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Age: 59
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Post subject: Exposing the Egyptians Reply with quote  

Salam all

Hope everyone is doing great in this period of time which I believe is tough for all humans on earth, I needed to take a break from all religious discussions/debates and just ponder upon life in general, life for me is the toughest thing I have ever faced and I believe it has to be the same for all, however I know that many do not comprehend how tough life is, they just take it for granted while I see that nothing is granted in it. All humans must share such fact about life, not strangely enough that you can see such battle (humans vs life) in some areas more than others, at the end of the day it is the people who fuk themselves and therefore they can only blame themselves and no one else.

Since I was a child, I was addicted (and still am) to reading the newspapers, I believe that many of the stories in there are true, at least the crime stories must be true, forget politics, let's just concentrate on crime stories, I see the crime level in any place as a strong indication to how fuked/ignorant the whole community is, I still consider those who commit no crime responsible because they do not work hard nor at all to prevent such crimes or at least make it the bear minimum.

In the 80s Egypt was about 50-60 millions, currently it is about 80 millions, i.e. in 30 years Egypt population increased by roughly 30 millions, therefore Egypt population increases by 1 million a year (roughly), back then when I used to read the newspapers daily, I was horrified by the crimes that I read constantly everyday, 30 years later (now), I found that all these Egyptian newspapers are online and with no shame they have dedicated sections to the crime stories, you may guess that the crime level has increased dramatically, crimes that makes you sick and hate your life by just knowing that there are people out there who can do such things, very depressing indeed, my problem with people like the Egyptians is this: they bloody promote themselves as God fearing and God worshipping Arabic community with one of the exceptional morals found on the planet, I can tell you that this is 100% a lie, most of the Egyptians for me fear no God and only worship this life, they just do not know it and yet when they know it, they never learn from it and life just goes on as they used to.

To prove what I stated above, I decided to post many crime stories from Egypt as they are posted on the Egyptians newspapers daily, and you will be the judge.

The Egyptians solution to tackle such crime is simply ONE thing only, to catch the criminals by whatever mean or way (legal or not) they must be caught, and they are good at that because this is the only thing they do by simply exploiting the flawed nature of the Arabs of dobbing anyone in, even friends, it is just in their blood, I can tell you that trusting a Jew is far more worthy that trusting an Arab, no fukin question about it, this is not an attack, this is a fukin fact that everyone including myself should be aware of, and I thank Allah that I became aware of it years ago.

Two crime stories that I read today, I was shaken, sad and horrified and this is what motivated me to create this thread that will last for ages and will have hundreds of such crimes (no shortage of such stories, trust me)

Talk to you soon with the first horrifying crime.
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Tue 21 Oct, 2008 3:08 pm
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Age: 59
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Salam all

I would like to apologise first if this thread will cause any pain to you, if you are faint hearted then leave and read nothing.

The first Egyptian crime today is horrifying, in this story which happened last Ramadan, you will learn well that Arabs can never be trusted

What I will do I will break the story into parts then add my explanation to the story and any further comment I would like to say after each part:


شهر عسل في التخشيبة‮!‬
العروسان قتلا جارتهما للإنفاق علي شهر العسل‮!‬

The above is the title which says: Honeymoon in Jail, the bride and the groom killed their neighbour to spend on their honeymoon

The criminals: Ahmad & Sherihan

هل كان يجب ان تموت‮ Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?»‬حسنة‮Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?« ‬ليعيش احمد وشريهان؟‮!‬
هل كان يجب ان تسيل الدماء أنها را‮ ‬حتي‮ ‬ينعم احمد وعروسه بشهر العسل؟
هل اصبح جزاء الاحسان هو الاساءة‮.. ‬هل اصبح منطقيا ان تمد يدك الي جائع حتي تطعمه فيكون جزاؤك قطع يدك ومن بعدها رقبتك؟‮!‬
عشرات التساؤلات فجرتها هذه الجريمة الغريبة التي شهدها حي الشرابية عندما أقدم عريس في شهر العسل بالاشتراك مع عروسه علي ذبح صاحبة المنزل التي فتحت لهما منزلها وقلبها فكان مصيرها‮ ‬الذبح علي أيديهما

The reporter is asking:

Did Hasnah (The victim name - an old lady) has to die for Ahmad and Sherihan to live?
Is the blood needed to pour in rivers so Ahmad and his bride enjoy their honeymoon?
Is evil the reward of kindness?
Is it logical that you spread your hand to feed a hungry human and your reward is severing your hand and your neck also?
Tens of questions that are raised by such weird crime in Sharabiah suburb, where the groom in his honeymoon and his bride slaughtered the owner of the house whom she opened its door and her heart to refuge them, yet her reward was slaughter by their hands

تفاصيل الجريمة البشعة التي هزت مشاعر سكان الحي الشعبي العريق بالكلمة والصورة في هذا التحقيق علي صفحات‮ Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?»‬اخبار الحوادث‮Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«.‬
جلس‮ Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?»‬احمد‮Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?« ‬خريج كلية الدراسات الاسلامية امام‮ ‬غرفة رئيس نيابة الشرابية ينتظر مثوله للتحقيق‮.‬
بجواره جلست عروسه شيريهان خريجة كلية التربية الرياضية‮.‬
التهمة الموجهة للعروسين هي القتل العمد مع سبق الاصرار والترصد وهي تهمة تصل عقوبتها الي الاعدام شنقا‮.‬

Ahmad is a graduate from Al Azhar uni, The Islamic studies section, is sitting down and next to him is his bride Sherihan, a graduate of Faculty of Sports, both are facing first degree murder which carries a death sentence

سبحان مغير الاحوال
منذ اسابيع قليلة كان يجلس احمد وعروسه امام المأذون ليعقد قرانهما والان يجلسان امام مكتب رئيس النيابة ليحقق معهما في الجريمة البشعة التي ارتكباها‮.‬
جاء الدور اولا علي احمد الذي وقف امام رئيس النيابة يدلي باعترافاته التفصيلية قائلا‮.. ‬اسمي احمد السيد حسن‮.. ‬حاصل علي بكالوريوس دراسات اسلامية من جامعة الازهر وانتمي الي عائلة ميسورة الحال‮.. ‬افسدني التدليل الزائد ورفقة السوء‮.. ‬نشأت شابا ضعيف الارادة‮ ‬غير قادر علي تحمل المسئولية‮.. ‬ارتبطت بعلاقة حب مع شيريهان وحاولت التنكر لها والتنصل من الزواج بها الا ان اسرتها ضغطت علي وأجبروني علي الزواج منها‮.‬

Look everyone what has happened to them, they possibly thought that they can escape Allah, or even they may have not thought about such at all, it is like Allah does not exist for such people, a few weeks back they were sitting next to each other in their wedding party very happy, now they are sitting next to each other facing the death penalty, what a change in a few weeks

Ahmad said: My name is Ahmad Alsayed Hassan, a graduate of Azhar uni, Islamic studies section, my family is above average and doing not too bad at all, however I was spoiled by them and by my the friends of evil that I have, I was raised to be a weak individual who is unable to carry any responsibility, I started a love relation with Sherihan but later I tried to dump her after she sought marriage but her family pressured me and forced me to marry her

لم استطع مواجهة افراد اسرتي بما حدث فاصطحبت عروستي وابتعدت بمشاكلي وفضائحي ولم يكن معي المال الكافي الذي يعينني انا وزوجتي علي الحياة‮.. ‬وكنا نتجول طوال النهار بحثا عن عمل ونقضي الليل في احدي اللوكاندات الصغيرة الي ان تعرفنا علي نهلة الكوافيرة التي توسطت لنا عند والدتها‮ Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?»‬حسنة‮Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?« ‬التي وافقت علي ان تؤجر لنا‮ ‬غرفة في منزلها بحي الشرابية بأجر رمزي‮.. ‬وكثيرا ما كانت تدعونا لتناول الطعام معها تقديرا منها لظروفنا‮.‬
المشغولات الذهبية الوفيرة التي كانت تتحلي بها‮ Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?»‬حسنة‮Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?« ‬اغرتني بقتلها والاستيلاء عليها حتي تنقذنا من الورطة التي نعيش فيها انا وعروسي‮.. ‬ونجحت في اقناع زوجتي بالاشتراك معي في قتل حسنة‮.‬

