only a messenger of Allah, and His word which He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers, and say not "Three" - Cease! (it is) better for you!

The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only the Messenger of God, and His Word that He committed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His Messengers, and say not, 'Three.' Refrain; better is it for you.

the Messiah, Isa son of Marium is only a messenger of Allah and His Word which He communicated to Marium and a spirit from Him; believe therefore in Allah and His messengers, and say not, Three. Desist, it is better for you;

Jesus, son of Mary, is only a Messenger of God, His Word, and a spirit from Him whom He conveyed to Mary. So have faith in God and His Messengers. Do not say that there are three gods.

The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist it is better for you.

The Messiah Jesus son of Mary was a Messenger of Allah, the fulfillment of His Word to Mary, created according to the Laws of Creation and given free will from the Divine Energy (like all human beings (15:29), (32:7-9), (38:72)). Believe in Allah and His Messengers, and say not: "Three". Cease!

Maulana Ali
The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, is only a messenger of Allah and His word which He communicated to Mary and a mercy from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And say not, Three. Desist, it is better for you.

George Sale
Verily Christ Jesus the son of Mary is the Apostle of God, and his word, which he conveyed into Mary, and a spirit proceeding from him. Believe therefore in God, and his Apostles, and say not, there are three Gods; forbear this; it will be better for you.

A Muslim on FFI web site replied to him as follow:

abdullahinislam wrote:
:) 112:1 Say, He is Allah, the ONE.

So I replied to the Muslim brother:


Why go to 112:1?

Let's look at the same very verse, the ignornat dumb bum brought in and let it slam dunk him:

يَا أَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ لاَ تَغْلُواْ فِي دِينِكُمْ وَلاَ تَقُولُواْ عَلَى اللّهِ إِلاَّ الْحَقِّ إِنَّمَا الْمَسِيحُ عِيسَى ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ وَكَلِمَتُهُ أَلْقَاهَا إِلَى مَرْيَمَ وَرُوحٌ مِّنْهُ فَآمِنُواْ بِاللّهِ وَرُسُلِهِ وَلاَ تَقُولُواْ ثَلاَثَةٌ انتَهُواْ خَيْرًا لَّكُمْ إِنَّمَا اللّهُ إِلَهٌ وَاحِدٌ سُبْحَانَهُ أَن يَكُونَ لَهُ وَلَدٌ لَّهُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَات وَمَا فِي الأَرْضِ وَكَفَى بِاللّهِ وَكِيلاً (171)
O people of the Book! Do not exceed the limits in your religion, and do not say against Allah except the truth; indeed the Messiah, Isa son of Marium is the messenger of Allah and His word which He threw to Marium and a soul from Him; therefore believe in Allah and His messengers, and do not say three, desist, it is better for you. Indeed Allah is one God; glory be to Him that He should not have a child, to Him is whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and it is enough that Allah is a Trustee.
[Al Quran ; 4:171]

-> see: وَلاَ تَقُولُواْ ثَلاَثَةٌ انتَهُواْ خَيْرًا لَّكُمْ إِنَّمَا اللّهُ إِلَهٌ وَاحِدٌ, i.e. and do not say three, desist, it is better for you. Indeed Allah is one God

A very well earned slam dunk, hey:

# 60


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Salam all

The subject of killing the apostates is on FFI again, well, forgetting 2:256 which states the following:

لاَ إِكْرَاهَ فِي الدِّينِ قَد تَّبَيَّنَ الرُّشْدُ مِنَ الْغَيِّ فَمَنْ يَكْفُرْ بِالطَّاغُوتِ وَيُؤْمِن بِاللّهِ فَقَدِ اسْتَمْسَكَ بِالْعُرْوَةِ الْوُثْقَىَ لاَ انفِصَامَ لَهَا وَاللّهُ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ (256)
There is no compulsion in the religion; indeed the right path has become distinct from error; so whoever disbelieves in the evil and believes in Allah, he indeed has grasped on the firmest handle, no break in it, and Allah is all-Hearing, all-Knowing.
[Al Quran ; 2:256]

-> See: There is no compulsion in the religion , but let?????????????????????¢??s forget this for a moment.

As well, forgetting 18:29 which states the following:

وَقُلِ الْحَقُّ مِنْ رَبِّكُمْ ۖ فَمَنْ شَاءَ فَلْيُؤْمِنْ وَمَنْ شَاءَ فَلْيَكْفُرْ ۚ إِنَّا أَعْتَدْنَا لِلظَّالِمِينَ نَارًا أَحَاطَ بِهِمْ سُرَادِقُهَا ۚ وَإِنْ يَسْتَغِيثُوا يُغَاثُوا بِمَاءٍ كَالْمُهْلِ يَشْوِي الْوُجُوهَ ۚ بِئْسَ الشَّرَابُ وَسَاءَتْ مُرْتَفَقًا (29)
And say: The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills, let him believe, and whoever wills, let him disbelieve. Indeed, We have prepared for the unjust a fire, whose walls will surround them; and if they call for help, they will be helped with water like molten brass which will scald the faces; miserable is the drink and bad is the resting place.
[Al Quran ; 18:29]

-> See: so whoever wills, let him believe, and whoever wills, let him disbelieve , let?????????????????????¢??s also forget about this for another moment

Let?????????????????????¢??s now have a closer look at 4:137

Indeed, those who have believed then disbelieved, then believed then disbelieved, then increased in disbelief, it is not for Allah to forgive them nor guide them to a way.
إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ ثُمَّ كَفَرُواْ ثُمَّ آمَنُواْ ثُمَّ كَفَرُواْ ثُمَّ ازْدَادُواْ كُفْرًا لَّمْ يَكُنِ اللّهُ لِيَغْفِرَ لَهُمْ وَلاَ لِيَهْدِيَهُمْ سَبِيلاً (137)
[The Quran ; 4:137]

-> See, Indeed, those who have believed then disbelieved, then believed then disbelieved, then increased in disbelief, , i.e. we are talking about some humans who left the belief MORE THAN ONCE, now if they should be killed, how come then they became believers then disbelievers, then even increased in disbelief after that? This verse should make such Azhar Fatwa provided by an FFI kafir, a joke. A joke at those confused Azhar Ulamaa. Let me bring such rubbish of a fatwa in here again then add my comments about it:

The above document (if genuine) is dated 23/9/1978 and it seems being issued by Al-Azhar Fatwa Division in reply to a couple of questions by a guy named Ahmed Darwish on behalf of another man who is the subject of the questions, simply that other man was a Muslim who married a German and Christian woman, so he converted to Christianity and left Islam, two questions been asked:

1) What is the Islamic punishment for him?
2) What should be the religious status of his children being Muslims or Christians?

Al-Azhar confused Ulamaa replied as follow:

Firstly they praised Mohammed by calling him Sayed Al Mursaleen, i.e. The Master of all Messengers. I say, what bloody crap is that coming from those confused Azhar Ulamaa? They clearly put Mohammed on a level higher than all the messengers. Am I right or possibly Satan is screwing me? Well, while I agree that this piece of shit Satan screws me sometimes, I don?????????????????????¢??t think that he is screwing me when I suggest that those confused Azhara Ulamaa CLEARLY put one messenger above all the rest of the messengers, by calling him, the Master of all Messengers, well, well, well, I guess, I have three messages for those dumb bums of Ulamaa, let?????????????????????¢??s have a look:

قُولُواْ آمَنَّا بِاللّهِ وَمَآ أُنزِلَ إِلَيْنَا وَمَا أُنزِلَ إِلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَإِسْمَاعِيلَ وَإِسْحَقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ وَالأسْبَاطِ وَمَا أُوتِيَ مُوسَى وَعِيسَى وَمَا أُوتِيَ النَّبِيُّونَ مِن رَّبِّهِمْ لاَ نُفَرِّقُ بَيْنَ أَحَدٍ مِّنْهُمْ وَنَحْنُ لَهُ مُسْلِمُونَ (136)
Say: We have believed in Allah and (in) that which had been sent down to us, and (in) that which was sent down to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yaqoub and the tribes, and (in) that which was given to Musa and Isa, and (in) that which was given to the prophets from their Lord; we do not make any distinction between any of them, and to Him, we are submitters.
[Al Quran ; 2:136]

-> See: Say: We have believed in Allah and (in) that which had been sent down to us, and (in) that which was sent down to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yaqoub and the tribes, and (in) that which was given to Musa and Isa, and (in) that which was given to the prophets from their Lord; we do not make any distinction between any of them. this is clearly a command from Allah to all believers, to again: Say:?????????????????????¢????????????????¢??????????????????????¦ we do not make any distinction between any of them. , but the matter of fact is the contrary, indeed those dumb bums of Azhar Ulamaa made a clear distinction between one messenger and the rest:

Current Score:
The Quran : 1
The confused Ulamaa of Azhar : 0

قُلْ آمَنَّا بِاللّهِ وَمَا أُنزِلَ عَلَيْنَا وَمَا أُنزِلَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَإِسْمَاعِيلَ وَإِسْحَقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ وَالأَسْبَاطِ وَمَا أُوتِيَ مُوسَى وَعِيسَى وَالنَّبِيُّونَ مِن رَّبِّهِمْ لاَ نُفَرِّقُ بَيْنَ أَحَدٍ مِّنْهُمْ وَنَحْنُ لَهُ مُسْلِمُونَ (84)
Say: We have believed in Allah and in what has been sent down on us, and what was sent down on Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yaqoub and the tribes, and what was given to Musa and Isa and the prophets from their Lord; we do not make any distinction between any of them, and to Him we are submitters.
[Al Quran ; 3:84]

-> See again: Say: We have believed in Allah and in what has been sent down on us, and what was sent down on Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yaqoub and the tribes, and what was given to Musa and Isa and the prophets from their Lord; we do not make any distinction between any of them., but the matter of the fact remains intact that the confused Ulamaa of Azhar made and continue to make a clear distinction between one messenger and the rest of them:

Current Score:
The Quran : 2
The confused Ulamaa of Azhar : 0

وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ بِاللّهِ وَرُسُلِهِ وَلَمْ يُفَرِّقُواْ بَيْنَ أَحَدٍ مِّنْهُمْ أُوْلَئِكَ سَوْفَ يُؤْتِيهِمْ أُجُورَهُمْ وَكَانَ اللّهُ غَفُورًا رَّحِيمًا (152)
And those who have believed in Allah and His messengers and did not make a distinction between any of them, they are the ones whom Allah will grant their rewards; and indeed Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
[Al Quran ; 4:152]

-> See again, And those who have believed in Allah and His messengers and did not make a distinction between any of them, they are the ones whom Allah will grant their rewards; , but as you know by know that by calling a person, the master of others, you clearly made a distinction between such person and the others, therefore:

Current Score:
The Quran : 3
The confused Ulamaa of Azhar : 0

How about we make it 4? Why not, let the Quran speak:

آمَنَ الرَّسُولُ بِمَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْهِ مِن رَّبِّهِ وَالْمُؤْمِنُونَ كُلٌّ آمَنَ بِاللّهِ وَمَلآئِكَتِهِ وَكُتُبِهِ وَرُسُلِهِ لاَ نُفَرِّقُ بَيْنَ أَحَدٍ مِّن رُّسُلِهِ وَقَالُواْ سَمِعْنَا وَأَطَعْنَا غُفْرَانَكَ رَبَّنَا وَإِلَيْكَ الْمَصِيرُ (285)
The messenger believed in what was sent down to him from his Lord, and the believers; they all believed in Allah and His angels and His books and His messengers. We (the believers) make no distinction between any of His messengers; and they (the believers) said: We heard and obeyed, our Lord! Your forgiveness and to You is the destiny.
[Al Quran ; 2:285]

-> See: We (the believers) make no distinction between any of His messengers;

Final Score:
The Quran : 4
The confused Ulamaa of Azhar : 0

Yet those stubborn and confused so called Ulamaa insist on praising Mohammed above all other messengers and prophets.