Ahmad continues: I could not face my family with what had happened so I took my wife and ran away with my problems and my shame and I had not enough money to support myself and my wife in this tough life, we were looking for jobs all day long and we spend the night in any cheap hotel, until we knew the hairdresser Nahlah who talked to her mother Hasnah to offer us a room in her house for almost nothing, most of the times she used to invite us to eat with her knowing the desperate status that we were suffering, this is when I noticed that she wears a lot of jewelry and planned to kill her and steal all her possessions to help us in our crisis, so I convinced my wife to partner me in killing Hasnah

وفي اليوم الموعود تناولنا السحور مع حسنة وأشرت لزوجتي اشارة خفية فقامت بشل حركتها وقمت بتسديد الطعنات لها حتي اتاكد من مصرعها‮.. ‬وكانت صدمتي القاسية عندما لم أعثر الا علي خاتمين فقط وقرط وهاتف محمول ومبلغ‮ ‬الف وستمائة جنيه وهربت مع زوجتي واستأجرنا شقة مفروشة في مدينة السادس من أكتوبر حيث تم القاء القبض علي‮.‬

Ahmad continues: On the day of the crime in Ramadan, after we ate with Hasnah the last meal of the day before we start fasting, I made the signal to my wife who quickly disabled Hasnah and I started stabbing her until I made sure that she was dead, then to my shocking surprise I only found 2 rings, an earring, a mobile phone and 1600 Egyptian pounds, I took it then escaped with my wife to another town where I rented a furnished apartment then later I was arrested

وجاء الدور علي الزوجة التي بدأت اعترافاتها‮ ‬قائلة اسمي شيريهان السيد حاصلة علي بكالوريوس تربية رياضية‮.. ‬تعرفت علي احمد في حلوان ونشأت بيننا علاقة عاطفية وتطورت الي علاقة جنسية وعندما طالبتة بالزواج مني رفض وحاول التنصل من المسئولية الا ان اسرتي ضغطت عليه فاضطر للزواج مني‮... ‬وانتقلنا للاقامة بالقاهرة وقبل الحادث باسبوع تعرفنا علي نهلة الكوافيرة التي ساعدتنا علي استئجار حجرة في منزل والدتها‮.. ‬وفي ذلك الوقت كنا في اشد حالات الاحتياج للمال وعندما شاهد احمد كمية المصاغ‮ ‬التي تتحلي بها القتيلة قرر قتلها وطلب مني الاشتراك معه في جريمته ولا اعلم اين ذهب عقلي عندما وافقته وشاركته في جريمته‮.‬

Now it is Sherihan's turn to have a say: My name is Sherihan, I have a bachelor degree in sports, I started to go out with Ahmad then a love relationship started which developed into a sexual relationship, so when I asked him to marry me, he refused and tried to dodge his responsibility, but my family pressured him until he was forced to marry me, we moved to Cairo, a week before the crime we knew the hairdresser Nahlah who helped us to rent a room in her mother�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s house for a very cheap price, we were very desperate for money at that time so when Ahmad saw her huge amount of jewerly he decided to kill her and asked me to help him in his crime, I did not know what happened to my mind when I agreed with him and committed the crime with him

See, there is no doubt that such people knew no God to fear, see what is the consequence, they now need to face the humans before they face God

I can assure you that both will be hanged

See how quickly they accepted Satan invitation, it took only a week after Nahlah introduced them to her mother to help them, what do you think how Nahlah feels now?, well, it is her fukin problem because she must have known that Arabs can never be trusted.

Talk to you later inshallah with the next horrifying crime
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Tue 21 Oct, 2008 4:03 pm
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Salam all

Today we will look at another horrible crime from the land of the Pharaohs, the land of 1000,000 Mosques, the land of Al Azhar Al Sharif, the land of Egypt.

This crime that you are about to read is far more horrible than the one you read above, it happened within the same time frame
المغتصبون يعترفون‮: ‬
خطفنا مديحة من الشارع‮..
‬اعتدينا عليها‮..
‬ثم قتلناها‮!‬

The rapists admission:

We kidnapped Madiha (a young woman) from the street
Then we raped her
Then we killed her

‮Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?»‬من يري وجوههم يظن لأول وهلة انهم وحوش حقيقيون وليسوا من بني البشر‮.. ‬حتي الذئاب لا تفعل ما فعله هؤلاء المجرمون‮!‬
بكل خسة ونذالة خطفوا مديحة في عز الظهر واقتادوها الي الزراعات واغتصبوها بوحشية ولم يرضهم هذا وانما قتلوها وحرقوا جثتها وانصرفوا وكأن شيئا‮ ‬لم يحدث‮!‬
ماذا حدث في أبوالنمرس؟
هذا ما سوف نجيب عنه الآن؟

The reporter is saying that those who see their faces (the rapists) will quickly recognise that he is dealing with true animals who are not from among the humans, even the wolves do not do what those rapists did.

They kidnapped Madiha at day light, took her into the bush then viciously raped her, then as if it was not enough, they killed her, then as if it was not still enough they burned her dead body, then they left as if nothing had happened.

This is what happened in Abu Alnumrus, a village in Egypt

الزمان‮: ‬عقارب الساعة تجاوزت الرابعة عصرا‮.‬
المكان‮: ‬داخل مركز شرطة الجيزة‮.. ‬بالتحديد مكتب المقدم أحمد مبروك رئيس المباحث‮.. ‬رجل يقف منهارا تماما‮.. ‬يتحدث بسرعة شديدة‮.. ‬ويلتقط منه رئيس المباحث الخبر أن ابنته عثر عليها مقتولة داخل أرض زراعية يمتلكها‮!‬

It was about 4 pm when a horrified man entered the police station talking hestiraclly to the police that he found his daughter been murdered in the bush in a land that he owns it

يهديء ضابط المباحث من روع الرجل‮.. ‬وواصل حديثه قائلا‮: ‬خرجت ابنتي مديحة في الساعة السابعة صباحا كعادتها الي الارض الزراعية لتقوم بعملها بعد ان اصبت بمرض اقعدني عن العمل وأصبحت ابنتي الكبري هي كل شيء في حياتي وسندي في عملي‮.. ‬المفروض أن تعود في الثانية ظهرا‮.. ‬لكنها تأخرت عن موعدها وهو ما جعلني اذهب اليها بعد ان دب الشك في قلبي‮.. ‬هرولت بسرعة الي الارض الزراعية‮.. ‬لاجدها ملقاه علي الارض‮ ‬غارقة في دمائها وعارية من ملابسها‮.. ‬جن جنوني‮.. ‬تركتها مكانها واتيت مسرعا ابلغ‮ ‬عن الحادث‮.‬

The father then said his story while the police office was trying to cool him down: My daughter left at 7 am as usual to work in our land after I aged and got sick and could not continue work, my daughter became everything to me in my life and the only one who supports me, when she was late after she did not come back at 2 pm as usual, I went to look for her in my land as doubt came to my mind, then I found her naked and dead blood every where

انتهي الاب من حديثه أمام رئيس المباحث الذي ابلغ‮ ‬اللواء أحمد عبدالعال مدير مباحث أكتوبر والعميد مصطفي زيد رئيس المباحث الجنائية‮.. ‬وتشكل فريق بحث أشرف عليه العقيد محمود الجمسي رئيس فرع البحث بقطاع الجنوب والمقدم محمد حسن وكيل مباحث أكتوبر‮.‬
وبدأ ضباط المباحث في جمع تحرياتهم لفك‮ ‬غموض الجريمة فالمجني عليها‮.. ‬عمرها‮ Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?»٨١ ‬سنة‮Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?« ‬وهي الابنة الوحيدة للأسرة والعائل لهم في رعاية الارض الزراعية التي يمتلكها والدها بعد أن اصيب الاب في حادث اقعده عن العمل وعدم قدرة والدتها علي الوفاء بمتطلبات المنزل وحدها والأرض الزراعية‮.. ‬فأصبحت الابنة هي الوحيدة التي يعتمد عليها الاب في الانفاق علي البيت‮!‬

تخرج مديحة من المنزل صباح كل يوم في تمام الساعة السابعة صباحا ولا تعود الا في الثانية ظهرا تكون قد انتهت من متابعة العمل وري الارض الزراعية وجني المحصول‮.. ‬ولكن قبل الجريمة اختلف الامر خرجت ولم تعد‮.. ‬أيضا تحريات ضباط المباحث اكدت ان المجني عليها حسنة السير والسلوك‮!!‬

The police quickly investigated the serious matter and confirmed the information been told to them by the father that she was the only daughter to him and was so sincere to him that she was the one working to support him after his disability to work any more, the police also confirmed that she was of a good reputation

لكن احد الاهالي أدلي بأوصاف بعض الاشخاص وهم أربعة افتعلوا مشاجرة معها بعدها اختفوا ومعهم الفتاة ومن خلال عرض بعض الصور علي الشاهد استطاع ان يتعرف علي أوصاف أحد الاشخاص‮.. ‬تبين ان اسمه سمير مسجل خطر وسبق ضبطه واتهامه في ‮٥١ ‬قضية متنوعة‮.. ‬تم تحديد مكان المتهم‮.. ‬وتمكن المقدم أحمد مبروك رئيس مباحث مركز الجيزة من القبض عليه وبعد مواجهته مع الشاهد انهار وارشد عن شركائه في الجريمة‮.. ‬واعترف انه كان مراقب المجني عليها منذ وقت لاغتصابها‮!‬
خاصة انه حاول معاكستها من قبل‮ - ‬لكنها نهرته الامر الذي قرر خطفها‮.. ‬فذهب اليه مع شركائه يحمل مطواة في طيات ملابسه‮.. ‬واختطفوها الي بين الزراعات وتناوبوا الاعتداء عليها بوحشية وخوفا من افتضاح أمرهم قتلوها ثم قاموا بسكب البنزين عليها واحرقوا جثتها حتي يخفوا معالم جريمتهم‮.‬

Some of the villagers informed the police that there was 4 men who made up a deliberate fight with her while she was walking in the street, the villagers identified one of the criminals when a few photos or registered and dangerous criminals were shown to them, the police then identified him as Samir and managed to located his hiding and arrest him who in turn lead to the arrest of his other three partners

Samir the rapist admitted that he was watching her for a while and decided to talk to her in the street but she insulted him so he decided to kidnap her so he and his 3 partners kidnapped her, raped her then killed her with a knife that one had, but they feared that they will be arrested so they decided to pour petrol on her dead body and burn it to conceal her identity

Here you have it, from the land of 1000,000 Mosques, the land where you hear the Azan 5 times a day loud and clear, the land where TV stations are full of religious programs saying: Qal Allah wa Qal Al Rasool�?????�????�???�??�?�¢?�?????�????�???�??�?�¦..i.e Allah has said and His messenger also said�?????�????�???�??�?�¢?�?????�????�???�??�?�¦..

Post Posted:
Tue 28 Oct, 2008 9:32 am
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This is absolutely disgusting. I can't believe people like this actually exist.

But bro, such incidents happen all over the world. In Detroit, there was an incident where a 5 year old girl was found dead, after being raped and strangled by a stranger. There are school shootings, molestations, and kidnappings all the time in the United States and many other countries. This isn't unique only to the Middle East.

Islam will overcome
Post Posted:
Mon 08 Dec, 2008 5:30 pm
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IntellectualWarfare1 wrote:
This is absolutely disgusting. I can't believe people like this actually exist.

But bro, such incidents happen all over the world. In Detroit, there was an incident where a 5 year old girl was found dead, after being raped and strangled by a stranger. There are school shootings, molestations, and kidnappings all the time in the United States and many other countries. This isn't unique only to the Middle East.

I understand mate, however Detroit is not calling themselves Muslims

Take care

Last edited by AhmedBahgat on Thu 03 Dec, 2009 4:30 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Posted:
Mon 08 Dec, 2008 5:39 pm
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Age: 59
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Salam all

Another strange comment that must be documented on Free Islam, it happened on the satanic web site Facebook

In there I got involved in a debate with my dear 50 years old cousin who lives in the USA, and my dear 46 years old brother who lives in Egypt

In brief, I was very pissed of after Egypt lost to Algeria and missed in qualifying for the world cup, but at the end of the day it was a mere game, however the Egyptians did not take the loss with sporty attitude rather, they went mad on all Algerians including its government, it was and still very ugly indeed, a real diplomatic problem happened between the two countries, even the son of the Egyptian president Hosny Mubarak, who is named Alaa Mubarak talked for the first time in his life on TV attacking the Algerians. The two sons of the Egyptians president, Alaa Mubarak and Jamal Mubarak attended the game in Sudan thinking that Egypt will eat Algeria, but they were stunned after Algeria beat Egypt

Now it may be true that the Algerians supporters attacked the Egyptian supporters after the end of the game which was played on neutral ground in Khartum-Sudan on 18/11/2009, but that is very common in soccer games and it happens every where in the world, this gave the excuse for the Egyptians through the media to intensify their attack on Algeria.

I honestly could not believe what was happening between these two Arab nations. Now, I can tell you straightforward that I do not like the Algerians, this feeling was born in me back in 1989 when Egypt played Algeria for 1990 world cup qualifications. On that day which I remember very well, the game was played in Cairo and Algerians soccer team was very aggressive and were trying to spoil the game and intimidate the players and 100,000 Egyptians watching the game in Cairo stadium, so I started not to like them from that point, a childish feeling I have to say, the outcome of that day almost 20 years ago was simply the Egyptians kept their cool and eliminated Algeria, 1990 was the last time Egypt played in the world cup, since then and for 20 they are struggling to make it, despite they won the African cup a record 6 times, they thought of themselves to be the best soccer nation in all Africa. Now, when the two teams met again a few days back in similar circumstances then the situation exploded, I looked at the issue in hand with patient while leaving all my emotions a side, I quickly realized that the Egyptians were in major fault, so I decided to expose them on facebook after reading the many responses by many Egyptians expressing their hatred to the Algerians, I quickly knew that the Egyptians were not angry because the Algerians supporters attacked the Egyptians supporters in Sudan, rather they were angry because they got beaten and their 20 years long dream was shattered in front of the two sons of the Egyptians president.

I was upset for my home country loss, but what upset me more is what the Egyptians did after that, all of them with almost no exception, from the poorest to the richest, from the illiterate to the educated, from the normal citizen to the president and his sons, from the children to the adults

It was very ugly, but I guess we should expect such ugliness when some Arabs cross path together. So with my short attacks on facebook that were based on undeniable, my brother and my cousin (both are named Hamdy) got pissed of with me so they started to defend the Egyptians to prove me wrong. I was so angry with their silly replies so I decided to leave work @ 10 AM to reply to them the way I should reply.