A few years ago, I confronted one confused Muslim woman with 2:136 & 3:84 which stated, not to make any distinction between the PROPHETS, she came back with a silly reply, that 2:136 & 3:84 talk about PROPHETS and not MESSENGERS, i.e. it is OK to make a distinction between a MESSENGER and other MESSENGERS. Miss confused forgot that EVERY MESSENGER IS A PROPHET, i.e. if we should not make any distinction between all prophets, then automatically we should not make any distinction between all messengers because every messenger is a prophet, but I am sure such confused Muslims won?????????????????????¢??t understand such logic, so I slammed her with 2:285 & 4:152 which state clearly not to make distinction between ALL MESSENGERS, of course she buried her pinhead in the sand after that, and likewise should do the confused Ulamaa of Azhar.

Let me now get back to the stupid answers in such Fatwa by those confused Ulamaa of Azhar

They said that if the man does not repent, then he should be killed.

I say, how dumb, it is not like a kafir may escape the punishment of Allah, so we make sure that he reaches by killing him and sending him to Allah, it absolutely does not make any sense, in fact the message of the Quran that those kafirs wanted this life and consequently Allah will make them have of its fun more and more, the bottom line is this, at the end of time, they will not be able to escape the punishment of Allah for their disbelief. In fact they won?????????????????????¢??t be able to escape death from the first place; they will die sooner or later according to Allah?????????????????????¢??s decree, not to our decrees unless they killed innocent people, in such case we may kill them and yet that is still according to Allah?????????????????????¢??s decree.

Also how much time we should allow such people to give them a chance to repent and believe again? You cannot really put a time limit on it.

The whole idea by such Ulamaa is stupid and full of holes, that is because it is purely man made, see, I can disbelieve then before they kill me, I repent and believe, then later on I disbelieve again, and again before they kill me I repent and believe again, I can play with them the cat and mouse game for the rest of my life, see it does not make any sense. I can escape their man made punishment, but will I be able to escape Allah?????????????????????¢??s punishment? Of course not; the kafir must be the ultimate loser at the end.

What makes more non sense is the fact that no one knows if any person is a believer or not, we can say and do what we want, but only Allah knows who is sincere in the belief, and also knows who is sincere in disbelief. The whole matter of belief and its punishment is under the hands of Allah alone, no one can interfere with it, absolutely no one except Allah.

Can you also see that verse 4:137 that I brought in has stated the punishment for those who kept on believing and disbelieving until they ended up hardcore unbelievers, here it is: it is not for Allah to forgive them nor guide them to a way. , in fact Allah told Mohammad what to do with them exactly, nothing more than saying the following as stated in the following verse 4:138:

بَشِّرِ الْمُنَافِقِينَ بِأَنَّ لَهُمْ عَذَابًا أَلِيمًا (138)
Give the tidings to the hypocrites that they will have a painful torture.
[Al Quran ; 4:138]

-> See: Give the tidings to the hypocrites that they will have a painful torture. , of course they are hypocrites if they : believe then disbelieve, again believe and again disbelieve, then increase in disbelief.

After all these compelling Quran evidences, I bet you will still see Ahl Al Sunnah and Shirk from among the Ulamaa of Azhar are not happy with Allah?????????????????????¢??s clear words regarding the apostates that their reckoning is only with Allah on the JD, they believe that the apostate must be killed, so they worked hard to justify their lies, what they did was simple. Let's steal such law from the Bible then inject it in a hearsay hadith and brainwash the believers that the hadith is as holy as the Quran. AND THEY SUCCEEDED.

The false belief among Ahl Al Sunnah and Shirk that they must kill the apostates has no basis in the Quran. It is another false belief stolen from the Bible and then passed off as teaching and Sunnah of the prophet etc. Here is the evidences of their theft from the Bible:

Moreover, the one who blasphemes the name of the LORD shall surely be put to death; all the congregation shall certainly stone him. The alien as well as the native, when he blasphemes the Name, shall be put to death.

[Leviticus 24:16]

Here is more of let's kill the apostates' insanity from the Bible:

But that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death, because he has counseled rebellion against the LORD your God who brought you from the land of Egypt and redeemed you from the house of slavery, to seduce you from the way in which the LORD your God commanded you to walk. So you shall purge the evil from among you.


According to the Bible, anyone who thinks differently (dreamer of dreams) shall be killed. This is the real teaching of the Bible. Just kill people who do not wish to believe like you anymore.

Here is yet more killing from the Bible :

If your brother, your mother's son, or your son or daughter, or the wife you cherish, or your friend who is as your own soul, entice you secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods' you shall not yield to him or listen to him; and your eye shall not pity him, nor shall you spare or conceal him. But you shall surely kill him; your hand shall be first against him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. So you shall stone him to death because he has sought to seduce you from the LORD your God who brought you out from the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

[Deuteronomy 13:6-10]

The Bible and the invented Sharia laws of the Ahl Al Sunnah and Shirk do not allow any freedom of belief. According to the Bible and the Sharia Laws of the Ahl Al Sunnah and Shirk, a person should be put to death when he changes from belief to disbelief. It is clear again that the Muftis of Ahl Al Sunnah and Shirk reject the teachings of Allah in the Quran. Instead they prefer to plagiaries biblical teachings and pass it off as the teachings of the prophet through nothing but hearsay that we should consider holy, yeh right.

For the second question concerning the children of such apostate, those confused Ulamaa of Azhar said the following:

As for the children, if they are young, then they should be Muslims, but when the grow older and decide to change their faith, they should be asked to repent and if they refused, then they should be killed.

Holy non sense man, this crap of all humans being born Muslims, does not make sense to any sane human, if we all bloody are born Muslims, then all kafirs and other religion followers must be killed according to those bunch of confused arseholes of Azhar Ulamaa (sorry I have to give it to such confused punks who are damaging my religion with their hardcore stupidity)

I challenge any punk of them to false me:

They bloody say that all humans are born Muslims, i.e. any one who is currently not a Muslim MUST BE APOSTATE and consequently must be killed, HAHAHAHAHAAH, I reckon that should be enough to expose their blindness and confusion.

Well, let me prove it to you that those punks are indeed confused beyond repair:

Let?????????????????????¢??s take the noble prophets Ibrahim and Ismael as examples, according to those confused Ulamaa and hadith worshippers from al-Azhar, Ibrahim and Ismael were born Muslims, let?????????????????????¢??s now look at this verse:

رَبَّنَا وَاجْعَلْنَا مُسْلِمَيْنِ لَكَ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّتِنَا أُمَّةً مُّسْلِمَةً لَّكَ وَأَرِنَا مَنَاسِكَنَا وَتُبْ عَلَيْنَآ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ التَّوَّابُ الرَّحِيمُ (128)
Our Lord! And make us both submitters to You and from our offspring a nation that is submitting to You, and show us our path of worship and forgive us, surely You are the Relenting, the Merciful.
[Al Quran ; 2:128]
-> See what Ibrahim and Ismael are saying at a later time in their lives: Our Lord! And make us both submitters to You and from our offspring a nation that is submitting to You,. So I ask those confused Ulamaa, if Ibrahim and Ismael were born Muslims, how come later on they are asking Allah to be Muslims and even from their off spring a Muslim nation? It makes no sense, of course no one is born a Muslim. You are only born an innocent child who knows nothing, and because at that time you know nothing, then you cannot be a Muslim, because being a Muslim is 100% dependant on knowledge, it is not dependant on magic. In fact a good Muslim is one who is described in the Quran as SOLID IN KNOWLEDGE concerning the messages of Allah.

The conclusion is this, those confused Ulamaa of Azhar are very hard on killing others, for them killing an invaluable soul that Allah has created, is so easy, simply kill it and send it to God, as if God and His appointed team of angels cannot do it, bearing in mind that the matter of belief should concern Him alone and should not concern anyone else on this earth, simply, it is the matter of believing in Him.



Last edited by AhmedBahgat on Sun 27 Sep, 2009 7:11 am; edited 2 times in total
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Wed 23 Sep, 2009 7:28 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Dear brother Ahmed, did you write this? I mean the argument and the explanations. The more I read about things like this, I just wonder, why the Quran is so accurate while what is happening is not. And I mean even from the time of the prophet. There are many Hadiths, stories and recorded actions and even wars during the time of the prophet which really contradict the Quran. You know me well by now, I am only searching for a common ground, I do not mean any harm, but I just feel that the gap between the Quran and the Muslims, including the prophet (Or what was told/recorded about him) is too great to be ignored.

I think you are taking few serious steps that are confirming what I am saying. First you do not rely much on Hadith, which was obvious to you from the start. Then, you Are re-translating the Quran, and that is not because the last few generations lacked the translation skills from Arabic to English, but simply, and somehow, they were blinded by the common explanation of the Quran. The Hadith had the same problem. I have always wondered, how could people in the past had listened to obviously corrupt Hadith and said ?????????????????????¢??Sobhan Allah?????????????????????¢??????????????????????? It is a mystery. And it is that mystery which led people, like myself, to question the validity of Islam in general. Yet, while and when you consult the Quran, the picture changes.

I am beginning to truly ask myself tonight, was the prophet really aware of the message he was delivering, or he was just the currier who had nothing to do with the package? The more I review the Quran, with your help, I just realise that people have listened, believed, worshiped the currier than the message itself. It is not an easy fight now; I would even dare to get involved. The number of people who believe in what Hadith, society, scholars, fundamentalists taught them, are very hard to change. Even though what you have got is possibly the word of God, you and people like youself are still facing a war that would need more than the re-coming of the prophet himself. Yet, one step is better than stillness.

May God be with you
We have never been contated.
No one knows the truth
Post Posted:
Thu 24 Sep, 2009 11:31 am
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openurmind wrote:
Dear brother Ahmed,

Salam mate

openurmind wrote:
did you write this? I mean the argument and the explanations.