This is what I composed to them, please be aware that there are some paragraphs in Arabic, I did not translate that for my cousin ad brother because they read Arabic, and I am not planning to translate it for you on this web site, it will be a waste of time, but I am sure you will guess right what is in all these Arabic paragraphs, so let the show begins:

Salam brother Hamdy, Cousin Hamdy and all

This is going to be a long comment, so bear with me please and be assured that I love you and respect you both, so please do not be offended as I am going to be a bit aggressive in this comment. You made my blood boil at work so I decided to leave and head home so I can reply to you and prove to you that you are wrong, as well reply to all your comments on my note that I posted this morning.

We are going to talk about a lot of things, firstly the definition of a country:

See, a country cannot be a country without people living in it, in fact a country should never exist without people, therefore when people say that they love their country, it has to mean one thing, that they love its people and its government who made that country a nice place to live in.

Now when I say that I love Australia dearly, it should mean the following, that I love its people and its government dearly, i.e. because of them, Australia existed and achieved what it achieved so far and still achieving. Without the Australians, Australia will never be a good country, in effect, without the Australians and what they did to their country, Australia would have never existed from the first place.

Now you tell me, what the Egyptians did for their country, I can tell you with certainty, that they fuked it, just looking at the last 28 years and it should become apparent for the blinds, this is what an Egyptian newspaper said

كشف أحدث تقرير صا در عن الأمم المتحدة للتنمية البشرية أن مصر تراجع ترتيبها على مستوى العالم من 44 لتحتل المركز الـ 120علي المستوي الدولي فيما يسبقها الآن في الترتيب معظم الدول العربية. التقرير أوضح أيضا أن دين مصر الخارجي الذي كان عام 1981 أقل من 4 مليار دولار قد تجاوز الأن الـ34 مليار دولار و أن دين مصر الداخلي كان في عام 1981ميلاديه أقل من نصف مليار جنيها والأن أصبح أكثر من خمسمائة مليار جنيها. وأشار التقرير إلى أن الدولار كان يساوي يساوى 80 قرشا في بدايات حكم الرئيس مبارك فيما يقترب الآن من الستة جنيهات بعد أن تجاوز سقف السبعة جنيهات ووفقا لمعلومات التقرير الدولي فإن مساحة الرقعة الزراعية السوداء والتي كانت في عام 1981 ميلادية تبلغ 6 مليون فدان باتت في الوقت الراهن لا تتعدي الأربعة ملايين فدان. والجدير بالذكر أن الحكومة المصرية تقول أن مساحة الرقعة الزراعية زادت منذ عام 1981 م لتصبح 8 ملايين فدان وتجاوزت معدلات البطالة العشرة بالمائة، وتفاقمت معدلات التسرب من التعليم ولا تزال نسبة الأمية 65% رجال و40% بين النساء ونوه التقرير إلي ارتفاع المتوسط العام لأسعار السلع و الخدمات أكثر من 100 ضعف منذ عام 1981 ميلاديه و انخفض المتوسط العام للدخول الحقيقية أكثر من 10 أضعاف أى أن تكلفة المعيشة الحقيقية ارتفعت و معها تدهورت الأحوال المعيشية الحقيقية والقدرة الشرائية للشعب المصرى أكثر من 1000 ضعف فى عهد الرئيس مبارك

Far out, in just 28 years, the Egyptians fuked Egypt more than it was fuked already

In 1981, Egypt was ranked 44 on the developed countries list, now it is ranked 120, please put your hands together for the deluded Egyptians, flap flap flap, I am clapping to them but with my feet instead.

In 1981, Egypt international debit was under $4,000,000,000, now it is $34,000,000,000, please put your feet together for the deluded Egyptians, flap flap flap.

In 1981, the US dollar was 80 piastres, now it is 570 piastres, please put your feet together for the deluded Egyptians, flap flap flap.

In 1981, the Egyptian black agriculture land was 6,000,000 Acres, now it is under 4,000,000 Acres, please put your feet together for the deluded Egyptians, flap flap flap.

In 1981, the internal debit was under EP500,000,000, now it is EP500,000,000,000, please put your feet together for the deluded Egyptians, flap flap flap.

From 1981 till 2009, the average income decreased by 10% while the goods and services prices increased more than 100%, please put your feet together for the deluded Egyptians, flap flap flap.

In fact the power to buy by Egyptians decreased in the last 28 years 1000 times, please put your feet together for the deluded Egyptians, flap flap flap.

How about the simple thing in life, like having good enough roads and transport, in Egypt you spend most of your days at any time between 7AM till 2AM stuck in traffic or moving like a turtle, Egypt was not like that in the early 80s, please put your feet together for the deluded Egyptians, flap flap flap.

How about illiteracy, it was 65% in the 80s, and still is 65% in the 21 century, please put your feet together for the deluded Egyptians, flap flap flap.

What more bizarre is certainly this, the average yearly income in a country like Australia is A$50,000, but in Egypt, it is A$7000, yet when you want to buy a brand new car (let�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s say a Mitsubishi lancer 1.8) you pay in Egypt about EP100,000, and in Australia you pay A$20,000, i.e. the exact same price, the same is for even a can of coke, in Egypt you may pay up to EP4 while in Australia you pay 50 cents for it. See, most Egyptians (over 50%) will struggle to have a can of coke a day, while all Australians afford to have 5 cans of coke a day.

Even with the basics of food, like meat, the Egyptians pay about EP40 for a kilo, while the Australians pay about A$8 for a kilo, same fukin price exactly, the Australian families can have 2 kilos of meat a day, while most Egyptians families will struggle to have the same per week. See for an Egyptian, 2 kilos of meat a weak, means EP320 per month. While for an Australian, 10 kilos of meat a weak, means A$280 a month, if the Australians consume like the Egyptians, 2 kilos a weak, then it means for them A$56 a month.

The above is just a fraction of some facts, we should read more real facts about morality as I keep replying to you

Now we know well that a people are nothing but a group of individuals, so let�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s have a quick look at some individual Egyptians from all types of people that make all the Egyptians

The examples are numerous man. Since the internet blossomed, I read all the Egyptian newspapers daily, just to keep myself updated with how such country is progressing and at the same time see how the country I am living in is progressing

Let�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s look at an exmaple from the rich Egyptians, like Hisham Talaat Mustafa, who suppose to be a religious man as well, who built many mosques and was praying 5 times a day as well reading the Quran. You get the impression that such individual Egyptian has it all, money as well being close to Allah, yet we see such individual Egyptian behaving like any other stupid thug who knows no God or faith. He must be an ignorant Egyptian, a Jahil man inside while in then outside he is perfect, he even have millions of admirers

Some may say that money fuked him, I say not really, because I have seen many rich people who are not even Muslims and never acting like such criminal Hisham Talaat Mustafa, and to prove my point further let�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s move on to the opposite spectrum, i.e. let�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s look at an individual Egyptian who is very poor, but also reads the Quran all the time and pray 5 times a day:

ربة منزل تقتل طفلها وطفلة شقيقتها فى مدينة نصر

كتب عمر حسانين ٢٤/ ١١/ ٢٠٠٩
نفذت ربة منزل فى مدينة نصر مذبحة بشعة، أنهت حياة طفلها وطفلة شقيقتها، وأنقذت الشرطة ضحية ثالثة من بين يديها، أوضحت التحقيقات الأولية بإشراف اللواء فاروق لاشين، مدير الإدارة العامة لمباحث العاصمة، أن المتهمة أصيبت بأزمة نفسية دفعتها إلى ارتكاب الواقعة، ألقى القبض عليها وعثر على أشلاء الضحيتين داخل مسكنها فى عزبة الهجانة، وأخطرت النيابة التى انتقلت لمعاينة موقع الحادث وتولت التحقيق.
بدأت التفاصيل البشعة منذ أيام عندما لاحظ الطباخ عنتر صبحى Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«٣٨ سنةÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?» تغيراً فى سلوك زوجته هاجر عبدالعظيم Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«٣٣ سنة Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?¢?? ربة منزلÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?»، وأمس الأول، ساءت حالتها النفسية، وقبل أن يغادر إلى عمله، اتصل بشقيقها حسنين، المقيم فى إمبابة وطالبه بالحضور إلى المنزل لمعرفة ما أصاب شقيقته، ثم انصرف الزوج إلى عمله. وصل شقيق الزوجة إلى شارع المزرعة فى عزبة الهجانة Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?¢?? حيث تقيم - فوجد الباب مغلقا،
وفى الداخل صوت صراخ واستغاثة من طفل صغير، استدعى زوجها الذى أبلغ اللواء عبدالجواد أحمد عبدالجواد، نائب مدير أمن القاهرة، انتقل إلى مكان البلاغ اللواء أمين عزالدين، مدير مباحث القاهرة، والمقدم أحمد الألفى، رئيس مباحث قسم أول مدينة نصر، وتم فتح باب الشقة ووجدت المتهمة تمسك طفل شقيقتها يوسف نعيم، البالغ من العمر عامين ونصف العام، وفى يدها سكين ملوثة بالدماء وتحاول ذبحه، تم السيطرة عليها بمعرفة العميد حسن السوهاجى وإنقاذ الصغير.
أثناء تفتيش المكان عثر على جثة طفلها يامن، البالغ من العمر عامين ونصف العام، مفصولة الرأس والذراعين، وإلى جوارها جثة طفلة شقيقتها فاتن أشرف Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?« ٥سنواتÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?» مفصولة الرأس والذراعين والقدمين والكوعين، داخل إحدى الحجرات وسط بركة من الدماء.
دلت التحقيقات التى أشرف عليها اللواء فاروق لاشين، مدير الإدارة العامة لمباحث العاصمة، أن المتهمة وجدت الضحايا يلعبون أمام باب الشقة، حيث يقيم الجميع فى منزل واحد، استدرجتهم إلى الداخل ونفذت جريمتها البشعة.
وبمناقشتها بمعرفة اللواء سامى سيدهم، نائب المدير العام، أخذت تهذى بكلمات غير مفهومة

Holy crap dear, brother and cousin, was that in Egypt by a Muslim and devoted woman?

She was bloody reading the Quran and praying 5 times a day, yet she killed her own 2 years old son, and chopped off his head, hands and legs, what the fuk!!, then she killed the 4 years old daughter of her sister in law then chopped off her head legs and hands, what the fuk!!, then she tried to kill the other son of her other sister in law but he was saved on the neck of time.

She claimed to have sent them to the heaven, see below:

جريمة Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«الهجانةÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?» استغرقت ساعتين.. والجيران أنقذوا الطفل Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«يوسفÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?».. والمتهمة تفننت فى ذبح الضحيتين

كتب فاروق الدسوقى وفاطمة أبوشنب ٢٥/ ١١/ ٢٠٠٩
ساعتان هى مدة الجريمة البشعة التى شهدتها منطقة عزبة الهجانة بمدينة نصر.. تفننت المتهمة فى تقطيع جثتى ابنها وابنة شقيقة زوجها إلى أشلاء.. وكانت تشرع فى قتل يوسف Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«٤سنواتÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?» ابن شقيقة زوجها الأخرى..
المتهمة توجهت إلى مسرح الجريمة قبل الحادث بساعات وهى تحمل سكيناً وÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«سنتهÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?» ونفذت جريمتها.. اصطحبت الضحيتين والطفل يوسف الذى نجا من الموت إلى شقتها بالطابق الأرضى وبدأت جريمتها بقتل طفلها ثم طفلة شقيقة زوجها.
قالت شقيقتا زوج المتهمة إنها تدعى الجنون للإفلات من العقوبة وقررتا أنها فعلت ذلك للانتقام بسبب غيرتها الشديدة من الأسرة وإنهم يتمنون إعدامها وتقطيعها فى ميدان عام.
التقت Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«المصرى اليومÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?» بالطفل يوسف Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«٤ سنواتÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?» الذى نجا من الموت قال: Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«هاجر قتلت يامن وفاتن توسلت إليها بعدم قتلها وظلت تصرخ وتنادى على أمها إلا أنها قامت بطعنها بالسكينÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?».
والدة الضحية فاتن قالت: Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«قطعت ابنتى أشلاء حرام عليها ذنب الطفلين إيه.. المتهمة ابنة عمتى إلا أنها من يوم ما تزوجت وهى غيرانة مننا، منذ أسبوعين اتهمتنى أنا وأشقائى بأعمال السحر ومحاولة إيذائها فاتصلنا بشقيقها ومن أسبوع أثناء جلوسها معنا أمام التليفزيون فوجئنا بها تقول إن الأشخاص الموجودين فى التليفزيون يتحدثون معها وهى تكلمهم ورغم ذلك كانت تقرأ القرآن وتصلى الصلوات فى أوقاتها فلو هى Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«ملبوسةÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?» مثلما تقول لما كانت استطاعت قراءة القرآنÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?».
يوم الحادث خرجت من المنزل - الكلام لوالدة الضحية - فى وقت الظهيرة وبصحبتها طفلها Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«يامنÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?» عارياً تماماً من ملابسه، فاتصلت بشقيقيها للبحث عنها، إلا أنها حضرت عقب ذلك وصعدت بالطابق الثالث واعتذرت عما فعلته واصطحبت ابنها وفاتن ويوسف بحجة تناول الطعام بشقتها.
وأضافت أن هاجر دخلت شقتها بالطابق الأول فى الثانية والنصف ظهراً بصحبة الأطفال الثلاثة وظلوا معها ساعتين، فحضر شقيقاها وجلسا معنا نصف ساعة ونزلنا جميعاً نطرق على الباب إلا أنها لم تفتح.. والدتى صرخت وقالت لتكون عملت فى نفسها حاجة كسرنا الباب ووجدناها واضعة خلفه كنبة Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«أنتريهÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?» والشقة مظلمة وصوت التليفزيون مرتفع، فدخلنا غرفة النوم فاصطدمت قدمى بيد فاعتقدت أنها يد عروسة لعبة فقامت والدتى بفتح لمبة الغرفة فوجدت هاجر جالسة على السرير وتضع السكين على رقبة يوسف وبالبحث عن ابنتى اتضح لى أن اليد التى اصطدمت بها هى يد ابنتى وكانت بالنسبة لى صدمة بعد أن وجدت رأسها وقدميها مفصولة.
قالت والدة الطفل يوسف: Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل، ضحت بهما فى العيد.. حرام عليها قتلت يامن كان هيكمل ٣ سنوات فى شهر مارس المقبل وفاتن كانت هتكمل خمسةÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?» وأضافت أن ابنها أنقذته العناية الإلهية من موت محقق وأن المتهمة هاجر قتلت ابنها وظلت فاتن تتوسل إليها بعدم قتلها إلا أن قلبها أصبح كالحجر ونفذت جريمتها.
قال على سليم، أحد الجيران، شاهد عيان، إنه سمع صوت صرخات واستغاثة، وأنه عندما اقترب من منزل المجنى عليهما، شاهد المتهمة تخرج من المنزل وفى يدها الطفل يوسف، وفى يدها الثانية Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«سكينÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?» وتظهر عليها آثار دماء، وأنه اقترب منها، وحاول تهدئتها، إلا أنها رفضت ترك يوسف.
وأضاف أن المتهمة كانت فى حالة انهيار، وكانت تردد بعض الكلمات، مثل: Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«ارتحتÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?».
قال هانى محمود، شاهد عيان، إنه شاهد المتهمة أثناء خروجها من باب المنزل ويحاول الجيران إبعاد الطفل عن يدها، بعد أن شاهدوها تمسك سكيناً فى يدها الأخرى وعليها آثار دماء، وأن الأهالى تمكنوا من السيطرة عليها وأخذ الطفل منها، وقاموا بإدخالها فى أحد المنازل وأغلقوا عليها الباب، حتى لا يفتك بها الأهالى الذين شعروا بأن المجنى عليهما طفلاهم هم، وليس طفل المتهمة وابنة شقيقة زوجها، حتى جاءت الشرطة، وسيطرت على الموقف، ومنع الأهالى زوجها من الاقتراب منها، خوفاً من أن ينتقم منها، أو يحاول الاعتداء عليها، وكانت تردد: Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«هما اللى اضطرونى لكدةÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?»..
ولكن لا أحد يعرف من الذى تتحدث عنه! فى بداية الأمر شعرنا أنها تتحدث عن أهل زوجها، ولكن بعدما اقتربنا منهم اكتشفنا أنه لا توجد خلافات أسرية تدفعها لقتل طفلها وابنة شقيقة زوجها، خاصة أنهما طفلان لا علاقة لهما بأى شىء.