Of course mate, it took me 3 hours from start to finish including the outline of the arguments I presented
openurmind wrote:
The more I read about things like this, I just wonder, why the Quran is so accurate while what is happening is not.

I hardly believe that it is due to the fact that Satan is working hard to fuk all the believers, so he tries to distract them with other man made crap but only after making it look nice and perfect to them. The Quran tells us about that fact clearly

openurmind wrote:
And I mean even from the time of the prophet. There are many Hadiths, stories and recorded actions and even wars during the time of the prophet which really contradict the Quran.

During the time of the prophet I believe that the Muslims hardly fought with one another, however from the first day after his death, I believe that Satan kicked in his plans

openurmind wrote:
You know me well by now, I am only searching for a common ground, I do not mean any harm, but I just feel that the gap between the Quran and the Muslims, including the prophet (Or what was told/recorded about him) is too great to be ignored.

Certainly it is a very wide gap, this may imply that most of the stories we heard about the prophet are clear cut lies because they contradict the Quran, while Allah commanded him to remind the people by USING the Quran. It is written in the Quran.

openurmind wrote:
I think you are taking few serious steps that are confirming what I am saying. First you do not rely much on Hadith,

I do, but only to expose its massive flaws

openurmind wrote:
which was obvious to you from the start.

From as young as I can remember, the hadith never was a subject that interests me other than to expose its flaws.

openurmind wrote:
Then, you Are re-translating the Quran, and that is not because the last few generations lacked the translation skills from Arabic to English, but simply, and somehow, they were blinded by the common explanation of the Quran.

That is one certain reason of course, you will see most translations are very well influenced with the stories found in the hadith

However the main reason for my translation is simply, I could not find a good translation yet.

openurmind wrote:
The Hadith had the same problem. I have always wondered, how could people in the past had listened to obviously corrupt Hadith and said ?????????????????????¢??Sobhan Allah?????????????????????¢???????????????????????

They still do it btw, they are confused, there is nothing in the hadith that should make you glorify Allah, in fact I believe that many of these hadiths are degrading to Allah might and power.

openurmind wrote:
It is a mystery.

It is a mystery because I believe it is caused by a figure that should sound mysterious to many, Satan

openurmind wrote:
And it is that mystery which led people, like myself, to question the validity of Islam in general. Yet, while and when you consult the Quran, the picture changes.

Well, I or any man can excuse you for that, but will God excuse you for that? especially after the knowledge has reached you?

openurmind wrote:
I am beginning to truly ask myself tonight, was the prophet really aware of the message he was delivering,

He certainly was aware, but it seems that the people who received it were not and still are not aware.

openurmind wrote:
or he was just the currier who had nothing to do with the package?

Not sure what you mean by package?

Cetianly he was a carrier, but I believe that he was also a teacher, a Quran teacher who learnt it from Allah Himself. Therefore the prophet actions can never contradict the Quran and His teacher Allah.

openurmind wrote:
The more I review the Quran, with your help, I just realise that people have listened, believed, worshiped the currier than the message itself.

Exactly, all they care about is the messenger and not the message, how flawed they can be, man

openurmind wrote:
It is not an easy fight now;

This is going to be the fight of my life, it may ends by me getting killed, but that is fine with me, I fear no one except Allah, and certainly no one can do harm to me unless Allah allows it to happen "Wa Ma Tasha'oon Illa An Yashaa Allah i.e. And you do not will excpet that Allah wills (first)", I believe I am only living for that cause, to fight those confused believers, while at the same time try hard to redeem many of my sins with Allah will. I hope my fight with them be a reason for redemption.

openurmind wrote:
I would even dare to get involved.

I dared, and will continue to dare, I actually believe that my life would have no meaning without such cause, even if I am the richest man in the world, I am looking for what may stay after I die, my money and my possessions will be left after I die.

openurmind wrote:
The number of people who believe in what Hadith, society, scholars, fundamentalists taught them, are very hard to change.

Nothing is hard upon Allah, if He wants to change them, He will and He will also decree the reasons for it to happen.

openurmind wrote:
Even though what you have got is possibly the word of God, you and people like youself are still facing a war

Bring that war on, I can't wait till I fight those people, even in a physical fight, I will go for it. that is it man, I have made my mind and it is sealed. i.e. I cannot change it.

openurmind wrote:
that would need more than the re-coming of the prophet himself. Yet, one step is better than stillness.

It does not need the re-comoing of the prophet, it only needs that a lot of Muslims wake up and realize what had happened to them in 1200 years since the invention of the books of hadith, however to get a massive group united on one cause, is not an easy task to do by any mean.

openurmind wrote:
May God be with you
We have never been contated.
No one knows the truth

Thanks mate, and may Allah guide you too

No human (excluding messengers) knows the ultimate truth this is because they knew it from Allah, then they delivered it to us


Post Posted:
Thu 24 Sep, 2009 4:53 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Salam all

Today, I am going to show you a clear example of one of those weak, confused and retarded so called Muslims

On Faithfreedom International web site, a punk calling himself a Muslim raised a thread to the Kafirs titled Apostasy has no death penalty., the freak so called Muslim is using the name ?????????????????????¢??AllahuAkabar?????????????????????¢??????????????????????, however I will refer to him from now on as The Tard, let?????????????????????¢??s see what the Tard had to say to the kafirs on their web site:

The Tard said on FFI:
The death penalty for apostates only exists in the hadiths which I was led to believe, were infact for political reasons to keep Muslims from getting scared and leaving Islam during war time. Also, there is no compulsion in religion like the Qur'an clearly states on 2:256 and there's nothing in the Qur'an that speaks of killing apostates. The west is on a crusade against Islam, it's a crusader/ zionist/munafiq alliance that invades countries for oil. Our history is much less bloody that the European/Western history, when Salahuddin captured Jerusalem he didn't kill innocent people. I dare you to name me one indegionous population that we have totally wiped out.

Obviously, it seems that he wanted to defend Islam somehow, it also seems that he does not uphold the hadith, this was clear by comparing his thread title Apostasy has no death penalty with what he said above: The death penalty for apostates only exists in the hadiths which I was led to believe, were infact for political reasons to keep Muslims from getting scared and leaving Islam during war time.

Then the Tard briefly mentioned verse 2:256 which states that there is no compulsion in religion

Now, after reading the above, I thought to myself, good, we have another good Muslim in the block, however I was totally wrong, it seems that this Tard is another fake sharmoot who is pretending to be a Muslim, or at least one of those stupid Muslims who can easily fall in the kafirs simple trap

Now, let me tell ya, what is the kafirs simple trap that they use against the weak Muslims, it is Bukhari Springer Hadith, that is why the filthy kafirs who attack Islam are not allowed to use Bukhari Springer hadith and his likes in any debate with me whatsoever.Period

See, I am not a weak Muslim to fall in the kafirs simple trap unlike so many Muslims who can easily trapped, let me now show you how the kafirs came to the Tard?????????????????????¢??s thread like a bunch of hungry wolves who wants to prey on weak Muslims.

The first filthy kafir replied with some laughs:

byteresistor wrote:
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

The second filthy kafir replied with an image:

Sten wrote:

See how they setting him up, so the Tard replied to the first kafir:

The Tard wrote:
So you laugh when you cannot refute me, Alhamdulillah I have won.

What a clear cut idiot, won what you fool?

You won nothing, because you are nothing

Then one malice enemy of Islam, replied with a few typical comments then said the following:

expozIslam wrote:
and yeah, i forgot the Bani Qurayza which your criminal pedophile MOhammad himself oversaw.

See, how such sharmoot of a filthy arse abused punk, insulted the noble prophet Mohammed, this should be enough to stop conversing with such freak then dismiss such son of a filthy kafir in the rubbish bin bound to hell, yet the Tard continued to dialogue with him. Let?????????????????????¢??s see what he had to say to the filthy retarded kafir above:

The Tard wrote:
The Bani Qurayza had committed treason by breaking the pact they had with the muslims, the pact meant the jews couldn't help the enemies of the muslims & vice versa, if anyone did they'd be punished (important) the leader of bani Qurayza had helped the pagans against the muslims (clear act of treason) during the battle of the trench. To sum the war up, the pagans withdrew coz of a sand storm, after the war instead of begging for mercy & forgiveness the jews were *INSULTING* the muslims & wanted to fight! Then when the bani Qurayza were besieged by the muslims a former ally (tribe) of the bani qurayza were given the right to judge them the bani qurayza agreed to this, a man from this tribe who was an ex-jew meaning he was jewish by race but not by faith, judged them according to their *OWN* laws (Deuteronomy 20:10-14) this is what the jews *BELIEVED* in! SO they were judged according to their *OWN* laws!

So the bani qurayza a) broke a treaty b) Didnt want peace c) accepted who judged them and d) were judged according to their laws. And you still cry over this? Wow! And like Deuteronomy 20:10-14 says only men should be killed, not women or children, so no a whole population wasnt wiped out.

Now, this is the moment when the Tard fell in their trap, because we know that Bukhari Springer is alleging to us in his stupid books of hadith that the prophet killed so many Jews from Bani Quraizah

After that, about 10 filthy kafir members joined the thread, writing so many crap which I am not going to brief you on, but if you are interested you may read page 1 in there:

I kept myself away so far thinking that the Tard is good and will be able to handle the situation of confronting about 10 to 15 kafirs or so on their web site, however I still kept an eye on the thread, asI sensed that the kafirs successfully trapped him with Bukhari Springer alleged hadith concerning Bani Quraizah

On page 2,

The Tard replied to another comment regarding Bani Quraizah:

]Bani Qurazya. 900 jews in one day.Entire tribe wiped out by your beloved prophet. hey how many kurds were gassed by Saddam? Do you know?
Is that not a total wipe out? and you forgot to address others. Coptic Christians are pesecuted by muslims in Egypt. The goverment only supports muslims. US does not ask egyptians to persecute coptics. So start taking responsibilty for the crimes that your brothers commit or stop defending them.

The Tard wrote:
Do you know who supplied Saddam with those chemical weapons? US. If someone hands a murderer a knife over, that person is partly responsible, the US knew he was crazy (Iran-Iraq war) yet gave him them! The US turns a blind eye to human rights abuses in Saudi, UAE, Jordan, Egypt etc. they don't give a fuck about copt christians they just want an apostate regime to rule over muslims. The *ONLY* crime that ever took place by an islamic regime was the crimes against amernians by the Ottomans & that is still disputed over today.

Hmmm, it seems that all of them are nothing but a bunch of confused freaks, we suppose to be talking punishment of apostasy in Islam, now we are talking, US, Iran, Iraq, Saudi, UAE, Jordan, Egypt, Armenians, Ottomans etc

Well, I told you, it seems that all of them including the Tard are nothing but drunk idiots of a bunch of time wasters.

So I was glad that I kept myself away from the thread, however staying away did not took that long, I had to interfere as you will see soon.

A hardcore enemy of islam in the name of Khalil Fariel whom I slam dunked so many times in the past, could not resist the opportunity of such fool of a so called Muslim whom I call the Tard, so he joined the party with one line directing him to read one of his articles about Bani Quraizah:

KhaliL FarieL wrote:
Read it here: The Genocide of Banu Qurayza

Another Muslim whom I consider good and knowledgeable, joined and started to defend the crap allegation about Bani Quraizah, this is what he had to say:

BurgeoningKnowledge wrote:
Interestingly, this unprovoked attack had already been predicted by muhammad. WikiIslam barely constitutes an unbiased account.
AllahAkbar, don't even try.

See how BurgeoningKnowledge advised the Tard to not even try with such brainwashed bunch of hungry wolves of freak kafirs bound to hell, BurgeoningKnowledge even tried harder to advice such freak of a confused Muslim to let go and not fell in the kafir trap, see below:

BurgeoningKnowledge wrote:
These guys, despite their pretensions, have only strength in numbers, not in their arguments. You can prove them wrong, but another would just come back around next week and ask the same question.

What a simple and very accurate advice from such wise Muslim, well, did the Tard listen? Let?????????????????????¢??s see:

At this point of time through the thread, a few new kafirs also joined, about 20 all up so far, against 2 Muslims, one of them is very wise, and another is very dumb and seems like a wannabe brainwashed, so I joined with an intimidating short comment to Khalil Fariel whom I consider a very malice enemy of Islam who will never be able to escape the punishment of his Lord inshaallah.

KhaliL FarieL wrote:
Oh NO please, you should quote from your sources. I mean Qur'an and your prophet's Sunnah. Do not quote what Kaffirs wrote.

AhmedBahgat wrote:
Then, you also mister coward, don't quote Islamic sources, quote whatever from your deluded barbie world
sounds fair, mister coward?

The reason I called him cowrd, is simple, for the last week or two weeks, he was not replying to me (which is his right of course) however I won?????????????????????¢??t let it go without picking on his cowardice fearing to confront me.

On the same page, another kafir got the thread back to its subject ?????????????????????¢??Killing the apostates?????????????????????¢?????????????????????? and posted a copy of a Fatwa from Al-Azhar stating that the apostates should be killed, which I tore apart by refuting it on my slam dunk show and showing how fool and confused those so called Azhar Ulamaa. HERE. I also posted it on the same thread on FFI HERE

One of the inmates replied to my long refute against killing the apostates as follow:

charleslemartel wrote:
Ain't Islam a really funny religion, where the scholars misunderstand the Quran and the dumb bums correctly understand it? :lol:

So a filthy retarded kafir cheered for the above crap by the inmate:

expozIslam wrote:
:roflmao: :roflmao:

See, I am dealing with a bunch of confused kids in adult bodies.

On page 4 the stupidity of the kafirs continued until the Trad replied again to the allegation of Bani Quraizah (while still ignoring the wise advice of the wise Mmuslim brother on the same thread), this is what the Tard had to say:

The tard wrote:
Alright, about the wiki-islam site.

5)Unless you can prove that the Banu Qurayza never helped the enemies of the muslims their punishment was justified not only according to Islamic law but also Jewish law. The green light did come from the Banu Qurayza fortunately they never set off coz of the brilliant strategy devised by the prophet that created hostility between the 2.

4)The muslims besieged the Banu Qurayza (like they did) and it was decided & agreed (by all) that the fate of the Banu Qurazya was to be decided by Saad ibn Muadh he judged them according to their own Jewish scripture (I gave the reference before!) and yes there was war booty, the important guy above who got the Banu Qurayza to commit treason had a daughter called Saffiya (ra) and she became a wife of the prophet.

3)Then a guy called Nuaym who secretly converted to Islam & was respected by the meccans visited the prophet who had a plan he told Nuaym (no-one knew hes a muslim) to infiltrate the ranks of the Meccans & Banu Qurayza to create distrust & enmity the prophet allowed him to lie saying war is deception to cut the story short this strategy worked the meccans & Banu Qurayza couldnt agree on what to do next & the meccans retreated this wasnt the end of the battle though, treason had taken place.

2)Now the war didnt really get into top gear every time the Meccans went into the trench they didnt come out, it basically was a few skirmishes. The Meccans then sent a guy called Huyayy ibn Akhtab (important guy) to try to persuade the banu qurayza to revolt against the muslims, at 1st he was refused entry to the southern parts eventually he did enter (kinda breaking the constitution already) & tried to persuade them to attack the muslims from the South, news of this reached the prophet via Umer (ra) the prophet became anxious coz the muslims had no defence setup on that side. He sent a few of his companions to investigate I think it was 3 or 4 cant remember, to find it if the rumours were true (they were) the prophet wanted to hide this act of treason from the muslims so they wouldnt worry but they found out, they were running short on food, they were under attack from North & South (area controlled by the Banu Qurayza!)

1)The only way for the Meccans to attack the muslims was from the South-an area controlled by the banu qurayza, coz trenches were only dug on the north side, the east & west were surrounded by rocky mountains & trees not ideal territory for large cavalries (they did number around 10,000) so if the meccans were to attack the muslims from the south side (an area controlled by the banu qurayza) it would be against the constitution of medinah meaning it was an act of treason, right? Hope you at least agree with this

Well, to be honest, I think I know who is the Tard, he is an ex member on FFI who used to be a Muslim one day and a Kafir the following day, whom I exposed big times on FFI about 18 months ago which resulted that he pissed himself off FFI, he is back again, the Tard. And indeed, this is what he was about to do, to denounce islam on a kafir web site, how shifty those filthy retarded humans can be, man. It happened like this:

The malice enemy of islam Khalil Fariel replied with a long comment:

KhaliL FarieL wrote:
The Trad wrote:
Alright, about the wiki-islam site.

5)Unless you can prove that the Banu Qurayza never helped the enemies of the muslims their punishment was justified not only according to Islamic law but also Jewish law. The green light did come from the Banu Qurayza fortunately they never set off coz of the brilliant strategy devised by the prophet that created hostility between the 2.

It does not look like you read any Wikiislam article on Banu Qurayza. The only possibility is you read the wrong stuff in somewhere and came up to this forum to waste our time.

Get the facts right you Muslim:
1. Khandaq (war of trench) was not a war that was fought. So, if you argue Jews helped anyone for anything at Khandaq, you should give them full credit to help Meccans NOT to fight a war.
2. There is no Jewish law that spurs genocide. I proved it in the article. What you guys hang on to as Jewish law is a specific directive from god for a specific program of conquest. Deuteronomy is not the law of Torah and if you want to know what the laws of Torah are, get hold of Talmud. Either Babylonian or Jerusalem, they were written long before Muhammad ever footed over earth.
3. The moment Muhammad applauded Sa?????????????????????¢??d as the latter judged according to the laws of Allah, (Sahih Bukhari[B:58 H:280] your Muslim acrobatics hanging on Jewish laws become obsolete. Muhammad gave reason to its obsoleteness giving ovation and affirmation to Sa??????????????????¢??s gory verdict. When Muhammad says Sa?????????????????????¢??d judged according to Allah, what makes you Muslims argue it is the law of a corrupted Torah? What was the job of Muhammad? Was he there to approve the corrupted laws of the corrupted Torah or was he supposed to correct the corrupted laws?

He did not correct Sa?????????????????????¢??d who allegedly gave the corrupted verdict (since a corrupted Torah can not contain uncorrupted laws). That means, Banu Qurayza Jews were exterminated by the laws of Allah. No more acrobatics on this.

And apologies to all for one more redirection; I have debated on this Banu Qurayza way earlier with a Muslim. This links you to it: >>>Banu Qurayza Critus Vs Mr. Keren Abix <<< (I was under the username "Critus" then in FFI.

The Trad wrote:
4)The muslims besieged the Banu Qurayza (like they did) and it was decided & agreed (by all) that the fate of the Banu Qurazya was to be decided by Saad ibn Muadh he judged them according to their own Jewish scripture (I gave the reference before!) and yes there was war booty, the important guy above who got the Banu Qurayza to commit treason had a daughter called Saffiya (ra) and she became a wife of the prophet.

Again facts for you:
1. Banu Qurayza did not agree to Sa?????????????????????¢??d becoming their adjudicator. It is the wild imagination of Abu Said Al-Khudri that makes you argue in this line. Jews of Banu Qurayza were surrendered unconditionally. Unconditional means unconditional; and making a Sa?????????????????????¢??d bin Muad an adjudicator was not a Banu Qurayza directive. It was Al-Aus, an ally tribe of Banu Qurayza who agreed on Sa?????????????????????¢??d bin Muad being the judge. Being the unconditionally surrendered tribe after the siege, Banu Qurayza were left with no power of deciding their judge. Simple common sense, if you have it left with you to use;
2. Safiyya bint Huyayy has nothing to do with Banu Qurayza. Perhaps you meant Raihanna?

The Trad wrote:
3)Then a guy called Nuaym who secretly converted to Islam & was respected by the meccans visited the prophet who had a plan he told Nuaym (no-one knew hes a muslim) to infiltrate the ranks of the Meccans & Banu Qurayza to create distrust & enmity the prophet allowed him to lie saying war is deception to cut the story short this strategy worked the meccans & Banu Qurayza couldnt agree on what to do next & the meccans retreated this wasnt the end of the battle though, treason had taken place.

If a Nuaym can lie because his holy prophet taught him to lie and for this holy prophet war means deceit, what makes this lie and deception so tragic and lethal for the other side? Why should the entire pubertal boys of Banu Qurayza be beheaded but not Muhammad who employed pure and uncorrupted deception?

The Trad wrote:
2)Now the war didnt really get into top gear every time the Meccans went into the trench they didnt come out, it basically was a few skirmishes. The Meccans then sent a guy called Huyayy ibn Akhtab (important guy) to try to persuade the banu qurayza to revolt against the muslims, at 1st he was refused entry to the southern parts eventually he did enter (kinda breaking the constitution already) & tried to persuade them to attack the muslims from the South, news of this reached the prophet via Umer (ra) the prophet became anxious coz the muslims had no defence setup on that side. He sent a few of his companions to investigate I think it was 3 or 4 cant remember, to find it if the rumours were true (they were) the prophet wanted to hide this act of treason from the muslims so they wouldnt worry but they found out, they were running short on food, they were under attack from North & South (area controlled by the Banu Qurayza!)

At last what I understand from the above paragraph is Muslims ran short of food and they found Banu Qurayza might or not join Meccan army. Muslims running short of food during the siege at trench is not an excuse to bloodily exterminate an entire tribe. Once again a paranoid speculation is not an excuse to wipe out an entire tribe.

What about trying again? Both the above excuse do not serve your purpose in this case.