So tell me guys, what the fuk was that?, a religious woman killing young children in the worst manner possible to send them to the heaven, well if she is fukin truthful then she should have only killed them, not chopping them to pieces

Where is the Quran that she reads everyday? Well let me tell you what the Quran says about such filthy and ignorant Egyptian mother:

And thus have their associates made it pleasing to most of the polytheists the killing of their children, that they may cause them to turn back and confuse for them their religion; and if Allah had willed, they would not have done it, therefore leave them and that which they forge.

[The Quran ; 6:137]

وَكَذَلِكَ زَيَّنَ لِكَثِيرٍ مِّنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ قَتْلَ أَوْلاَدِهِمْ شُرَكَآؤُهُمْ لِيُرْدُوهُمْ وَلِيَلْبِسُواْ عَلَيْهِمْ دِينَهُمْ وَلَوْ شَاء اللّهُ مَا فَعَلُوهُ فَذَرْهُمْ وَمَا يَفْتَرُونَ (137)

Clearly, the associates command the polytheists to kill their children, they even decorate such evil act for them. As they did with such Mushrik and Muslim Egyptian woman, they made her to think that by killing them, she will send them straight to heaven, an allegation about Allah that she must have learnt from the man made books of crap hadith, her mind is certainly polluted by the crap hadith that those who die while being children. The hadith tell us that they should go straight to the heaven, which I am not opposing but also we cannot know if they will go straight to heaven or not, we cannot know it for certain, if Allah wants to throw the children who die straight into heaven, or throw them into hell? We know well that Allah always does what He wills and without being questioned, it is not our business whatsoever, we can only wish them to be granted the mercy of Allah and thrown into heaven

This is how the devil or the voices she was hearing from TV (as she alleged) were her associates (Shurakaa�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??ha), yet she also exposed herself by admitting that she killed them to get her revenge from her sisters in law

Here you have it, a perfect example to verse 6:137, which just happened a couple of days ago in the suppose to be Muslim country Egypt, by a suppose to be a Muslim and devoted Egyptian woman, I am sure she was wearing the Hijab as well, or even the Niqab. Can you see the undeniable fact that a believing Muslim woman who was praying 5 times a day as well reading the Quran, listened to her associates after they decorated for her killing the children, thinking that by doing so she will send them straight to heaven and get her revenge from her husband and her sisters in law

The main fact remains that she is nothing but another clear cut Mushrik Egyptian bound to hell (who thinks to be a believer)

Now let me go through some crimes by the Egyptian people, the Egyptians who make up your beloved country Egypt:

جامعى وزوجته قتلا أرملة طبيب الهرم لسرقتها
كشفت مباحث الجيزة غموض مقتل أرملة طبيب بالهرم، تبين أن وراء ارتكاب الجريمة طالباً بكلية الهندسة وزوجته، دلت التحريات والتحقيقات الأولية على أن المجنى عليها سيئة السلوك لقيامها باستضافة راغبى المتعة من الشباب والفتيات داخل شقتها مقابل ٤٠٠ جنيه،وأضافت التحريات أن المتهمين مرا بضائقة مالية فقررا سرقة المجنى عليها، وتبين أنهما تعديا بالضرب عليها وربطا قدميها بالحبال، وألقى بها الطالب

Haha, obviously studying Engineering did not teach such criminal a thing, we almost fell in the same Egyptian trap if you remember dear brother, only Allah saved us (alhamdulellah), this is because in your beloved country, they don�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t teach the Egyptians integrity, morals and principals, and even if they do, it is never practiced, almost everyone around you is doing something bad.

How about we look at some Egyptian police officers:

إحالة ضابط وشرطيين و٣ تجار للجنايات لاتهامهم بسرقة Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«ذهبÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?» من أحراز قضية قتل جواهرجى

أمر المستشار عبدالمجيد محمود، النائب العام، بإحالة ضابط وأمين شرطة ورقيب بمركز شرطة الخانكة، و٣ تجار ذهب إلى محكمة الجنايات، لاتهامهم باختلاس حرز عبارة عن كمية كبيرة من الذهب، كانت النيابة أمرت بالتحفظ عليها فى قضية مقتل جواهرجى، أعد أمر الإحالة وائل شهاب، رئيس النيابة الكلية.وكشفت التحقيقات

Haha again, tell me dear brother and dear cousin, how many you think may be corrupt in the Egyptian police force?

I reckon more than 50%, and that is really bad in a so called Muslim country, with 90% of its people are Muslims saying every bloody day:

La Ilah Illa Allah, Muhammed Rassol Allah
Inna Lellah Wa Inna Ilaihi Ragioon
Allah Akbar
Qal Allah wa Qal Al-Rasool

I am sure that corruption in the police force is in every country, for example in a so called Kafir country like Australia, it cannot be more than 1%, this is because they are always exposed and jailed on the fly, Man, how deluded the Egyptians are.

How about we look at an Egyptian doctor, a big one he is, Wakil Wizarah:

إحالة وكيل وزارة الصحة بالفيوم و٥ أطباء للمحاكمة التأديبية فى واقعة وفيات Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«العناية المركزةÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?»

قرر المستشار سمير البدوى، رئيس هيئة النيابة الإدارية، إحالة الدكتور حسين صوفى أبوطالب، وكيل وزارة الصحة بالفيوم، إلى مجلس التأديب المختص بجامعة الزقازيق، وهى الجهة المعار منها إلى وزارة الصحة، وإحالة ٥ من الأطباء العاملين بوحدة العناية المركزة بالمستشفى العام فى المحافظة إلى المحكمة التأديبية،

Hmm, how about that the prophet said:

Inna Allah Yuhib Mn Amal Menukum Amalan An Yutqinihi

Sure, dear prophet, such Muslim and Wakil Wizarah was doping what you adviced him to do

How about when the Egyptian cops cross together, it is going be ugly I tell you, sort of like when Egypt and Algeria crossed path together:

عميد شرطة بالمعاش يتهم ٦ ضباط باحتجاز ابنه وتعذيبه
تحقق نيابة النزهة فى بلاغ تقدم به عميد شرطة بالمعاش إلى النائب العام اتهم فيه ٦ من ضباط الشرطة بتعذيب ابنه (١٦ عاماً) داخل قسم النزهة، بسبب قيامه بتصوير اشتباكات وقعت بين الشرطة ومشجعين غاضبين لعدم حصولهم على تذاكر مباراة مصر والجزائر، التى وقعت أمام نادى الشمس يوم ١٢ نوفمبر الجارى.روى العميد محمد عبدالرحمن الغنيمى فى محضر التحقيقات تفاصيل ما حدث مع إبنه قائلاً