The Trad wrote:
1)The only way for the Meccans to attack the muslims was from the South-an area controlled by the banu qurayza, coz trenches were only dug on the north side, the east & west were surrounded by rocky mountains & trees not ideal territory for large cavalries (they did number around 10,000) so if the meccans were to attack the muslims from the south side (an area controlled by the banu qurayza) it would be against the constitution of medinah meaning it was an act of treason, right? Hope you at least agree with this

I feel like making a deal with you Muslim instead of wasting my time. I would deal with you on a very simple issue:

Since you are debating on Banu Qurayza betraying Muhammad and Muslims, the best authority to speak on the treason of Banu Qurayza is Muhammad and Muslims (those warrior Muslims). I wish to hear this excuse from Muhammad?????????????????????¢??s or those warriors under Muhammad?????????????????????¢??s mouth. Can you bring me the substance?

That means, bring me a hadith in which I can see either Muhammad or the Muslim warriors under him accusing Banu Qurayza of treachery BEFORE they besieging the helpless tribe. Focus on the capital ?????????????????????¢??BEFORE?????????????????????¢?????????????????????? because it is going to be important in this matter. We know Muhammad besieged the tribe to slaughter them. So, if it was for the treason the tribe committed, we should see Muhammad accusing the tribe of treason prior to besieging them. So; a piece of hadith?

Qur?????????????????????¢??an describes the whole incident after the occurrence. That means once the siege and the subsequent manslaughter is over, Allah sends holy verses to vindicate his pet prophet. (I just reminded you of this or else you would come up with Qur?????????????????????¢??an which will only serve to lengthen this debate)

The Trad wrote:
"Chief of the Banu al-Nadir; executed at Medina March, 627. Ḥuyayy was a courageous warrior and the most inveterate enemy of Mohammed, so that Ibn Hisham, Mohammed's biographer, calls him "the enemy of Allah." He was also a learned man, and on one occasion had a discussion with Mohammed upon the mystical letters beginning some of the suras in the Koran. At first, when the Banu al-Naḍir were located at Medina, Ḥuyayy's hostility to Mohammed was not pronounced, and when Abu Sufyan, the Ḳuraiẓite leader and an enemy of Mohammed, presented himself before Ḥuyayy's house. Ḥuyayy, fearing to compromise himself, refused to admit him. But when the Jews, driven by Mohammed from Medina, settled at Khaibar, Ḥuyayy incited them, with the Arab tribes of Ḳuraish and Ghaṭafan, into active revolt against Mohammed. When Ḥuyayy came to Ka'b ibn As'ad, the chief of the Banu Ḳuraiẓa, the latter, having sworn allegiance to Mohammed, hesitated to receive him; but Ḥuyayy convinced him of the danger which threatened the Jews from Mohammed, and induced the Banu Ḳuraiẓa to support him. Later, Mohammed took Ḳamuṣ, the fortress of the Ḳuraiẓites, carried to Medina from seven to eight hundred Jews, among them being Ḥuyayy, and executed them in the market-place. When Ḥuyayy was brought before Mohammed, he said to him: "I reproach not myself for having carried on war against thee." Ḥuyayy's daughter Safiyyah was also captured by Mohammed, and a few months afterward embraced Islam and became a wife of the prophet."

Bibliography: Ibn Hisham, Kitab Sirat Rasul Allah, ed. W¼stenfeld, p. 351, passim;
Caussin de Perceval, Essai sur V Histoire des Arabes, iii. 83, passim;
Gr¤tz, Gesch. 3d ed., v. 100-102, 105.G. M. Sel.

Proof the Banu Qurayza betrayed Muhammad.

What are you going to believe Muslim? Your Sira and Sahih sources or Jewish Encyclopedia?

Make up your mind; I am asking for a reference from Muhammad and I don?????????????????????¢??t think Jewish encyclopedia will help you to bring me a hadith in your defense. Remember, I asked you a very pertinent question. That is to bring a hadith to substantiate your claim Banu Qurayza betrayed Muhammad. Since the person betrayed here lived his life even after the tribe betraying him (what brainless betrayal from Banu Qurayza.., they did not know how to do the job) he can speak up on this betrayal.

But he did not speak up of Banu Qurayza betraying him and his warriors during the Khandaq siege. Muhammad and the Muslim warriors (THUGS) were not that passive sort of guys to not to stay idle if such a betrayal has occurred. But as Ibn Ishaq points out in his Sirah Rasul Ullah, Muhammad and his thugs were reclining and preparing for their afternoon prayer after Meccans left without fighting. Besieging of Banu Qurayza was not their agenda at that time. But that did not last, as Muhammad can not help with it. He needs war booties to satisfy him and to moralize his thugs. So slows down Gabriel, the alter ego of Muhammad in time. And it was Gabriel who incited Muhammad to besiege Banu Qurayza.

This is according to Sirah and Hadiths. So, however you cry over Banu Qurayza treachery, that is not going to make it a fact because all evidences are against you Muslim. Be it solid or circumstantial, evidences are against you. One Huayy bin Aktab getting his way to Banu Qurayza fort is not going to annul a Medinan pact. Or you will have to argue, all the pubertal boys of Banu Qurayza were beheaded just because one Huayy has been hosted by the tribe.

Hosting one person = Genocide????

Are you that stupid and cruel Muslim?


Continued below....


Last edited by AhmedBahgat on Sun 27 Sep, 2009 5:49 pm; edited 3 times in total
Post Posted:
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

So the Tard replied like this:

The Tard wrote:
Thank you for the first reasonable answer. I have to admit one thing, I'm beginning to have my doubts about Islam after your post. I'm confused on what really happened now, is there an article which answers or not? I'm hoping the second since I can't really think of Muhammad (PBUH) being bad at all, but the fact that he did behead over 600 jews does bring doubts to me about him being a prophet, I'm not completely immoral.

See pals, this is what I am talking about, a shity freak of a dishonest arsehole pretending to be a Muslim, coming to a kafir web site pretending to be defending islam, then simply dnouncing Islam in front of everyonhe, hahahahahah, that should tell you how weak they are such bunch of shifty freaks

Here is one kafir cheering for such shifty punk of a fake Muslim:

expozIslam wrote:
Thank goodness. I was getting sick of you defending this genocide but I appreciate your honesty. You don't have to believe us. Read from authentic islamic sources but don't go and ask your imam. He might get suspicious of you and your safety might be compromised.

I decided to approach such traitor with caution so I told him the following in reply to his comment in which he admitted to start doubting Islam:

The Tard wrote:
Thank you for the first reasonable answer. I have to admit one thing, I'm beginning to have my doubts about Islam after your post. I'm confused on what really happened now, is there an article which answers or not? I'm hoping the second since I can't really think of Muhammad (PBUH) being bad at all, but the fact that he did behead over 600 jews does bring doubts to me about him being a prophet, I'm not completely immoral.

AhmedBahgat wrote:
You need to stop believing anything you hear
The prophet never killed an innocent man, nor he behead 600 jews, whoever told you that is a liar

The shifty punk decided to play the shifty game with caution, sort of if he denounces Islam that quick, it should be obvious that everyone realizes that he is nothing but a fake Muslim, so after he admitted doubting Islam, he came back defending it again, by alleging that Bani Quraizah were the one who broke the treaty with the Muslims:

The Shifty Tard wrote:
Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 362:
Narrated Ibn Umar:
Bani An-Nadir and Bani Quraiza fought (against the Prophet violating their peace treaty), so the Prophet exiled Bani An-Nadir and allowed Bani Quraiza to remain at their places (in Medina) taking nothing from them till they fought against the Prophet again) . He then killed their men and distributed their women, children and property among the Muslims, but some of them came to the Prophet and he granted them safety, and they embraced Islam. He exiled all the Jews from Medina. They were the Jews of Bani Qainuqa', the tribe of 'Abdullah bin Salam and the Jews of Bani Haritha and all the other Jews of Medina.

The Shifty Tard wrote:
Well, isn't that proof about the Bani Qurayza betraying Muhammad and violating their peace treaty?

This was the end of it to me, he insisted on ignoring the wise advice from a wise Muslim brother, he continued to entertaining the filthy kafirs with Bukhari Springer hadith, and he exposed his arse by pretending to defend Islam again after he admitted his doubt, but I knew it all along, so I replied to such Tard really hard this time:

AhmedBahgat wrote:
Is that the compelling evidence you want to believe along with the kafirs bound to hell? Well, if yes, then fuk you and your master Bukhari, hell is the destination

The filthy shifty Tard fell in my trap and replied to me:

The Tard wrote:
Hilarious, the second I begin to doubt Islam a Muslim that's supposed to guide me is turning his back on me and threatening me with hell. You, sir are the one who might've just made my final conclusion.

Lol, see how I quickly made him expose himself, I tell you guys, all those kafirs combined, including the shifty ones of them, are no match for me, I can eat all of them for breakfast in the morning, then digest them all day long, and finally at night piss them into the toilet then flush it.

Now, if you remember well, here is how the Tard mode changed so far:

1) He started a thread to defend Islam
2) He admitted to start doubting Islam
3) He started again to defend Islam
4) He seconded his doubt in Islam

So what you guys think, his next mode will be?

Well, according to the Quran he should turn to be a hardcore unbeliever, and this is exactly what I am aiming to help him achieve. I must say, it will be entertaining watching those shifty freaks barbecued in hell.

See what he told me in reply to my comment below:

The prophet never killed an innocent man, nor he behead 600 jews, whoever told you that is a liar

The Tard wrote:
Or then you're a liar.
Eitherway I would like an explanation for:

Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 362:
Narrated Ibn Umar:
Bani An-Nadir and Bani Quraiza fought (against the Prophet violating their peace treaty), so the Prophet exiled Bani An-Nadir and allowed Bani Quraiza to remain at their places (in Medina) taking nothing from them till they fought against the Prophet again) . He then killed their men and distributed their women, children and property among the Muslims, but some of them came to the Prophet and he granted them safety, and they embraced Islam. He exiled all the Jews from Medina. They were the Jews of Bani Qainuqa', the tribe of 'Abdullah bin Salam and the Jews of Bani Haritha and all the other Jews of Medina.

The Tard wrote:
Afterwards I'll denounce my faith.

Holy crap man, what the fuk was that exactly?

As if I care if he denounces his faith or not,

Fine, how can I help you to denounce your faith sooner than later you filthy tard of a shifty punk? But please, not by asking me to reply to some Jerry Springer crap. Don?????????????????????¢??t you know that I don?????????????????????¢??t discuss Jerry Springer crap with kafirs. I only reply to Jerry Springer crap to Muslims, well, you might say that you are still a Muslim and yet to denounce your faith, I say fine, argument accepted, so let me reply to your Bukhari Springer crap above:

Look tard, my reply to Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 362 goes like this:

You should shove Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 362 up your arse.

Sorry tard, you wanted an answer, and this is exactly what I tell the hadith worshippers from among the Muslims, to shove Bukhari Springer hadith up their arses, hope you and them enjoy it though, you know it is a BIG volume.

So this is how I replied on the thread to the tard:

AhmedBahgat wrote:
Indeed punk, I am glad that a punk like you will be barbecued in hell
put your feet together for the loser
flap,flap, flap flap
you are dismissed, punk

What was so funny to watch was this, an inmate of a kafir enemy of Islam pretended to be mister nice guy, so he adviced the Tard who wanted to denounce his faith, as follow:

The tard wrote:
Afterwards I'll denounce my faith.

charleslemartel wrote:
Please don't be too quick to denounce your faith. Even though I am against Islam, and fight it intellectually with whatever intellect I have, I am not in favor of hasty conclusions. Premature decisions make one repent later on.

You have so far (Prior to coming to FFI) heard one side of the story as told to you by the Muslims. Here at FFI, you have an opportunity to hear the other side of the story. I would only request you to be as dispassionate, and neutral, as you can while analyzing both sides.

Even though I am convinced that eventually you might denounce Islam, I won't advise you to do it too fast. Childhood Conditioning is difficult to get rid of, so do read on, and research on the issue (as well as many other issues) as much as you can, and from different angles so that you are convinced before taking the plunge.

Wish you all the best.

How nice from the other shifty inmate, how about a kafir group hug between all of you, filthy shifty punks?

So I replied to inmate Charles:

AhmedBahgat wrote:
Far out, let him leave Islam, so I watch him barbecued in hell along with you
It's showtime

I thought that all the kafir know what I mean by It?????????????????????¢??s Showtime, but it seems an ignorant one still doesn?????????????????????¢??t, so he asked me:

pr126 wrote:
How can you watch unless you are there with them?
Does hell have a TV station broadcasting local events?

So I replied:

Of course, kid, I will watch you and your kafir pals, without being in hell with you, I call it, It's showtime, so let me start the show:

50: And they will approach one another asking between themselves.
51: A speaker among them would say: Indeed, there was to me a comrade.
52: Who says: Are you indeed of those who believe?
53: Is it when we have died and become dust and bones, we will be in debit?
54: He would say: Will you look?
55: So he would look and see him in the midst of the hellfire.
56: He would say: By Allah, you almost ruined me.

[The Quran ; 37:50-56]

فَأَقْبَلَ بَعْضُهُمْ عَلَى بَعْضٍ يَتَسَاءلُونَ (50)
قَالَ قَائِلٌ مِّنْهُمْ إِنِّي كَانَ لِي قَرِينٌ (51)
يَقُولُ أَئِنَّكَ لَمِنْ الْمُصَدِّقِينَ (52)
أَئِذَا مِتْنَا وَكُنَّا تُرَابًا وَعِظَامًا أَئِنَّا لَمَدِينُونَ (53)
قَالَ هَلْ أَنتُم مُّطَّلِعُونَ (54)
فَاطَّلَعَ فَرَآهُ فِي سَوَاء الْجَحِيمِ (55)
قَالَ تَاللَّهِ إِنْ كِدتَّ لَتُرْدِينِ (56)

-> See, believers will meet together in the garden and wonder how someone like you (whom we know well from FFI) would be doing at that time: And they will approach one another asking between themselves., possibly I will ask :A speaker among them would say: Indeed, there was to me a comrade., I will be talking about the kafirs whom Ii met on FFI for sure, and guess what, this is exactly what the goons of FFI tell any believer: Who says: Are you indeed of those who believe? the underlined 'who' in the verse is one like any goon of the goons or possibly YOU, and the goons also said: Is it when we have died and become dust and bones, we will be in debit? , see, that is exactly what the kafirs like you tell the believers like me, then Allah will reply to our questions and tell us :He (Allah) would say: Will you look?, that is what I call It?????????????????????¢??s Showtime, so I will look DOWN at you :So he would look and see him in the midst of the hellfire., well done kafirs, I may also tell you that I?????????????????????¢??m glad I didn?????????????????????¢??t listen to your crap unlike the new stupid kafir in the block The Tard, otherwise I would be with you in the midst of fire:He would say: By Allah, you almost ruined me.

What a show it will be

Indeed, the filthy kafirs love to turn the Muslims away from their religion, a fact stated in the Quran, which is confirmed everyday on FFI, the problem of such filthy kafirs though, that they hardly can make a real Muslim who understand his/her religion denounce their great faith, so they bring shifty punks like The Tard to pretend to be Muslim then denounce Islam after dialoguing with them, what a cheap and shifty plan by those desperate kafirs bound to the blaze, let me show you a clear example, let?????????????????????¢??s see what the shifty kafir named Charles, who pretended to be nice and advice the tard not to denounce Islam quickly and should take his time, said to me in the next page:

charleslemartel wrote:
Yes. Were you surprised by my post advising him to tread cautiously?
I am not preventing him from leaving Islam. I am just advising him to think rationally without any fear (of hell).

But look how he exposed his shifty arse in the next dialogue:

charleslemartel wrote:
Get over your irrational fear man; it makes you look like a kid. There is no Allah, no hell and no barbecue. There won't be any showtime for you.

See how clear

This is indeed what the Quran has told me, that those shifty punks of kafirs wants me to disbelieve like them so I turn loser like them:

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوَاْ إِن تُطِيعُواْ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ يَرُدُّوكُمْ عَلَى أَعْقَابِكُمْ فَتَنقَلِبُواْ خَاسِرِينَ (149)
O you who have believed! If you obey those who have disbelieved they will turn you back upon your heels so that you will turn back losers.
[Al Quran ; 3:149]

-> See: O you who have believed! If you obey those who have disbelieved they will turn you back upon your heels so that you will turn back losers.

So put your feet again for the new loser in the block, The Tard

Flap, flap, flap, flap


Post Posted:
Sun 27 Sep, 2009 8:14 am
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Salam all

How about a new slam by which I will dunk the Federal Court of Pakistan and a Pakistani woman named Jamilah Hussain

Both claim that Alcohol is not prohibited in the Quran. It came to my knowledge through a kafir on FFI web site, I like that kafir though, because he does not insult Mohammed.

Of course, the Quran prohibited alcohol, this was proven to me by a nice Canadian Muslim lady about 3 years ago, she was a member in here but she left due to my free speech style and insults, she was a very nice and knowledgeable lady though, I will never forget her because she taught me something very valuable:

The reason of my slam is this, for the last 2 years or so, many confused Muslims are promoting that Allah did not prohibit Khamr

They go around the internet promoting their crap, that in no where in the Quran we read the following:

Harram Allah Al-Khamr

They claim that Allah only said, don?????????????????????¢??t come near Al-Khamr, so for them a little bit of Alcohol is ok.

Let me show you a couple of paragraphs brought on the table by a Kafir named Bunny whom I respect because he does not insult prophet Mohammed, it seems that the article source is somewhere in Pakistan:
Bunny of FFI brought on the table the following from an article posted by someone named Nadeem F. Paracha from Pakistan on 09 24th, 2009

The lingering Islamisation milieu put together by the Ziaul Haq dictatorship got a beating recently. In May this year, in an unprecedented move, the Federal Shariat Court declared that the consumption of alcohol in Islam was a (comparatively) lesser crime. The court duly overturned the punishment of applying 80 lashes to the seller and consumer of alcohol (with a whip) and replaced it with light ?????????????????????¢??strokes from a stick made from a palm tree leave.?????????????????????¢??

In her book, Islam, Its Laws & Society, Islamic law expert Jamila Hussain states that though the Quran ?????????????????????¢??advises?????????????????????¢?? Muslims to stay away from wine (khamr), it does not outright forbid it like it does carrion meat, blood, pork, and idolatry. She also states that neither does the Holy Book prescribe any punishment for consuming alcohol.

And this is how I replied to kafir Bunny:

Salam Bunny

The article should be interesting to expose the stupidity of such federal shariat court and that stupid woman Jamila Hussain from Pakistan, to be honest, they sound as stupid as the Ulamaa of Azhar.

Let me give you an introduction:

If I tell you in general that everything bad is Haram (prohibited)

Then I tell you, doing a specific action is very bad

That must lead to, such specific and very bad action is Haram (prohibited)

With that simple and compelling logic in mind, let me show you now, how those dumb bums Pakistanis are wrong:

First of all, the Quran indeed prohibited Alcohol outright, they just do not understand the Quran, as simple as that, but before I show it to every body, let me just tell you something that should expose the stupidity of such Pakistanis and their federal court:

I believe they mean by outright prohibition is to say:

Alcohol is Haram (prohibited)

Well, for them, if they do not read such outright prohibition in the Quran, then Alcohol is not Haram, the problem for them is this, the Quran never said:

Zina (sex outside wedlock) is Haram, in such outright manner which they are looking for. Would that mean that Zina is allowed?

Well, indeed the Quran outright prohibited both sins (Alcohol and Zina), let me first bring a verse in which we read that Allah outright prohibited a few things:

قُلْ إِنَّمَا حَرَّمَ رَبِّيَ الْفَوَاحِشَ مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا وَمَا بَطَنَ وَالإِثْمَ وَالْبَغْيَ بِغَيْرِ الْحَقِّ وَأَن تُشْرِكُواْ بِاللّهِ مَا لَمْ يُنَزِّلْ بِهِ سُلْطَانًا وَأَن تَقُولُواْ عَلَى اللّهِ مَا لاَ تَعْلَمُونَ (33)
Say: Indeed My Lord has prohibited indecencies, what is apparent of them and what is concealed, and sin and perpetration without right, and that you associate with Allah that for which He has not sent down any authority, and that you say about Allah what you do not know.
<Al Quran ; 7:33>

-> See mate, in 7:33, Allah has outright prohibited the following:

1) الْفَوَاحِشَ مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا وَمَا بَطَنَ , i.e. indecencies, what is apparent of them and what is concealed,
2) وَالإِثْمَ , i.e. Sin
3) وَالْبَغْيَ بِغَيْرِ الْحَقِّ , i.e. perpetration without right
4) وَأَن تُشْرِكُواْ بِاللّهِ مَا لَمْ يُنَزِّلْ بِهِ سُلْطَانًا , i.e. associate with Allah that for which He has not sent down any authority
5) وَأَن تَقُولُواْ عَلَى اللّهِ مَا لاَ تَعْلَمُونَ , i.e. say about Allah what you do not know

Now, I want you to concentrate on items 1 & 2 above:

The Arabic word for Indecencies is فَوَاحِشَ , Fawahish, which is plural, the singular is: فَاحِشَةً , Fahishah, i.e. Indecency

The Arabic word for Sin is إِثْمَ , Ithm, which is singular, the plural is : اثامَ , Atham, i.e. Sins

Now bear in mind that in the Arabic language, we can use either the singular or the plural to prohibit the plural, this is just a style and is commonly used in the Arabic language, you can see both examples under items 1 & 2

1- The plural ?????????????????????¢??indecencies?????????????????????¢?? is used to prohibit all indecencies.
2- The singular ?????????????????????¢??sin?????????????????????¢?? is used to prohibit all sins.