Hmmm, well, if am an Egyptian who lives in Egypt, then, fuk yah, let the bastards cross with each other, clap clap, c

Post Posted:
Wed 02 Dec, 2009 4:33 pm
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Read above first ^^^^

How about we look at two brothers, I guess if one is blind, the other brother may not and possibly will make wake up:

إحالة شقيقين إلى الجنايات لاتهامهما بقتل عامل حاول إرغامهما على ممارسة الرذيلة معه

أمر المستشار عادل عمارة، المحامى العام لنيابات شرق الإسكندرية بإحالة شقيقين إلى محكمة الجنايات لمحاكمتهما بتهمة القتل العمد بعد الموافقة على قرار الإحالة وقائمة أدلة الثبوت التى أعدها محمد صلاح، رئيس نيابة شرق الكلية وتضمنت قيام المتهمين محمد عبدالمنعم على أحمد، طالب بالصف الثالث ثانوى صناعى وشقيقه

Hmm, it seems that both brothers are fuked and blind, some may say but the one who was killed wanted to have sex with them, which in an Arab country, is fukin bad, so they were right to kill him. I say, but how did they cross path with him, they must had some sort of a relation, you know, also your beloved country Egypt is full of fags, just pay a visit to al-Hussain and you should meet hunderds of fags in there, it is their established land.

How about we look at a tradesman:

القبض على Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«خراطÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?» بعد اغتصابه ٤ تلميذات بشبرا الخيمة

ألقت مباحث قسم ثان شبرا الخيمة، القبض على Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«خراطÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?» أثار الذعر بين أولياء الأمور والأهالى، لقيامه بالاعتداء جنسيا على طفلاتهم فى منزل مهجور عقب خروجهن من المدارس وعقب اكتشاف تعديه جنسيا على ٤ طفلات فى أوقات متفرقة، أحيل المتهم إلى النيابة فأمرت بحبسه على ذمة التحقيقات.كانت البلاغات قد انهالت على

Hmm, how many Egyptian girls are raped everyday in your beloved Muslim country, you reckon? In fact last week I read in another Egyptian newspaper (cannot remember it though) another horrible rape crime, a crime committed by an unemployed father against his 12 years old daughter, he raped her 3 times, and she became pregnant, when the young girl told her mother, her mother encouraged her not to tell anyone until she delivered the baby and only then they took the sinful father to the police.

Another fact about your beloved country is this:

اللواء فؤاد الدنف مدير الإدارة العامة للمرور: الحوادث أسفرت العام الماضى عن ٤٣ ألف ضحية ومصاب
Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«المرور وحوادث الطرق صداع يؤرق كل الأجهزة فى الدولة وقيادتها، وهى ليست مسؤولية جهاز المرور وحده، والمخالفة المرورية جريمة، تنهى حياة قائد المركبة وأبرياء آخرين، الإحصائيات فى العام الماضى سجلت أرقاماً مخيفة، حيث بلغت ٢١ ألف حادث، أسفرت عن ٧ آلاف قتيل و٣٦ ألف مصاب ودمرت ٢٨ ألف سيارة، وبفضل الجهود ومتابعة وزير الداخلية حبيب العادلى، تشير الإحصاءات

Holy shit man, is this how cheap the Egyptians are? 7000 die every year in car accidents, and the fuked up government does not want to do any shit about it.

In my Muslim country Australia, only 500 die every year and this is enough to drive the government crazy trying to save lives, they change the road laws like changing cloth, making it harder everyday to violate the road rules. In Australia the human life have no price tag on it, it is simply priceless, that is why I call it my Muslim country Australia, the real mother of the worlds, not the fake mother (who car not for its children) of your beloved country Egypt.

How about we look at an Egyptian teacher:

مدرس يضرب تلميذاً ويتسبب فى إصابته بنزيف فى قاع العين

تقدمت وفاء جابر محمد، ربة منزل Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«٣٥ عاماًÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?»، ببلاغ إلى نيابة البساتين رقم ٤٧٧٦٢، تتهم فيه مصطفى أحمد الهوارى، مدرس دراسات اجتماعية، بالاعتداء على ابنها بالضرب، وتسببه فى نزيف بالعين اليمنى.وقالت وفاء فى البلاغ إن Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«ابنها محمد أحمد، عمره ١٢ عاماًÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?»

A teacher like that would have gone beyond the sun if he did that to an Australian child, you won�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t believe how Australia takes care of the Australian children, for them they are the future of Australia, unlike the lost Egyptian children who spend most of their times playing in the streets. And how many Egyptian teacher beat the young students, you reckon?

In Egypt it is hard to marry, an undeniable fact, the very basic of life is even hard to do in your beloved country, only a few can, most Egyptian families are even ridiculous when a man wants to marry their daughter, by asking for so many unaffordable shit, so many are rejected, so when one is rejected, this is how he acted:

Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«مسجل خطرÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?» يحتجز أسرة ويمنعهم من الخروج لرفضهم زواجه من ابنتهم

رعب.. خوف.. تهديد.. شروع فى قتل واختطاف طفلة.. كل هذه الأحداث تعيشها أسرة فى منطقة زهراء مصر القديمة.. مسجل خطر يطاردهم فى الصباح والمساء.. بسبب رفضهم زواجه من ابنتهم، مزق الأب بالسيف وأصابه بشلل فى القدم والذراعين.. تعدى على ابنيه أثناء خروجهما من صلاة العشاء أصابهما بعاهة مستديمة، وأثناء عودة الأم

Well, that guy was a thug, so he knew how to deal with them the Egyptian way, but how many non thug is rejected everyday and left broken hearted? Fukin many.

How many child get kidnapped everyday in your beloved country, you reckon?

ضبط عصابة متخصصة فى خطف أطفال الخانكة لبيعهم فى الجيزة

ضبطت مباحث القليوبية تشكيلاً عصابياً تخصص فى سرقة الأطفال من منطقة الخانكة وبيعهم فى الجيزة، وألقت أجهزة الأمن القبض على سيدة وتواصل البحث عن شريكيها، وأحيلت المتهمة إلى النيابة التى أمرت بحبسها وسرعة ضبط وإحضار ربة منزل وعاطل.كان اللواء محمد الفخرانى، مدير أمن القليوبية، تلقى بلاغات عديدة من سيدات

There is even many Egyptian movies about such common crime in your beloved country.

How many house you have in Egypt that is not suitable for living, You reckon?

مصرع أب وطفليه فى انهيار منزل بمصر القديمة

لقى أب وطفلاه مصرعهم إثر انهيار منزل مكون من طابقين فى منطقة مصر القديمة، مساء أمس الأول، وأشارت تحريات المباحث إلى تهالك المنزل، المكون من ٤ غرف، وأن الأب المتوفى كان يسكن مع أسرته فى الطابق الأرضى، ولم ينج من الانهيار سوى زوجته.كان اللواء إسماعيل الشاعر، مساعد وزير الداخلية، مدير أمن القاهرة

Just wasted, a father and his two children, what a shame, certainly he had no other place to live, while on the other spectrum we have an Egyptian billionaire paying 3 millions bucks to kill a prostitute who stole from him 11 millions bucks. This is Egypt Ya Ablah. Remember that, deluded Egyptians

How many ignorant Egyptian kill another because of a cup of tea? Fukin many:

السجن ٧ سنوات لعامل قتل مزارعا بسبب كوب شاى فى سوهاج

عاقبت محكمة جنايات سوهاج فى جلستها أمس، عاملا من مركز سوهاج بالسجن المشدد ٧ سنوات لقيامه بقتل مزارع فى مشاجرة بينهما على المقهى بسبب الخلاف على أسبقية كوب شاى.صدر الحكم برئاسة المستشار على أحمد صقر وعضوية المستشارين سليمان عطا الشاهد وعياد عبدالوهاب، بأمانة سر خالد سلامة ومحمود فرج.ترجع وقائع