Now, indecencies & sins are very general and can be speculated of course, and had Allah left it at that, I would have agreed with those ignorant from Pakistan, but Allah did not leave it at that, for Alcohol, He told us:

يَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ الْخَمْرِ وَالْمَيْسِرِ قُلْ فِيهِمَا إِثْمٌ كَبِيرٌ وَمَنَافِعُ لِلنَّاسِ وَإِثْمُهُمَآ أَكْبَرُ مِن نَّفْعِهِمَا وَيَسْأَلُونَكَ مَاذَا يُنفِقُونَ قُلِ الْعَفْوَ كَذَلِكَ يُبيِّنُ اللّهُ لَكُمُ الآيَاتِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَفَكَّرُونَ (219)
They ask you regarding the alcohol and the gambling; say: In both there is a great sin and means of benefit for the people, and its sin is greater than its benefit. And they ask you regarding what they should spend; say: Pardon others. Thus does Allah explain to you the signs that you may ponder-
<Al Quran ; 2:219>

-> See, They ask you regarding the alcohol and the gambling; say: In both there is a great sin

Now, because in 7:33 Allah prohibited all Atham (Sins), , and because in 2:219 Allah is telling us that in Alcohol is a great Ithm (sin), then according to 7:33 & 2:219 together, ALCOHOL IS HARAM as stated by Allah.

For Zina, Allah told us:

وَلَا تَقْرَبُوا الزِّنَا ۖ إِنَّهُ كَانَ فَاحِشَةً وَسَاءَ سَبِيلًا (32)
And go not near adultery; indeed, it is an indecency and an evil way.
<Al Quran ; 17:32>

-> See: And go not near adultery; indeed, it is an indecency and an evil way.

Now, because in 7:33 Allah prohibited all Fawahish (Indecencies), and because in 17:32 Allah is telling us that Zina is Fahishah (Indecency), then according to 7:33 & 17:32 together, ZINA IS HARAM as stated by Allah.

Finally, not because there is no punishment for drinking Alcohol in the Quran, it means it is allowed, this is stupid, indeed there is a huge punishment for it in this life and the punishment is from Allah, Alcohol will kill you and before it doed that, it will humiliate you. And surely the ultimate punishment will start when it kills you.

Here you have it, mrs Jamillah Hussain and the Federal Court of Pakistan have been slam dunked and exposed.

# 61



Last edited by AhmedBahgat on Sun 22 Nov, 2009 6:17 am; edited 2 times in total
Post Posted:
Tue 29 Sep, 2009 6:46 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Salam all

The conversation between Bunny and myself continued further regarding alcohol and the last slam dunk, this is an edited version to the actual dialogue, I only kept what is related to the subject if you want to read the whole dialogue then you may go to:

Psycho Bunny wrote:
Interesting article here:

AhmedBahgat wrote:
Salam Bunny
The article should be interesting to expose the stupidity of such fedral shariat court, they sound as stupid as the Ulamaa of Azhar, to be honest
Now let me give you an introduction:
If I tell you in general that everything bad is Haram (prohibited)
Then I tell you, doing a specific action is very bad
That must lead to, such specific and very bad action is Haram (prohibited)

Psycho Bunny wrote:
OK - I follow so far, Ahmed.

Cool mate, the above logic is irrefutable

If A is haram

And doing B includes a lot of A, then B must be haram

AhmedBahgat wrote:
With that simple and compelling logic in mind, let me show you now, how those dumb bums are wrong

From lashes to strokes
Posted by Nadeem F. Paracha in Entertainment, Featured Articles, Pakistan on 09 24th, 2009 | 113 responses
The lingering Islamisation milieu put together by the Ziaul Haq dictatorship got a beating recently. In May this year, in an unprecedented move, the Federal Shariat Court declared that the consumption of alcohol in Islam was a (comparatively) lesser crime. The court duly overturned the punishment of applying 80 lashes to the seller and consumer of alcohol (with a whip) and replaced it with light ?????????????????????¢??strokes from a stick made from a palm tree leave.?????????????????????¢??

In her book, Islam, Its Laws & Society, Islamic law expert Jamila Hussain states that though the Quran ?????????????????????¢??advises?????????????????????¢?? Muslims to stay away from wine (khamr), it does not outright forbid it like it does carrion meat, blood, pork, and idolatry. She also states that neither does the Holy Book prescribe any punishment for consuming alcohol.

AhmedBahgat wrote:
First of all, the Quran indeed prohibited Alcohol outright, she just does not understand the Quran, as simple as that, but before I show it to every body, let me just tell you something that should expose the stupidity of such woman and such federal court:

I guess they mean by ?????????????????????¢??outright prohibition?????????????????????¢?? is to say:

Alcohol is Haram (prohibited)

Well, for them, if they do not read such outright prohibition in the Quran, then Alcohol is not Haram, the problem for them is this, the Quran never said:

Zina (sex outside wedlock) is Haram, in such outright manner, they are after. Would that mean that it is allowed?

Psycho Bunny wrote:
The problem here is not that it is haram, but just how haram it is.

You are using those Pakistanis stupid argument, well let me tell you this then

The worst sin in the Eyes of Allah, is Shirk, it is far worse than Zina, and certainly Allah did not specify a punishment in this life for Shirk in the Quran, therefore the Tom and Jerry Pakistani argument that there is no punishment for it in the Quran must be dismissed in the rubbish bin.

Also with Zina, you may be spreading diseases and infecting many other innocent people, therefore I can see the wisdom in making a punishment for it in this life while others should be watching such punishment, to scare the shit out of their arses and make them rethink before committing such sin which may harm a whole society

For Alcohol, you are only hurting yourself

For murder, certainly a killer has harmed another human, therefore a punishment in this life is warranted, for theft, likewise

How logical and compelling, man.

Psycho Bunny wrote:
Zina is already a sin that can be punished to Hadd (death by stoning) if there are 4 witnesses

Total bullshit and non sense, the punishment for Zina is 100 lashes in public, therefore no capital punishment for Zina in the Quran, as well, you do not need 4 witnesses to prove the crime of Zina, those 4 witnesses are only needed by any man who accuses a woman of adultery. And if he fails to bring 4 witnesses then he will be lashed 80 lashes in public

I think, dear bunny, that the confused Muslims totally confused the shit out of you.

Psycho Bunny wrote:
in Iranian Shia jurisdiction and under the original Hudood laws of Pakistan. (though I cannot remember the verse - Sura 2 somewhere? - the reference specifically comes from the Quran)

BS, you must show it to me, and while you are doing, that, let me ask you, who the fuk is Iranian Shia jurisdiction?, Fuk them and Fuk the Federal Court of Pakistan, they are nothing but a bunch of confused freaks bound to hell if they don?????????????????????¢??t repent promoting their lies against Allah and His Hudood which are stated clearly in the Quran

AhmedBahgat wrote:
Well, indeed the Quran outright prohibited both sins, let me first bring a verse in which we read that Allah outright prohibited a few things:

قُلْ إِنَّمَا حَرَّمَ رَبِّيَ الْفَوَاحِشَ مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا وَمَا بَطَنَ وَالإِثْمَ وَالْبَغْيَ بِغَيْرِ الْحَقِّ وَأَن تُشْرِكُواْ بِاللّهِ مَا لَمْ يُنَزِّلْ بِهِ سُلْطَانًا وَأَن تَقُولُواْ عَلَى اللّهِ مَا لاَ تَعْلَمُونَ (33)
Say: Indeed My Lord has prohibited indecencies, what is apparent of them and what is concealed, and sin and perpetration without right, and that you associate with Allah that for which He has not sent down any authority, and that you say about Allah what you do not know.
[Al Quran ; 7:33]

-> See mate, in 7:33, Allah has outright prohibited the following:

1) الْفَوَاحِشَ مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا وَمَا بَطَنَ , i.e. indecencies, what is apparent of them and what is concealed,
2) وَالإِثْمَ , i.e. Sin
3) وَالْبَغْيَ بِغَيْرِ الْحَقِّ , i.e. perpetration without right
4) وَأَن تُشْرِكُواْ بِاللّهِ مَا لَمْ يُنَزِّلْ بِهِ سُلْطَانًا , i.e. associate with Allah that for which He has not sent down any authority
5) وَأَن تَقُولُواْ عَلَى اللّهِ مَا لاَ تَعْلَمُونَ , i.e. say about Allah what you do not know

Now, I want you to concentrate on 1 & 2

The Arabic word for Indecencies is فَوَاحِشَ , Fawahish, which is plural, the singular is : فَاحِشَةً , Fahishah, i.e. Indecency

The Arabic word for Sin is إِثْمَ , Ithm, which is singular, the plural is : إِثامَ , Atham, i.e. Sins

Now bear in mind, that in Arabic language, we can use either the singular or the plural to prohibit plural, this is just a style and is commonly used in the Arabic language, you can see both examples in 1 & 2

1- The plural ?????????????????????¢??indecencies?????????????????????¢?? is used to prohibit all indecencies.
2- The singular ?????????????????????¢??sin?????????????????????¢?? is used to prohibit all sins.

Psycho Bunny wrote:
OK - I follow your drift and agree so far


AhmedBahgat wrote:
Now, indecencies & sins are very general and can be speculated of course, and had Allah left it at that, I would have agreed with those ignorant from Pakistan, but Allah did not leave it at that, for Alcohol, He told us:

يَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ الْخَمْرِ وَالْمَيْسِرِ قُلْ فِيهِمَا إِثْمٌ كَبِيرٌ وَمَنَافِعُ لِلنَّاسِ وَإِثْمُهُمَآ أَكْبَرُ مِن نَّفْعِهِمَا وَيَسْأَلُونَكَ مَاذَا يُنفِقُونَ قُلِ الْعَفْوَ كَذَلِكَ يُبيِّنُ اللّهُ لَكُمُ الآيَاتِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَفَكَّرُونَ (219)
They ask you regarding the alcohol and the gambling; say: In both there is a great sin and means of benefit for the people, and its sin is greater than its benefit. And they ask you regarding what they should spend; say: Pardon others. Thus does Allah explain to you the signs that you may ponder-
[Al Quran ; 2:219]

-> See, They ask you regarding the alcohol and the gambling; say: In both there is a great sin

Psycho Bunny wrote:


Psycho Bunny wrote:
But there is a great sin - and means of benefit - in both alcohol and gambling.

Well,of course there are benefits, Alcohol is used in medicine intensively to make things purified, and indeed the message of the Quran is about purification

And certainly when you won easy money for doing nothing, it should be a benefit to whoever won, no one can deny that, the verse also told us that in them are great sin, consequently, we have the following 3 facts as stated in the verse about Alcohol and Gambling:

1) There are benefits in both for humans
2) In both of them are great sins
3) Their sins outweigh their benefit

Now putting 7:33 in the picture, which states clearly that Allah prohibited all sins, which should apply to both small and big sins because the verse did not say that Allah prohibited big sins, so we must conclude that Alcohol and gambling are haram regardless that humans may classify it as major or minor sin.

Psycho Bunny wrote:
I assume this "benefit" means the possibility of winning in gambling,

Most certainly, and btw, I was answering while I was reading for the first time, so I did not know that you said so, but here you have it, both our minds think logically the same regarding that point, however here is another benefit for Gambling: Having a bloody great time especially when you are winning.

Psycho Bunny wrote:
and the pleasure of a small drink,

Far out, it seems we have very similar way of thinking, I did not read the above either before I told you my story.

Psycho Bunny wrote:
as opposed to losing one's mind and liver through alcoholism or being ruined from gambling debts.

Of course, and certainly the hatful feeling that is created from the loser against the winner, even if the winner is your best friend, I have been through it man, in fact the day I lost a large sum of money before I started cheating, was to my best friend who is still my best friend, he actually returned the money to me the following day, we lived in the same apartment building, so he was part of my cheating plan and certainly he made money of it too.

Psycho Bunny wrote:
The nature of the sins is irrelevant as being "haram", alcohol and gambling are forbidden.

Of course it is relevant, if you do harm to others then, because if you do harm to others, like killing others, or stealing from others or spreading diseases in the society then a punishment in this life is warranted and is specified by Allah

With gambling though, while the winner caused financial harm to the loser, the loser gambled with his/her own choice knowing in advance that they may lose, therefore a punishment in this life is not warranted

Psycho Bunny wrote:
However, the extent of the sin here must be proportionally less than a sin that leads to Hadd, simply because there is a (potential) benefit from alcohol and gambling.

That is what you and them are saying

2:219 however is clearly saying:

In alcohol is a HUGE SIN

And because Allah prohibited all sins, huge or small, then alcohol must be haram. Period, and its punishment is with Allah on the JD.

AhmedBahgat wrote:
Now I know that you are a smart bunny, and I am sure that you should conclude, that according to 7:33 & 2:219, ALCOHOL IS HARAM

For Zina, Allah told us:

وَلَا تَقْرَبُوا الزِّنَا ۖ إِنَّهُ كَانَ فَاحِشَةً وَسَاءَ سَبِيلًا (32)
And go not near adultery; indeed, it is an indecency and an evil way.
[Al Quran ; 17:32]

-> See: And go not near adultery; indeed, it is an indecency and an evil way. , i.e. according to 7:33 & 17:32, ZINA IS HARAM

Finally, not because there is no punishment for it in the Quran, it means it is allowed, this is stupid, indeed there is a huge punishment for it in this life and the punishment is from Allah, Alcohol will kill you and before it do that, it will humiliate you. And surely the ultimate punishment will start when it kills you.


Psycho Bunny wrote:
You write: "And surely the ultimate punishment will start when it kills you." Wink

Good points, and thank you for taking the time to guide me through the linguistics. It is always a pleasure to engage with posts like these.


Psycho Bunny wrote:
I still maintain that - because there is implied some benefit, even though it is eclipsed by the enormity of the sin,

That is if Allah did not say:

1) In it is a HUGE SIN
2) Its HUGE SIN outweigh its benefit
3) All sins, huge or small, are haram

No one can refute this, dear friend

Psycho Bunny wrote:
that for punitive purposes (and Pakistan's Federal Shariat Court exists for such purposes) the punishment must be less than for exceptionally heinous haram activities, in crimes where there is only sin, and no implied "benefit".

There should be no punishment in this life of course because the drinker only harms the self, however if he starts to abuse his wife or children or even others while being drunk or under the influence, then a punishment must be warranted, not because he drins, but because he did something else.

Psycho Bunny wrote:
I may be entirely wrong,

You are mate, with all sincerity

Psycho Bunny wrote:
but I bow down to your higher knowledge of the Quran and Arabic. If you say I am totally astray, I will concede.

And a big Salam to you too, Ahmed.

It is all common sense man, and no concession is required, I only answered you for the sake of the truth that Alachol is 100% haram as stated in 2 related verses in the Quran.

Take care

Post Posted:
Thu 01 Oct, 2009 6:08 am
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The difference between a complete punk of a Muslim and a decent Kafir

Salam all

This comment is going to be a bit strange, I thought about it for a while and decided to add it to my slam dunk show, not as a slam, but a compelling proof to how Satan is fuking the Muslims so bad

Bunny, the kafir who debated with me the issue of the prohibition of Alcohol, as read in the last two comments above, has replied back, let?????????????????????¢??s read his reply:

Psycho Bunny wrote:
Well I was wrong, and I admit it Ahmed.
Sorry! I liked the stories though. Shows you as more of a personality. All good stuff.....

Now, my sincere thanks to him, only for the sake of the truth being confirmed by a decent kafir, as stated in the Quran

I was not after that he comes back and says, yes Ahmed, you are right, and I am wrong, honestly, I just did not expect it from a Kafir talking about the same argument some of the Muslims themselves promote, after seeing how those confused Muslims are so stubborn to accept the truth as stated in the same very book they claim to believe in.

However let me bring a reply from Bunny, which I did not copy in here, it was straight after my long refute, Bunny said the following:

Psycho Bunny wrote:
Thank you Ahmed
Nice to see you back here, and also providing me with education.
I don't have the time right now to absorb all that you have presented, and to respond and query any of the points now - when I have not fully absorbed your nuggets of wisdom - will not do justice to your efforts.
But thanks for taking the time to correct the points in the article. I will respond in about 12 hours.
I hope you are well
Best Regards

How decent he was, dear Muslims brothers and sisters, forget whatever positivities he wrote, just remember the following which he said above:

Thank you Ahmed
Nice to see you back here, and also providing me with education.

But thanks for taking the time to correct the points in the article.

I hope you are well

Best Regards

Now, I duplicate my articles on facebook for all family and friends, so I share it with them and also give them a chance to debate it, especially they are suppose to be Muslim audience, I actually hate facebook bad, I only joined after my brother aksed me while I was in Egypt,

So I copied my alcohol refute to facebook and added about 35 family and friends which means that my article will appear on their facebook homepage, but shortened

On eof those whom I tagged in the article is a first cousin who lives in the USA, and certainly suppose to be a Muslim, so let see what happened as I documented it on face book for all my friends and family to read:

Salam all

The reason of this very important note is this:

You may be annoyed by my notes appearing in your Wall, well, tough luck, unless you add your name in this comment specifying that you do not want my notes to appear in your Wall any more, believe me YOUR WISH WILL BE GRANTED ON THE FLY,

Well, something happened today after I posted the final part of my article, did Allah prohibit Khamr and Zina?

What happended really disappointed me, disgusted me and certainly pissed me off, let me tell you what happened so you would be aware

I have a first cousin named Mido Emad who lives in the USA, however he is far younger than me so we hardly had any contact in the past, his father however (may Allah bless his soul) was the only brother of my mother, therefore you expect that the relationship between the cousins would be charming if it is to happen

I actually never knew him personally, he sounded like a nice guy who is well into this life and its enjoyment, but that is his business not mine.

I added him as a facebook friend because he was a friend of my brother Hamdy who invited me to facebook,

Now, there is only ONE reason that I joined such cheap and low community of facebook, I am not into that at all, so I said to myself well, I will use it as a channel to spread the message of Allah, and who should you care about more than family and friends

As most of you know by now, that I write a lot, yet it is not even enough for me, I have a lot of writings that I already did and far more to write.

I am not into any other facebook activity that you may stumble into, all crap and total waste of time for me.

Now, after I posted the final part of my article about 30 minutes ago., I received a comment from the suppose to be my first cousin Mido Emad, let?????????????????????¢??s see what he had to say to me:

Mido Emad wrote on Ahmed Wall:
I am not quote sure of what you are trying to convince me with all the posts you have been raging me in ?

Ahmed says:
How fukin rude man, he did not even say salam, the punk, and indeed he looks like a real punk.

Now, his use of the word raging was the end for me, you cannot fukin be more rude than this man, but that is reality, MOST AMERICANS are fukin rude and arrogant, I lived there long enough to know them until I said fuk that I will never live in such society, so I left and Allah blessed me with Australia afterward., and indeed all Australians know that Mmost Americans are nothing but a bunch of cheap poor arrogant freaks. Australians do not like Americans, because the Australians are the total opposite to such freaks

Anyway, sorry about my outbrust, this is how I replied to such rude freak who described my religious writings as raging, I guess what is not raging in his deluded mind, is the crap that he does and most here do, you know like that Arse prize he created and bloody spammed my inbox on facebook with it, so I replied to him:

Ahmed said to his cousin, the very rude and life indulgent Mido Emad
Well, I am not trying to convince anyone with anything, I am only sharing RELIGIOUS information, better than sharing your crap and that arse prize or whatever you call it, your crap was also annoying me too because I am only on facebook to share religious information with family and friends, I am not into your other crap that most of you here do, yet I had the courtsey to not to tell you that your were annoying me with your crap on my wall and my inbox, you know you suppose to be a first cousin and a dear family member, so I just ignored it without telling you so, but it seems that you do not have such courtsey, and was so rude even in questioning my doing which I thought it suppose to be for a benefit,

i.e. we have nothing in common and I have to dismiss you

You are dismissed.

And I straight deleted him from my family and friends

Now, to avoid a similar situation, please add you name on this note telling me that you do not want my notes to appear on your wall anymore.

I stress again to everyone, I am not here to share with you any facebook crap, I am only here to share my religious researches and studies which is open for debate if you wish.

Therefore putting your name here means that I have to remove you from my friends list, see, I also get annoyed with all the crap by almost everyone on my friends list when it does not have any religious flavour, and it is plenty, yet I have the courtsey not to tell you. Therefore if you do not want to read my religious work which you may classify as crap, I too do not want to read your clear cut life crap. So better off you remove me from your friends list if that is your desire. thank you very much

I hate this cheap place that is controlled by Iblis, man. But please before you remove me, get ready to read my next article, which I am writing now for two days, I chose the title Iblis is winning for it, it is going to be interesting.


Here you have it, a clear example between a jerk of a so called Muslim who is also a close relative and a decent kafir

Who do you think should gain my respect?

Most certainly, the decent kafir who appreciated and thanked me for my time. Indeed, you won?????????????????????¢??t even imagine how long I spend doing so, but that is between my Lord and myself, I am waiting for nothing other than forgivness and blessings from my Lord

Therefore, it is my time to thank my dear Kafir friend, Bunny

Thank you Bunny from the bottom of my heart


Post Posted:
Thu 01 Oct, 2009 7:23 pm
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