Killing in Egypt in not for a cup of tea only, but for so many other things too:

حبس سائق Ã???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?«توك توكÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?» وآخرين قتلوا تاجر أغنام فى المنيب

قرر المستشار حمادة الصاوى، المحامى العام الأول لنيابات جنوب الجيزة، حبس سائق توك توك و٢ آخرين، ٤ أيام على ذمة التحقيقات لاتهامهم بقتل تاجر أغنام فى المنيب، دلت التحريات والتحقيقات الأولية أن مشاجرة نشبت بين المجنى عليه والمتهمين بسبب أولوية المرور، أمر هشام حاتم، وكيل النيابة، بتشريح جثة

That was just from 2 days and one Egyptian newspaper Al-Masry Al-Youm. Most of the above crimes can never happen in a so called Kafir country like Australia, and even if it does happen more than your beloved country, have you forgotten that they are called Kafirs and your are called the Muslims who should fear Allah? The Muslims about whom Allah said the following:

كُنتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَتَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ وَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللّهِ وَلَوْ آمَنَ أَهْلُ الْكِتَابِ لَكَانَ خَيْرًا لَّهُم مِّنْهُمُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ وَأَكْثَرُهُمُ الْفَاسِقُونَ (110)
You are the best nation produced for the people; you command what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah. And if the people of the book had believed, it would have been better for them. Among them are believers and most of them are disobedient.
[Al Quran ; 3:110]

That cannot be the Egyptians, dear brother and dear cousin, they do not command what is right and forbid what is wrong, They do the opposite, you have seen a perfect example with Egypt vs Algeria match, in which it exposed them fair and square, it even exposed the son of the president of your beloved country, Alaa Mubarak, who for the first time in my life I hear him talking to the public, he never explained to us the allegations that we hear about him for fukin 25 years, since we heard that he forced Wajih Abaza to partner him in his car business, and when he first talked to the Egyptians on TV, he was so angry that he got beaten from Algeria and kept enticing the Egyptians to go mad at the Algerians, and the stupid Egyptians followed path. Flap flap to the confused Egyptians

How ridiculous are all your country�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s morals, principals and integrity, fukin unbelievable man, you should be ashamed of it as I learnt to be based on undeniable facts and not based on your delusions in your Barbie world, that you have been brainwashed to live it. Yet I still love Egypt, I only hate the Egyptians who fuked Egypt, from the poorest to the richest and from the illiterate to the highly educated ones, who do nothing to help their own country where they live. All of a sudden the most important issue in life was a fukin soccer game, and when they lost, it exposed them big times, I feel like crying for you man, and honestly and from the bottom of my heart I want your beloved country to be the best in the world, but that cannot happen by itself, it can only happen by the Egyptians, as it fukin happened by the Australians or the Americans, And because the Egyptians morality, principals and integrity has degraded so much, I do not see the light coming, but that should not in any way make it a fact that we should not talk about it, I will always talk about it till I die, no one will be able to stop me except death, and I thank Allah massively that he saved me from your beloved country, I cannot even imagine how someone like me would have been in dire now if I lived in there with my family for the last 20 years

Now it is time to reply to your comments which I did not read at work:

Abd Elhamid Elsayed
what typing disorder , i never meant disrespect to you , i am just joking with you , i love you my cousin

Lol, of course I knew that you was kiddin, however I did not take the joke context as I was damn serious, sorry.

I also love you and respect you very much dear cousin, more than you can imagine.

Abd Elhamid Elsayed
i love you and have different opinion , is this wrong?

Of course there is nothing wrong to have different opinions, but I reject opinions motivated by emotions, I am only interested and will respect opinions motivated by undeniable facts.

Hamdy Fayez Anis
things are getting tough..i can reply all your notes just cant manipulate not an ignorant, deluded or even emotionaly affected..its been 45 years now and i kept living in my dearest country..things might be brighter outside..but..there must be a price for it i just cant afford.

Well, I agree with you that there should be a price to pay to leave your country and look for a better life somewhere else, what you may not be aware of that there is also a price to pay to live in a country like Egypt. Now, it should be a comparison of which option is going to be the cheaper, certainly all of us should go with what will cost us less

Now, look at all Egyptians who might have a chance to look for a better life overseas, like those who go to work in Arab countries for example, or those who go to Europe and wash dishes, etc etc, all of them with no exception will go overseas, even some will pay the price of leaving their own children and wives behind and only see them once a year for a few weeks, for them even paying the price of leaving their country and families, will work out cheaper than living with them in your beloved country. A very practical example is our own dear mother, who when she got the chance, even leaving the children behind worked out cheaper for her, so she went for the cheapest, I am not blaming her, possibly if I am in her situation I would have done the same, but I am not sure if the price I should pay will also include my children and work out the cheaper, certainly brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers, are far cheaper to leave behind

Now what do you mean by your dearest country?

You cannot say that bro, you can only say so if you belong to more than one country, in such case one may be dearest than the other. What you said is nothing but confusion motivated by the fact that you have only this country to live in, the moment you get a decent offer in another country, you will fly on the fly. Stop living your Barbie world dear and educated brother, if you said so, motivated by the fact you just want yourself to feel good because you have no other place to go, then fine, I will accept that but only if you admit that.

Now let me go back to what you agreed on about your beloved country, that things are getting tough Why is that bro? Is it coincidence? Or do you think that Allah lied to us when He told us the following:

وَلَوْ أَنَّ أَهْلَ الْقُرَى آمَنُواْ وَاتَّقَواْ لَفَتَحْنَا عَلَيْهِم بَرَكَاتٍ مِّنَ السَّمَاء وَالأَرْضِ وَلَكِن كَذَّبُواْ فَأَخَذْنَاهُم بِمَا كَانُواْ يَكْسِبُونَ (96)
And if the people of the villages had believed and feared (Allah) We would have certainly opened upon them blessings from the sky and the earth, but they rejected, so We overtook them for what they were earning.
[Al Quran ; 7:96]

Therefore dear brother, if it is getting tough, then be assured that: the people of the villages had not believed and feared not (Allah), otherwise Allah: would have certainly opened upon them blessings from the sky and the earth

Now you accused me of being manipulator, now I ask you to tell me what exactly that I manipulated? Are all these stories about your beloved country manipulated?

And if I accused you of the followings:

An ignorant, deluded and emotionally affected, then I am right because I cannot believe that a 46 years old doctor involved with such crap on the satanic site facebook, as well, it became evident to me that you lack the knowledge of the Quran, I know you read it and still reading it, but you do not try to study it nor you try to make the time to study it, it is better for you to go fishing for hours than sitting for hours to study the Quran and understand fully what Allah is telling you, you sort of one of many who like the life of this world more than the hereafter, possibly you do not know that yet, but glad that I told you, you should be very worried now, because if I am right then you cannot be excused due to ignorance, as from now you are not ignorant with this possible fact any more, it is been said to you. You are also one of those ignorant Arabs who can easily manipulate the Quran, or the least follow the manipulated practise blindly to marry a second woman, then possibly a third and a fourth, as you get sick of the sex with them.

My point is this, I am not attacking you or the Egyptians, I am only stating facts without any atom weight of emotions and while being practical and honest as much as I can, it is you who were brainwashed well with the following:

مصر هى امى
نيلها هو دمى
شمسها فى سمارى
شكلها فى ملامحى
حتى لونى قمحى
لون خيرك يا مصر

Note for FI readers: The above is a popular song about Egypt that I used to hear everyday when I was a child living there


Post Posted:
Wed 02 Dec, 2009 4:39 pm
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